This Obamacare answer from Trump is gold.*

I have a healthshare plan for my family that runs about $16,000.OO a year. At last check in 2023, a comparable plan under Obamacare would run me about $40,000.OO a year with $5,000.OO deductables per family member. Obamacare has been a total failure for anyone that is self employed! Policies pushed by the left are almost always detriminal to the lower, middle , & working class in our country!
I have a healthshare plan for my family that runs about $16,000.OO a year. At last check in 2023, a comparable plan under Obamacare would run me about $40,000.OO a year with $5,000.OO deductables per family member. Obamacare has been a total failure for anyone that is self employed! Policies pushed by the left are almost always detriminal to the lower, middle , & working class in our country!
So come up with a better plan! The Donald had four years to do that. And he's had three and a half years since he lost the election. Still crickets.
Eh....I don't remember Obamacare being front and center, in this election.

The border
Russia and Israel
Election integrity


Can't remember the last time I heard about Obamacare.
Eh....I don't remember Obamacare being front and center, in this election.

The border
Russia and Israel
Election integrity


Can't remember the last time I heard about Obamacare.
I think health care generally is always a top 5 topic with voters. Even those on this thread complaining about Obamacare obviously have strong feelings about it.
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So come up with a better plan! The Donald had four years to do that. And he's had three and a half years since he lost the election. Still crickets.
The ACA as originally written with the individual mandate would have drastically reduced healthcare plan cost but we know who's fault that got stripped out. And let's not pretend like healthcare in America before the ACA was fantastic. Insurance companies could drop or disapprove treatment pretty much at will for the smallest things.
The ACA as originally written with the individual mandate would have drastically reduced healthcare plan cost but we know who's fault that got stripped out. And let's not pretend like healthcare in America before the ACA was fantastic. Insurance companies could drop or disapprove treatment pretty much at will for the smallest things.
Bullshit. I had a family BCBS plan that was cancelled due to the ACA here in Georgia and the new plan was 3 x higher than my BCBS plan w a 7k deductible per person.
Obamacare has been a total failure for anyone that is self employed!
This is totally false... I am sorry... the self-employed can ONLY be guaranteed healthcare because of Obamacare, which eliminated pre-existing conditions - in the old days if, say, you had asthma or something, you'd get a rider EXCLUDING pulmonary care, etc.

You perhaps live in a state (like Georgia) that didn't properly implement its benefits. Sorry for that. BUT ... you know, states rights and all...

there is a reason why there is a health care crisis in the South and other red states.
Bullshit. I had a family BCBS plan that was cancelled due to the ACA here in Georgia and the new plan was 3 x higher than my BCBS plan w a 7k deductible per person.
Georgia did not fully implement the ACA and still has not fully adopted medicaid expansion.
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My insurance was cancelled by BCBS 45 days after the ACA took effect.

Have a nice day.
again, you can thank your state legislature for their refusal to fully implement the ACA, which has benefitted so many other states. When Trump won in 2016, I changed my residency, which I was lucky to be able to do, in order to get better health insurance... I am sorry for the many who cannot do so as easily.

Thanks to the state government's intransigence, Georgia is now according to Forbes the worst state for health care in the nation - it ranks similarly poorly in almost any ranking system you can find. US News has it #44 re: access to health care, ranking in quality not much better, which is shocking when you consider that it's home to Emory/Grady:

Top 5 Worst States for Healthcare​

1. Georgia​

Georgia’s score: 100 out of 100

The Peach State ranked third worst in our category examining healthcare cost due, in part, to the state having the second highest percentage of residents who chose not to see a doctor at some point in the past 12 months due to cost (15.50%).

Georgia also stands out as the state with the:
  • Third highest percentage of residents who lack health insurance coverage (12.63%).
  • Fifth highest kidney disease mortality rate (18.87 deaths per 100,000 state residents).
  • Eighth highest stroke mortality rate (44.27 deaths per 100,000 state residents).
  • Eighth highest average deductible for residents with single health insurance coverage through an employer ($2,269 annually).
Following Georgia on the list is Alabama, North Carolina, and Mississippi with South Carolina rounding out the bottom five.
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So come up with a better plan! The Donald had four years to do that. And he's had three and a half years since he lost the election. Still crickets.
Actually, I wish we had more pols that would give you honest concepts that would be presented for debate rather than promising to do X. Remember, Trump promised to repeal the ACA and got it thru the house and into the senate where every Pub had promised to vote to repeal the ACA for yrs. It wasn't the dems that saved the fascist health care model, it was 3 Pub senators that voted no, one of which had to be theatrical and give it the thumbs down gesture.

How about a concept of medicaid, medicare, subsidies for lower income families and everyone being able to buy a health insurance plan that meets their needs and doesn't include sawing off pappies dork if pappy doesn't want to pay for that "protection".
again, you can thank your state legislature for their refusal to fully implement the ACA, which has benefitted so many other states. When Trump won in 2016, I changed my residency, which I was lucky to be able to do, in order to get better health insurance... I am sorry for the many who cannot do so as easily.

Thanks to the state government's intransigence, Georgia is now according to Forbes the worst state for health care in the nation - it ranks similarly poorly in almost any ranking system you can find. US News has it #44 re: access to health care, ranking in quality not much better, which is shocking when you consider that it's home to Emory/Grady:

Top 5 Worst States for Healthcare​

1. Georgia​

Georgia’s score: 100 out of 100

The Peach State ranked third worst in our category examining healthcare cost due, in part, to the state having the second highest percentage of residents who chose not to see a doctor at some point in the past 12 months due to cost (15.50%).

Georgia also stands out as the state with the:
  • Third highest percentage of residents who lack health insurance coverage (12.63%).
  • Fifth highest kidney disease mortality rate (18.87 deaths per 100,000 state residents).
  • Eighth highest stroke mortality rate (44.27 deaths per 100,000 state residents).
  • Eighth highest average deductible for residents with single health insurance coverage through an employer ($2,269 annually).
Following Georgia on the list is Alabama, North Carolina, and Mississippi with South Carolina rounding out the bottom five.
So you want me to blame my State legislature for something that was a direct result of something Obama did? Kindly, go kick rocks sir.

I had just broken 2 vertebra , broken my shoulder, broken my arm , torn rotator cuff, grade 3 concussion, stitches in my head and shoulder and my insurance was cancelled. I was in a mountain bike accident and was medi vacced (sp) to a local hospital in NC and was then transported to Kennestone in Marietta.

BCBS left the State of GA , as a direct result of the ACA. I almost had to file bankruptcy over this. Please dont tell me who else to blame, Ive had enough of the ACA bullshit for a lifetime.
This is totally false... I am sorry... the self-employed can ONLY be guaranteed healthcare because of Obamacare, which eliminated pre-existing conditions - in the old days if, say, you had asthma or something, you'd get a rider EXCLUDING pulmonary care, etc.

You perhaps live in a state (like Georgia) that didn't properly implement its benefits. Sorry for that. BUT ... you know, states rights and all...

there is a reason why there is a health care crisis in the South and other red states.
Its always someone elses fault huh? Why cant you admit that Qbamacare has literally ruined health insurance as we knew it? Yes , you can get insurance. I had it for my healthy 21 yo son. It was $400 a month w a $8500 deductible. Drs visits were $100. ER visits $1000.

Please quit making excuses for the human excrement known as Obamacare.
BCBS left the State of GA , as a direct result of the ACA. I almost had to file bankruptcy over this. Please dont tell me who else to blame, Ive had enough of the ACA bullshit for a lifetime.
As I say, I am sorry for Georgians. You are not alone in people who have been screwed by insurance companies, which is in part why we have the ACA.
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Its always someone elses fault huh?
Again, sorry you got screwed. Not sure why you want to go to bat for the insurance companies here, which are also execrable.

The ACA passed... many states that did not fully implement wound up with fewer options for their citizens (and worse options, if anyone has ever dealt with Ambetter)... which is why you can either blame the legislatures that didn't implement or insurance companies (who bailed).

And while the ACA is not the best of all possible worlds, it is better than the pre-existing condition of health insurance prior to its passage. Certainly there is a better plan to be had, but, obviously, anything the Rs have to offer is in the "concepts" stage.
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Again, sorry you got screwed. Not sure why you want to go to bat for the insurance companies here, which are also execrable.

The ACA passed... many states that did not fully implement wound up with fewer options for their citizens (and worse options, if anyone has ever dealt with Ambetter)... which is why you can either blame the legislatures that didn't implement or insurance companies (who bailed).

And while the ACA is not the best of all possible worlds, it is better than the pre-existing condition of health insurance prior to its passage. Certainly there is a better plan to be had, but, obviously, anything the Rs have to offer is in the "concepts" stage.
Because before Obama inserted himself into the insurance industry, I had FANTASTIC insurance . I had zero problems w BCBS. I have many problems w Obama.
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I had FANTASTIC insurance . I had zero problems w BCBS.
so, wait ... but it sounds like you did have a problem with BCBS...

if you were covered when you went biking and they should have paid... even after they left the state...since you were under coverage when you had your accident...

(not trying to be argumentative - just trying to understand)
so, wait ... but it sounds like you did have a problem with BCBS...

if you were covered when you went biking and they should have paid... even after they left the state...since you were under coverage when you had your accident...

(not trying to be argumentative - just trying to understand)
Funny enough , thats the same thing I said lol They said that because they left the State they were no longer allowed to do business here. They did pay the bills that happened when the accident occurred , but there was so much more than that afterward. It took me 2 years to recover and I still have neck issues.
Funny enough , thats the same thing I said lol They said that because they left the State they were no longer allowed to do business here. They did pay the bills that happened when the accident occurred , but there was so much more than that afterward. It took me 2 years to recover and I still have neck issues.
Did the company that you signed on with thereafter not pay? (because that is what the ACA was designed to prevent... your injuries would have been a pre-existing condition ... but I am not clear how GA's policies are arranged since I "left" the state. In a state with fully-implemented ACA, your latter complications would be paid for once you met the deductible, etc.)
Did the company that you signed on with thereafter not pay? (because that is what the ACA was designed to prevent... your injuries would have been a pre-existing condition ... but I am not clear how GA's policies are arranged since I "left" the state. In a state with fully-implemented ACA, your latter complications would be paid for once you met the deductible, etc.)
They did end up paying for about 20% of it finally.

A lot of it was what they called " aftercare" , esp stuff like physical therapy etc. and it was in the tens of thousands. That was the end of my mountain bike racing career. I miss it so much , but if I crash again and land on my head I could be paralyzed.
They did end up paying for about 20% of it finally.

A lot of it was what they called " aftercare" , esp stuff like physical therapy etc. and it was in the tens of thousands. That was the end of my mountain bike racing career. I miss it so much , but if I crash again and land on my head I could be paralyzed.
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