This place would surely improve if the politics and hate would dial down a


National Champion
Jan 26, 2015
schosche....everybody that isn't uber right wing is a communist out to destroy the world ..... People wanting to help one another is green eyed socialism

ANY acceptance of the other side having a valid point at all is met with such dogma it makes me afeared that some of yall claim an education
What would help this place out the most is if mods would get in line.

F all the stupid shit you are spewing.
You eat with that mouth, son? ...

There's no call for startin a cuss fight
Then it would be the Huffington Post, where...

...all opinions are respected and tolerance is practiced by all.
Never read any hate on here. And you would find most more than willing to

Help a another. Just reject corrupt government or self righteous , hypocritical individuals or corporations telling someone else how to live or what is right. You're welcome to your opinion , just don't be intolerant and force it on others.
Socialism simply...doesn'

There is no tenet of the socialist bible that is valid. Entitlements are like a drug that hooks people and takes away their incentive. So "helping" people (for the most part) is actually hurting them.
The other side had the 20th century with its ideas...

mass murder, enslavement and poverty resulted from those ideas. Only someone who is horribly historically ignorant or driven by other, hidden urges (e.g. from others and to themselves, see below) could look at marxist/socialist policies and not understand that they are a siren song and have been proven to fail every single time.

Further, do you not realize that your comment about people wanting to help one another is green eyed socialism is a perfect example of you committing the very sin that you accuse others of. For starters, conservatives are more generous with their time and money. Advocating taking people's property (e.g. money) and spending it how you think someone with compassion would spend not 'wanting to help one another' but in fact is 'robbing someone of their property to give to another...because it makes me feel super self righteous to believe this and make comments about my goodness.' The other option is that they truly are authoritarian in their nature and want to dominate others.

That's leaving aside the uber right wing comment...which in and of itself is extremely biased and not even an accurate description of US conservatives since the US Founding was strictly classically liberal...and US Conservatives are actually classically liberal in their beliefs (which is why political groups in other countries who most closely align in ideology to the US conservatives...are typically called 'liberal' while those that align with the US left or liberals/progressives...are typically called socialist, communist, progressive, fascist, corporatist, etc).

This post was edited on 3/18 5:53 PM by southland
you sure you didn't accidentally stumble onto this site

While looking for the Bravo TV message board?
go back to your note pad and try different post such with

tiny post count makes odds at 99.5%...
just sayin, one should banter a bit prior to throwing jab at Chat.
Guess you're unaware that conservatives give MORE MONEY

to charity than do just WHO really wants to help other people?
Conservatives who actually DO IT or liberals who want you to give YOUR money but they don't do it themselves?

This was in a book published a couple of years ago by a liberal who admitted he was embarrassed by his findings
but he had to tell it like it was......Unlike many liberals when it comes to things like this....he felt compelled to tell the truth...

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