Thought I was going to witness a police shooting


Diehard supporter
Dec 31, 2005
I was out under my shed in my boat getting my stuff ready for a derby when I hear someone yell, "GET OUT OF THE CAR", Im thinking maybe a domestic dispute is happening a couple of houses down, but then I hear, "TURN OFF YOUR CAR AND THROW THE KEYS OUT OF THE WINDOW NOW". With that I stand up so I can see over the privacy fence in my back yard and I see flashing lights, a deputy aiming his pistol at a car and yelling instructions. I am happy to say that after another what seemed like couple of minutes and more shouting by the deputy, the guy complied and got out and lay face down as ordered. He waited till back up arrived then they moved in and cuffed the guy. Total of 5 deputies. After it settled down, I went over and talked to one of the deputies I knew. Guy had car jacked someone in another county and then was spotted here. When the deputy pulled in behind him he turned into my neighborhood I guess hoping the deputy would roll on by. BAD move btw. MY hood only has 1 way in and 1 way out and several of us know how to use weapons. Anyway, never did I think I would witness anything like this in my area. But young foolish idiots live everywhere I guess.
I was out under my shed in my boat getting my stuff ready for a derby when I hear someone yell, "GET OUT OF THE CAR", Im thinking maybe a domestic dispute is happening a couple of houses down, but then I hear, "TURN OFF YOUR CAR AND THROW THE KEYS OUT OF THE WINDOW NOW". With that I stand up so I can see over the privacy fence in my back yard and I see flashing lights, a deputy aiming his pistol at a car and yelling instructions. I am happy to say that after another what seemed like couple of minutes and more shouting by the deputy, the guy complied and got out and lay face down as ordered. He waited till back up arrived then they moved in and cuffed the guy. Total of 5 deputies. After it settled down, I went over and talked to one of the deputies I knew. Guy had car jacked someone in another county and then was spotted here. When the deputy pulled in behind him he turned into my neighborhood I guess hoping the deputy would roll on by. BAD move btw. MY hood only has 1 way in and 1 way out and several of us know how to use weapons. Anyway, never did I think I would witness anything like this in my area. But young foolish idiots live everywhere I guess.
You type very well when you're not pissed off.
Saw something similar in a hospital parking lot of all places. Cop was shouting instructions and had a shotgun to the head of guy in a car. Backup help arrived in minutes and they got him cuffed. Have no idea what he did but it got the attention of a really serious police officer.
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I was out under my shed in my boat getting my stuff ready for a derby when I hear someone yell, "GET OUT OF THE CAR", Im thinking maybe a domestic dispute is happening a couple of houses down, but then I hear, "TURN OFF YOUR CAR AND THROW THE KEYS OUT OF THE WINDOW NOW". With that I stand up so I can see over the privacy fence in my back yard and I see flashing lights, a deputy aiming his pistol at a car and yelling instructions. I am happy to say that after another what seemed like couple of minutes and more shouting by the deputy, the guy complied and got out and lay face down as ordered. He waited till back up arrived then they moved in and cuffed the guy. Total of 5 deputies. After it settled down, I went over and talked to one of the deputies I knew. Guy had car jacked someone in another county and then was spotted here. When the deputy pulled in behind him he turned into my neighborhood I guess hoping the deputy would roll on by. BAD move btw. MY hood only has 1 way in and 1 way out and several of us know how to use weapons. Anyway, never did I think I would witness anything like this in my area. But young foolish idiots live everywhere I guess.
I assume they are on desk duty now and will be charged soon? Baked ham for car jacker, so sad. Has Lebron weighed in yet? I need to know if I should bring the molotov cocktails or just my fireworks.