Threatened or made uncomfortable by banners and symbols

Boost Assendahm

Always Ready, Never Prepared
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Unless lots of them and large ones are being carried by idiots in a KKK rally, seeing a lone "Confederate Flag" or any foreign country's flag (war losers or not) offends me much less than seeing someone (anyone, anywhere) trampling or burning the U.S. Flag. Whatever happened to our collective outrage over various individuals and groups flouting their paranoia, fear, and hatred or our own citizens' freedom of expression by desecrating "Old Glory?" Seems to get our attention less than our first notice of the neighbor kid's new tattoo.
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Patriotism is frowned upon by the PC police. Hell, during the first Gulf War, my school had a t-shirt design contest to support our troops. My entry depicted a funny drawing of Saddam with a Patroit missile through his head. It won the student vote by a wide margin, but the principal refused to use it because he didn't want to offend the ONE rag head kid at our school. WTF kind of message does that send? F that principal and F all of the sand-in-vagina PC crowd.
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Patriotism is frowned upon by the PC police. Hell, during the first Gulf War, my school had a t-shirt design contest to support our troops. My entry depicted a funny drawing of Saddam with a Patroit missile through his head. It won the student vote by a wide margin, but the principal refused to use it because he didn't want to offend the ONE rag head kid at our school. WTF kind of message does that send? F that principal and F all of the sand-in-vagina PC crowd.
That's pretty off the chain