Throwback Thursday...HOTter now than she was with the schnozzola


War Daddy
May 29, 2001
Jennifer Grey
I have to post this every time. Danced with her in Atlanta when I was there working on getting a series 7 license. Hot as a 2 dollar pistol.
She was at some club we went to. Drunk enough to just ask

No body guards back then.
Re: Lime light? Confetti's? She could've learned to love you**

Only thing I remember was it was located in a strip mall in North Atlanta. She spent about half her time dancing in a cage above. I don't remember the name of the club.
Sounds like Lime Light; Piedmont and Peachtree. That used to be the fancy

Place to go dancing. Lots of celebrities hung out there.
It was in a strip mall next to a 24hr Kroger and across the skreet from my

Old elementary school - R. L. Hope , which is long gone to make room for Lenox Towers.

My friend Frank Miller got kicked out of there one night. This drunk little bitch was hitting on Franks gf and wouldn't stop, so Frank stopped it.
They kicked both if them out. When we told the bouncers outside what went down inside they said they'd take care of him...and they did.