Tim Walz is a dangerous lunatic

Amy Klobuchar was the prosecutor, the now Dem senator from Minnesota
Yeah. DA's run for office and like to put feathers in their cap. Just adding some context. There's no scientific evidence linking him to it. It was two gangs firing shots and a stray went through her window in her house and killed her. Someone was gonna pay for it and this kid seems to be the one chosen. Could it have been him? Possibly. But not really clear. He was 16 at the time it happened.
"An Associated Press investigation raised questions about issues with the prosecution, despite no DNA, no gun, and no fingerprints to convict Burrell. The case, according to the reports, relied on jailhouse informants who offered inconsistent testimony that Burrell was the one responsible."
The AP? Bleeding heart liberals all of them. I’m sure it was an even handed investigation lol. Wonder if you would be so cavalier about it if she were your daughter?
The AP? Bleeding heart liberals all of them. I’m sure it was an even handed investigation lol. Wonder if you would be so cavalier about it if she were your daughter?
Not being cavalier at all. When our own family members are involved there is less chance of being objective and that's understandable. If Trump had ripped off your daughter with his university or grabbed her by the *****, you probably wouldn't be nearly as supportive.
Not being cavalier at all. When our own family members are involved there is less chance of being objective and that's understandable. If Trump had ripped off your daughter with his university or grabbed her by the *****, you probably wouldn't be nearly as supportive.
Tell us again how you don't care about the policies enacted by the president as long as trump ain't it. Never once did you seem to have a problem with biden tweaking little girls nipples and smelling them. So, I don't think you really have a problem with trump grabbing a ***** its all just tds with you. Don't say biden isn't running because when he was you were his stooge.
Tell us again how you don't care about the policies enacted by the president as long as trump ain't it. Never once did you seem to have a problem with biden tweaking little girls nipples and smelling them. So, I don't think you really have a problem with trump grabbing a ***** its all just tds with you. Don't say biden isn't running because when he was you were his stooge.
Major TDS
Tell us again how you don't care about the policies enacted by the president as long as trump ain't it. Never once did you seem to have a problem with biden tweaking little girls nipples and smelling them. So, I don't think you really have a problem with trump grabbing a ***** its all just tds with you. Don't say biden isn't running because when he was you were his stooge.

Tell us again how you don't care about the policies enacted by the president as long as trump ain't it. Never once did you seem to have a problem with biden tweaking little girls nipples and smelling them. So, I don't think you really have a problem with trump grabbing a ***** its all just tds with you. Don't say biden isn't running because when he was you were his stooge.
Spot on!!!