Today are a result of let anyone and everyone come in without


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008
Checking them . Our dumba$$ president doing it to . What the hell? That country is a gun free zone .
I'll let them pitch tents in my front yard if they'll start hunting down necks.

Why are you so fearful of rednecks? Too dumb to outsmart them? Need help from Middle Eastern rednecks? How would that improve your situation? Do you really believe they will embrace your willingness to let someone else do most everything for you? Do you seriously believe that they want you to have it your way, now or any time in the future? Make a platter of finger sandwiches for them, and see how that works out for you.
I'll let them pitch tents in my front yard if they'll start hunting down necks.

Rednecks generally aren't the people these animals target. Women, children and metrosexuals are generally a lot softer targets than the boys hanging out at the VFW on Saturday night. Of course feel free to pitch them a tent on your property. I'm sure they would enjoy slitting your throat, taking over your home and making slaves out of the women in your life.