Top 3 worst states in the union for black Americans are liberal states of Wisc, Minn, Illinois


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Based upon income, poverty rate, home ownership, unemployment, infant mortality, education and incarceration rate. For instance the unemplyment rate of blacks in Wisconsin is 20.8%. Others in the top 10 worst are New Jersey, Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Penn, Louisiana, Michigan.
You do realize that 7 of the mentioned states have GOP governors and of those 7 governors 4 are run for the White House (Scott Walker - Wisconsin, Chris Christi - New Jersey, John Kasich - Ohio and Bobbi Jindal- Louisiana). This is the worse post in Dawgchat history.

This is why those with low intellect should not be allowed to use statistics. It's like giving a monkey a hand gun.
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You do realize that 7 of the mentioned states have GOP governors and of those 7 governors 4 are run for the White House (Scott Walker - Wisconsin, Chris Christi - New Jersey, John Kasich - Ohio and Bobbi Jindal- Louisiana). This is the worse post in Dawgchat history.

This is why those with low intellect should not be allowed to use statistics. It's like giving a monkey a hand gun.
"Low intelect" should not be allowed to vote either. That would solve the problem of that filth in WDC.
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You do realize that 7 of the mentioned states have GOP governors and of those 7 governors 4 are run for the White House (Scott Walker - Wisconsin, Chris Christi - New Jersey, John Kasich - Ohio and Bobbi Jindal- Louisiana). This is the worse post in Dawgchat history.

This is why those with low intellect should not be allowed to use statistics. It's like giving a monkey a hand gun.
You just ID'ed your self as the ignorant poster of the year. Wisky, NJ, Ohio all went for Obama! As did Illinois, Minnesota, Virginia, Pa, Fl, Mich.. 9 of 10 . Stupid is as does, so wallow in it.
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Vermont was real nasty on race relations...then again, the entire state is basically lily white.
Don't waste your time, it's like trying to teach Shakespeare to monkeys. It ain't going to happen.
You just ID'ed your self as the ignoramus of the year. Wisky, NJ, Ohio all went for Obama! As did Illinois, Minnesota, Virginia, Pa, Fl, Mich.. 9 of 10 . Stupid is as does, so wallow in it.

You're an idiot and don't even understand what you're typing. You called those 7 states liberal but they're run by the GOP. You can't call them liberal when their governor is a Republican. Go back to your hole son.
You're an idiot and don't even understand what you're typing. You called those 7 states liberal but they're run by the GOP. You can't call them liberal when their governor is a Republican. Go back to your hole son.
So you're saying the GOP has those locked down for 2016 presidental election and can focus their time and money anywhere. Who knew since all 7 plus two more (add figgering to your handicaps) went for Obama. Two things you'll never read in the Chicago Tribune. Cubs win Series and Ted Cruz wins Illinois Presidential vote! Change your handle from I'm shonuff to I dipsnuff.
who cares...Trumps winning...not just the Republican nomination but he is now beating Hillary in many national polls. Hell two months ago I would have said that was impossible. But everything he says is gold with average Americans...the Republicans are making a mistake if the underestimate the public's hatred of established politicians.
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So you're saying the GOP has those locked down for 2016 presidental election and can focus their time and money anywhere. Who knew since all 7 plus two more (add figgering to your handicaps) went for Obama. Two things you'll never read in the Chicago Tribune. Cubs win Series and Ted Cruz wins Illinois Presidential vote! Change your handle from I'm shonuff to I dipsnuff.

You're an idiot. Your original post is asserting that liberal policies are the reason for African Americans doing so poorly when in fact 7 or your 10 states are run by GOP Governors in acting GOP policies. Your argument completely falls apart.
You're an idiot. Your original post is asserting that liberal policies are the reason for African Americans doing so poorly when in fact 7 or your 10 states are run by GOP Governors in acting GOP policies. Your argument completely falls apart.
I'm not arguing since arguing with a pig is foolishness. First off you get a mud bath and you only wind up annoying the pig. So you are annoyed. I'm merely stating the truth and you are fuming at said truth. And no doubt those of you who are deeply invested in the gang who can't shoot straight, namely the national democrat party are steamed to the max. The latrine is full of your gang's floaters and the place smells. BTW, the other party is a gang as well, both trying to gain control of the mob called gubmint. Yours has just had more control recently so their stinkaroo is fresher. Try being immune to the siren song of either party, you'll feel better about yourself when you quit being whored out and used. Right now they own your mind, body and soul and you are reduced to being a useful idiot.
Black America has traded in the plantation for the slavery of welfare and free phones. they have given up their hard fought freedom for a few bucks a month and the ability to do nothing except vote for the next libtard candidate. Sad really, so many, white and black, gave so much to gain the rights of black Americans to live a better life and they are giving it away for a pittance.

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