Trump and foreign influence


Them Dawgs Is Hell Don't They
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2009
Fairfax, VA
I recently re-discovered this article from last year. Lest anyone forget, Donald Trump is the GOAT of taking money from foreign sources and lying about it.

One of my favorite parts: “In China, Trump again shocked even his GOP allies when he pledged to help sanctioned Chinese company ZTE because, as he tweeted, there were “[t]oo many jobs in China lost,” despite warnings from US intelligence officials that the company’s products may be used by the Chinese government to spy on Americans. When Trump’s tax returns were released more than four years later, they showed a Chinese bank account he claimed to have closed in 2015 and, according to CREW’s analysis, more than $7.5 million in income from China.”
I recently re-discovered this article from last year. Lest anyone forget, Donald Trump is the GOAT of taking money from foreign sources and lying about it.

One of my favorite parts: “In China, Trump again shocked even his GOP allies when he pledged to help sanctioned Chinese company ZTE because, as he tweeted, there were “[t]oo many jobs in China lost,” despite warnings from US intelligence officials that the company’s products may be used by the Chinese government to spy on Americans. When Trump’s tax returns were released more than four years later, they showed a Chinese bank account he claimed to have closed in 2015 and, according to CREW’s analysis, more than $7.5 million in income from China.”

Now do Pelosi, Clintons (both), Feinstein, Schumer, the entire Biden clan and all the others I cannot remember off the top of my head.