Trump asking Christie to stay in race. To do his dirty work?


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Strange in a sense. The field is dwindling and it will be interesting as to which way it goes. I liked CC as a candidate but why he didn't gain any traction I don't know. His relentless shark attacks on Marco were a sign of desperation.....along with Jeb's drive to attempt to destroy the third place guy. Why this desire to be third instead of first? One thing for sure they will sharpen Rubio for the in fighting to come. The extreme left has a deep seated fear of Rubio as a candidate since he is obviously electable against Hillary.
It was the perception that he was too cozy with Obama during hurricane Sandy relief. Christie was the front runner, media tried to assassinate him with bridge gate, but hurricane did him in.
Strange in a sense. The field is dwindling and it will be interesting as to which way it goes. I liked CC as a candidate but why he didn't gain any traction I don't know. His relentless shark attacks on Marco were a sign of desperation.....along with Jeb's drive to attempt to destroy the third place guy. Why this desire to be third instead of first? One thing for sure they will sharpen Rubio for the in fighting to come. The extreme left has a deep seated fear of Rubio as a candidate since he is obviously electable against Hillary.

The only Candidate they're afraid of is Cruz. The media hates him (love Rubio) the Establishment Repubs hate him (love Rubio) and the DemocRATS hate him (love Rubio, see gang of eight)
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The only Candidate they're afraid of is Cruz. The media hates him (love Rubio) the Establishment Repubs hate him (love Rubio) and the DemocRATS hate him (love Rubio, see gang of eight)

The Democrats don't want Rubio (or Kasich) because they feel like they might win.
They are fine with Trump and Bush because they feel like they can beat either of them easily.

You are correct in that there is a fear of Cruz... because he's proven able to win when nobody thought he could in the past and he's crazy enough to do a lot of damage.

Obviously wacko candidates don't cause fear for democrats. Trump is in that category. The democrats (right or wrong) feel like he cant' win a general election.
Neither do moderates... even if they're strong candidates. If they win they won't cause too much chaos. Rubio and Kasich are in this boat.
But a wacko candidate who could possibly hide it well enough to get elected... that causes fear. Cruz is in that category. He's skilled enough at debating and talking to the media that he can hide just how extreme his views are.

So overall I'm not disagreeing with you... except for the fact you say Democrats love Rubio. Democrats worry Rubio could win (unlike Trump)... but him winning wouldn't cause fear. Just disappointment. Cruz winning would cause fear. They'd LOVE for Trump to win the nomination.
Strange in a sense. The field is dwindling and it will be interesting as to which way it goes. I liked CC as a candidate but why he didn't gain any traction I don't know. His relentless shark attacks on Marco were a sign of desperation.....along with Jeb's drive to attempt to destroy the third place guy. Why this desire to be third instead of first? One thing for sure they will sharpen Rubio for the in fighting to come. The extreme left has a deep seated fear of Rubio as a candidate since he is obviously electable against Hillary.
He would want Jeb to drop out. If he wins South Carolina it's over
Strange in a sense. The field is dwindling and it will be interesting as to which way it goes. I liked CC as a candidate but why he didn't gain any traction I don't know. His relentless shark attacks on Marco were a sign of desperation.....along with Jeb's drive to attempt to destroy the third place guy. Why this desire to be third instead of first? One thing for sure they will sharpen Rubio for the in fighting to come. The extreme left has a deep seated fear of Rubio as a candidate since he is obviously electable against Hillary.

Of course he does and probably with a promise of Atty Gen if he should win.
Christie volunteered the death of his candidacy by slamming Rubio into submission. Whether it all is a choreographed shell game or not, it is surely playing out that way. Trump's thin skin will be his undoing yet. He's said some outrageous things in defending himself so far, but he's surely got a lot more "don't believe I'd have said that" clubs in his considerable baggage. This one's going to boil down to Kasich, Bush or Rubio vs. Super Delegate Hillary.