Good riddance then, IMO, to Pubs. I haven't voted dem since Jimmy Carter and only then because I was too young to know better and went with state pride.
LOL, Republicans are gone but it sure as hell has nothing to do with Trump. The so-called Republicans won the Senate in 2014 and Obama has been on steroids in 2015. Republicans have done absolutely nothing about anything.
If that is true then he is late to the party. Obama has been doing it for 7 years.
I am by no means a Trump supporter but I, too, wonder how he is being unconstitutional? Some progressives are saying Trump's call for a moratorium (not a permanent ban) on Muslim immigrants is unconstitutional, but it appears both lawful and with numerous precedents in our history. The most recent example was President Carter's ban of Iranians during the hostage crisis. Here is a copy of his Executive Order which cites the legal authority of the president to take such actions.I am just trying to figure out how Trump is being unconstitutional? The constitution is written for US citizens and does not apply to foreigners, right? The biggest job our government has constitutionally is to defend the country and if a certain group of people are a threat to the country, it is the governments job to protect it. I welcome an education if I am wrong.