Trump's surrogates on the News Shows much more polished in 2024


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
Stark contrast to 2016 and to an extent 2020 but the Trump surrogates that hit the news talk shows and media are much more polished and on message in 2024 as compared in the past. Bryond Donalds went toe to toe with DemoStopholist yesterday on ABC, Cotton did similar on CNN and NBC and Vance's wife did an excellent interview with Fox. Whoever is running Trump's campaign is doing an excellent job picking and getting talking points to their surrogates. If Trump would do similar this race might be over by mid-September.
Stark contrast to 2016 and to an extent 2020 but the Trump surrogates that hit the news talk shows and media are much more polished and on message in 2024 as compared in the past. Bryond Donalds went toe to toe with DemoStopholist yesterday on ABC, Cotton did similar on CNN and NBC and Vance's wife did an excellent interview with Fox. Whoever is running Trump's campaign is doing an excellent job picking and getting talking points to their surrogates. If Trump would do similar this race might be over by mid-September.
That is one Hell of a large "if"...