Two Assassins?

There was a report that a counter sniper other than the 2 on roof behind Trump had the kill shot.
There are evidently multiple witnesses that claim shots came towards Trump from a water tower. I'm taking it with a grain of salt but when info is sketchy, something will fill the void.
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This should be pretty simple to explain with caliber and number of shell casings found near Crooks and also the caliber of bullets removed from the victims.
Also, how many shots were returned from SS? If SS only took the 1 kill shot then I’d say someone has a lot of explaining to do because from the audio it’s obvious that there are 2 distinct sounds from at least 2 different weapons. It was always my thoughts that Crooks took the first 3-4 shots and the shots later were from SS, but that should be pretty simple to put to rest if they would just answer some basic questions.
Just reading a report that said counter snipers returned fire but could not hit Crooks because of his location. The kill shot was from another sniper that had an obstructed view and could only see the shooters scope and forehead. They called it a one in a million shot.
This might explain the different sounds if fire was returned.
Again, should be easily explained by someone.
There was supposedly someone on a water tower. One woman behind Trump kept looking to her right and didn’t look surprised at the shot in fact just kept on filming with her phone. The SS head answered four questions today three were from democrats. What a CF.
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A couple of good drone photos after the shooting and site was cleared. The lower picture shows the location of the 2 CST on the buildings behind the stages and the location of the shooter's body. The team on the roof further away took the shot. The team closest to the building (in the viral video) where the shooter was located had an obstructed view of the shooter. Not sure the exact angle with that tree in the way. Hopefully it all comes out, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

There are evidently multiple witnesses that claim shots came towards Trump from a water tower. I'm taking it with a grain of salt but when info is sketchy, something will fill the void.
There is actual video of "someone" on a water tower...but pretty grainy and hard to tell what exactly is going on.
I’ve heard that reported too but nothing confirmed. As long as the SS, FBI, DHS stay silent the more people will begin to buy into conspiracy theories.
The negative use of "conspiracy theory" as practically false made up assertions is also put to bed in this case.

Someone literally conspired to take out 45 and everyone is developing theories as to who was behind it.

What a time to be alive.
There is actual video of "someone" on a water tower...but pretty grainy and hard to tell what exactly is going on.
I'm not putting very much stock in that video because it is so blurry. It could be a shadow or even a manipulated video and I never saw any signs of a high powered rifle being shot from the top of the tower. My guess would be if any of the witnesses saw a human on the water tower, they would have been on the deck that wraps around a water tower.

Additionally, I know in the fog of war, sometimes people see something that is a little off and their brains convince them it was something it wasn't. However, there are close to a dozen people that have stated that shots came from the water tower. It also could have been LE using the tower as an observation point because it does appear to be the tallest structure in the immediate area. A question I would like to see answered is if LE used the water tower as an observation point and if they had secured the tower to ensure no bad actors had access to the high ground.
At this point it is clearly a conspiracy of silence. And that makes most thinking people question what we are seeing and being told.
How long until the water tower comes down or is replaced? Or there is a fire in the adjoining buildings that destroys them? They moved street signs and lamp posts in Dealey plaza after JFK.
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I'm not putting very much stock in that video because it is so blurry. It could be a shadow or even a manipulated video and I never saw any signs of a high powered rifle being shot from the top of the tower. My guess would be if any of the witnesses saw a human on the water tower, they would have been on the deck that wraps around a water tower.

Additionally, I know in the fog of war, sometimes people see something that is a little off and their brains convince them it was something it wasn't. However, there are close to a dozen people that have stated that shots came from the water tower. It also could have been LE using the tower as an observation point because it does appear to be the tallest structure in the immediate area. A question I would like to see answered is if LE used the water tower as an observation point and if they had secured the tower to ensure no bad actors had access to the high ground.
Maybe I watch too many TV crime shows, but on NCIS, Abby and Ducky would recreate the crime scene, and after determining the angle of the gunshot wound on the victim during autopsy, could pinpoint where the shots were fired.

It seems like that kind of TV crime solving would also be possible in the real world, with an honest investigation.
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Maybe I watch too many TV crime shows, but on NCIS, Abby and Ducky would recreate the crime scene, and after determining the angle of the gunshot wound on the victim during autopsy, could pinpoint where the shot was fired.

It seems like that kind of TV crime solving would also be possible in the real world.
Make no mistake, the FBI knows how many shots were fired, where each shot originated and the direction of every shot. There are certainly reasons to keep some information from the public. I'm willing to give them a pass for withholding SOME info but there are also some questions that must be addressed in the coming weeks.

The operational plan will tell us a lot and then we can address execution. Having said that, if the plan didn't call for the water tower and the building complex the shooter accessed to eliminate those spots and the water tower was left unguarded, you can start credibly advancing conspiracy theories.
Make no mistake, the FBI knows how many shots were fired, where each shot originated and the direction of every shot. There are certainly reasons to keep some information from the public. I'm willing to give them a pass for withholding SOME info but there are also some questions that must be addressed in the coming weeks.

The operational plan will tell us a lot and then we can address execution. Having said that, if the plan didn't call for the water tower and the building complex the shooter accessed to eliminate those spots and the water tower was left unguarded, you can start credibly advancing conspiracy theories.
if secret service was spread thin, why have 2 countersniper teams in such close proximity. Logic would suggest spread them out. So many things defy common sense
if secret service was spread thin, why have 2 countersniper teams in such close proximity. Logic would suggest spread them out. So many things defy common sense
I heard one former SS guy today that said barricading a building like AGR (regardless of whether you had an agent on top) was SOP. It's almost impossible to believe leaving that building that wide open to the point that a kid could climb on top and hang out a few minutes was an oversight born of incompetence.
if secret service was spread thin, why have 2 countersniper teams in such close proximity. Logic would suggest spread them out. So many things defy common sense
Yeah, why was kamala and jill having rallies in the same state? Jills was announced on the 10th. To further deplete, the already thin, Trumps SS detail? So many questions.
Its being reported that he flew a drone over the area before the rally. Assisanation by incompetence?
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One of the wounded was in the stands top row, higher than Trump. This is like the magic bullet that bounced around taking right turns in JFK's limo. But this time the bullet fired down at Trump, pierces his ear, and then turns upward to hit the guy in the stands. Was there a 2nd shooter inside the building, or in the trees, aiming up at Trump? And why does it take internet sleuths and not "The Press" to question this?

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