Unlike most every case of a white officer killing a black, these guys were
charged with murder right away. Maybe that's why there is little outrage, justice is being served, unlike in many other cases.
Why in the heck would they be arrested for murder. It should be charged to the Father for fleeing with his son in car.
They were arrested because of all the really stupid protesting that has placed our police departments in a no win situation dealing with really stupid people.
It is a shame these guys were arrested. Shame on the father.
Unlike most every case of a white officer killing a black, these guys were
charged with murder right away. Maybe that's why there is little outrage, justice is being served, unlike in many other cases.
Like M Brown? Look in five cases there appeared to be no justification. 2 of them shootings by black officers and in at least one charges/arrests have been brought. The La deal and the shooting of the homeless guy in Ca where I don't think they have charged anyone. And in the third involving a black officer that directly lead to death is the black super who gave the ride in Balt. And in two cases involving white officers, the guy who shot the motorist who took off and the officer in S.C. who shot the fleeing suspect. In at least one charges have been made. There is no clear case in the last couple years where a white officer "got away" without charges being filed. The Rice thing was a tragedy that the boy's parent/supervisor shares the guilt. Allowing a kid with a look-a-like weapon to go down the street playing assault rifles. These are what I'm aware of. You've shot your mouth off so name a clear case of police malfeasance where a death occurred and the cop "got away" with it over the past 2/3 years. Maybe you can. You are quick to point fingers so name these "most" and "many" cases. 5 cases are five too many btw. But yes their are idiots out there, the majority of whom are the hoodlum/thugs but some cops are bad too. Like the two who gunned down the fleeing suspects and the two wanton killers who shot the 6 year old.
As usual you are short on facts and specifics and long on slinging a bunch of BS against the wall. Be specific and state real examples or admit you are just FOS. Typical wild eyed leftist horse manure backed by zero examples. I am open to listening so bring some facts and leave off the hyperbole.You live in a world which I'm unfamiliar with. there are many cases where cops have killed unarmed people and never charged, or if charged, not convicted. In most cases it's white cop, black victim.
They shot a 6 year old 5 times in the head, that might qualify as murder.
It's being looked into whether the officers might have some history with the father.
Murder is murder, regardless of color, badge, whatever.
As usual you are short on facts and specifics and long on slinging a bunch of BS against the wall. Be specific and state real examples or admit you are just FOS. Typical wild eyed leftist horse manure backed by zero examples. I am open to listening so bring some facts and leave off the hyperbole.
Did they know a child was in the car? Did they make a predetermined decision to kill the child? Did they intend to kill the child?
I truly doubt they chased him down and made a decision to kill the child.
The Father's actions placed the child in danger.
If they knew the child was in the car..... maybe charges. But murder is legal term for a premeditated act of killing a human being by another human being.
Ok, f--k my ignorance. You still are circle jerking with zero facts. You made this grandiose statement with nothing to back it up. Wasn't my intent to make you look like a fool, you did that too yourself. Now let's drop it and move on.f,,k your ignorant bs. If you're interested in truth, which you're not, these cases are all too common. Maybe you only pay attention to the cases that make Fox News.
Ok, f--k my ignorance. You still are circle jerking with zero facts. You made this grandiose statement with nothing to back it up. Wasn't my intent to make you look like a fool, you did that too yourself. Now let's drop it and move on.
You display anger issues HH so I should just let it go but you put yourself out there with this is pretty grandiose, painted with a broad stroke statement. "Unlike MOST every case of a white officer killing a black, these guys were charged with murder right away, (giving the impression that most white officer commit murder similar to the two La officers appeared to do, when they shoot blacks and for justice to be served most white officers should be charged with murder right away as well). Then you post: "Maybe that is why there is little outrage, justice is being served, unlike in many other cases". Ignoring that justice was served in about all the shootings where there has been outrage in the black community including the granddaddy of them all...Mike Brown. Whom I specifically asked if that inflamed you being an obvious thug shot by a white officer in self defense since he is a rallying cry for most extremists. In any event you give the summation that there would be little outrage if most/many white police were simply charged with murder when they use their weapons against black perps. I then told you of the 5 obvious to me cases I am aware of (2 by white cops) where the police appeared to be badly in the wrong and mentioned the officers being charged. Further asking you for any others since you made your broad accusations. And of course you were unable to produce any, stuttering and stammering about my ignorance and f--k me for calling you out and asking for examples to add to my short list.I didn't make any sort of ''grandiose statement''. I said there have been many bad shootings by white cops, that is clearly true. What I'm not inclined to do is gather info you can easily find yourself if you want to. You don't though, you're willfully ignorant, which is really something worse, plain ignorance is curable.
You display anger issues HH so I should just let it go but you put yourself out there with this is pretty grandiose, painted with a broad stroke statement. "Unlike MOST every case of a white officer killing a black, these guys were charged with murder right away, (giving the impression that most white officer commit murder similar to the two La officers appeared to do, when they shoot blacks and for justice to be served most white officers should be charged with murder right away as well). Then you post: "Maybe that is why there is little outrage, justice is being served, unlike in many other cases". Ignoring that justice was served in about all the shootings where there has been outrage in the black community including the granddaddy of them all...Mike Brown. Whom I specifically asked if that inflamed you being an obvious thug shot by a white officer in self defense since he is a rallying cry for most extremists. In any event you give the summation that there would be little outrage if most/many white police were simply charged with murder when they use their weapons against black perps. I then told you of the 5 obvious to me cases I am aware of (2 by white cops) where the police appeared to be badly in the wrong and mentioned the officers being charged. Further asking you for any others since you made your broad accusations. And of course you were unable to produce any, stuttering and stammering about my ignorance and f--k me for calling you out and asking for examples to add to my short list.
Again, this is an over the top board for sounding off but at least have a modicum of knowledge of what you preach. Or risk getting called down.
Here ya go fcpup. This is just in Georgia, but look hard at some of these. I don't think it is a black-white issue as much as a rouge cop-broken justice system thing. You really need to open your eyes. This current path we are on cannot continue.
Here ya go fcpup. This is just in Georgia, but look hard at some of these. I don't think it is a black-white issue as much as a rouge cop-broken justice system thing. You really need to open your eyes. This current path we are on cannot continue.
I get it, but how many of these shootings involved families that were doing nothing illegal or even close to being borderline illegal. I do not think police officers wake up looking for someone to kill. I think they are put in situations where they have to make split second decisions because the citizen is not being responsible.
For every grandmother shot in her home is a grandson who is dealing drugs are running from the police.
For every teenager shot, there is disrespect shown that places all parties at risk.
For every child killed, there is someone, like a Father or Mother who is acting irresponsibly.
You walk up to a speeder in the dark of night and tell me you wouldn't fear for your life. We blame the symptom when we should be blaming the cause.
If we weren't living at the border of legal and decency, 99% of this would not happen. Honestly, I think we have lost our minds. I can't believe we organize demonstrations against our law enforcement. Insane.
My eyes are open sport. I don't put anything past anyone anymore. The point of the poster was white cops getting away with murdering blacks. And black cops being all arrested and convicted or whatever when they do the same. It is a tiny portion of cops who shoot innocent people, blacks and whites, and anymore most are held accountable. BTW, your feature story is a white woman who is needlessly shot, not a black person. Shooting a white person is actually less dangerous as far as getting into trouble than a black person. That looks like man slaughter at the very least and likely murder.Here ya go fcpup. This is just in Georgia, but look hard at some of these. I don't think it is a black-white issue as much as a rouge cop-broken justice system thing. You really need to open your eyes. This current path we are on cannot continue.
Truth of the matter is HH most cops are white and the majority and yes most of the violent offenders are black. So when cops shoot it is likely the shooters are white and the violent victim is black.I agree it's more a culture of cops thinking they are the ''law'' and feel their badges give them immunity from obeying real laws.
It's also about unqualified cops and a culture of viewing black as the enemy.
Hey sport... Did you even read what I posted. The force is not so strong with this one. I said that I do NOT think it is a black-white thing, as much as a bad cop-horrible justice system thing. There need to be tougher requirements and training for police officers. They are supposed to protect the peace, not kill without repercussion. I know most officers are fine people and do a great job, but the bad ones are destroying everything the good officers are doing. Get it sport?My eyes are open sport. I don't put anything past anyone anymore. The point of the poster was white cops getting away with murdering blacks. And black cops being all arrested and convicted or whatever when they do the same. It is a tiny portion of cops who shoot innocent people, blacks and whites, and anymore most are held accountable. BTW, your feature story is a white woman who is needlessly shot, not a black person. Shooting a white person is actually less dangerous as far as getting into trouble than a black person. That looks like man slaughter at the very least and likely murder.