LetsGodawg Letterman and National Champion Gold Member Aug 17, 2004 4,194 9,600 197 Aug 1, 2016 #1 Won't know the exact seat number until I get them from the AA. I do know they are in the lower level and I have a pretty big cumulative point total. Face is $145 per. Email offers to johnbenwalden@gmail.com.
Won't know the exact seat number until I get them from the AA. I do know they are in the lower level and I have a pretty big cumulative point total. Face is $145 per. Email offers to johnbenwalden@gmail.com.
J Jackfish Letterman and National Champion Gold Member Nov 6, 2001 3,422 413 167 Aug 6, 2016 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.