UK is teetering

It's coming here unless we break up the liberal democratic cabal.
The DFL party in Minnesota(Walz party) is already trying to track it through a bill. Not sure if it passed, but it was basically a tracking system of so called "hate speech" that didn't rise to level of a crime, something that is almost impossible to define. It could be like someone getting offended by a t-shirt that says close the border now. The first step towards what is happening in the UK.
They are going to have social unrest over there unlike anything we've seen. This is nuts.

This seems extreme, but one of two things needs to stop happening.

1. People need to stop putting lies on Twitter and Facebook.

2. People need to stop sharing that shiola as if it's from a news source and acting like it's real.

Thankfully, no one does that stuff on here.
This seems extreme, but one of two things needs to stop happening.

1. People need to stop putting lies on Twitter and Facebook.

2. People need to stop sharing that shiola as if it's from a news source and acting like it's real.

Thankfully, no one does that stuff on here.
Who will run the government or the networks if we jail people for lying or spreading misinformation? The CDC lied about covid for years. Who decides what is a lie, because it sure as hell can't be the government or the media? Fauci said we should triple mask and now he says man I really just made that stuff up guys, sorry. Under your premise did Fauci commit a crime?
This seems extreme, but one of two things needs to stop happening.

1. People need to stop putting lies on Twitter and Facebook.

2. People need to stop sharing that shiola as if it's from a news source and acting like it's real.

Thankfully, no one does that stuff on here.

1. It’s a prediction, not a lie. It’s not illegal to post lies anyway and it is up to each individual to decide what is a lie and what is truth. The problem isn’t a lie, the problem is when individuals let the govt, social media platform, etc. decide for them what is the lie.

2. Again, who decides which news source is real? The individual should. MSNBC, CBS, CNN, FOX rarely run pieces that are true, either factual or deletion of the whole of facts.

Decide for yourself and let others do the same. When the govt, network or platform decides what’s true, it censorship and straight out of the Marxist playbook. Their job is to report facts. It’s not anyone’s job to decide for others what is true. We all have too many biases, and opinions to truly decide for anyone else.
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1. It’s a prediction, not a lie. It’s not illegal to post lies anyway and it is up to each individual to decide what is a lie and what is truth. The problem isn’t a lie, the problem is when individuals let the govt, social media platform, etc. decide for them what is the lie.

2. Again, who decides which news source is real? The individual should. MSNBC, CBS, CNN, FOX rarely run pieces that are true, either factual or deletion of the whole of facts.

Decide for yourself and let others do the same. When the govt, network or platform decides what’s true, it censorship and straight out of the Marxist playbook. Their job is to report facts. It’s not anyone’s job to decide for others what is true. We all have too many biases, and opinions to truly decide for anyone else.
Not it's not a prediction. Someone was tweeting out things that were not true about the murderer which had a lot to do with the rioting.

Your uncle on Twitter is not a news source. And if a news source is using your uncle on Twitter's tweet as news, they're not a news source either.
They are going to have social unrest over there unlike anything we've seen. This is nuts.

1) while watching this judge makes great theater, he’s just enforcing the penalties enacted by their legislature.
2) it’s the British version of Congress, who should be held accountable for this abomination of law.
3) for the record, this is exactly what the left wing wants to do here in the United States.

Having a near-monopoly on any major media, all that is simply not enough.
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And there's more. This poses a particular risk to Americans, or anyone, travelling abroad.

What exactly is “enciting racial hatred”?

Why is factually pointing out all the crimes some minorities and illegals commit offensive? The offended need to open their mind to reality, not the speaker close his mouth.
Not it's not a prediction. Someone was tweeting out things that were not true about the murderer which had a lot to do with the rioting.

Your uncle on Twitter is not a news source. And if a news source is using your uncle on Twitter's tweet as news, they're not a news source either.

Okay, so you are on a mission to secure the world from lies……

My news sources are decided by me, your’s by you. We don’t need lectures from those with opposite opinions.
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This seems extreme, but one of two things needs to stop happening.

1. People need to stop putting lies on Twitter and Facebook.

2. People need to stop sharing that shiola as if it's from a news source and acting like it's real.

Thankfully, no one does that stuff on here.
Imagine if the federal government went first, and stopped lying to us every day.