Union Leaders My people Support Trump this a direct quote from union leaders


Letterman and National Champion
Nov 16, 2015
the 1.4 million-member International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced its executive council would put off a decision on a presidential endorsement due a lack of consensus. Fox News reported that the delay was caused partly by members' support for Trump and that the union was seeking a meeting with the candidate.
Alot of the primary states are open also trump meating with these unions.
Reagan got a lot of union voters, even without support from their leaders. His message to the country was similar to Trump's "make America great again". Different delivery but similar in energy. Union workers, in the end will vote for who they think will bring jobs to the country. Reagan proceeded to break the Air Traffic Controller Union early in his first term but overall Union workers supported him again in 1984 because overall they were better off than under the Dems.
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What happens when Trump turns out being a democrat? I will lose friendships because I will let my feelings be known . I will make jokes about them forever .
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Reagan got a lot of union voters, even without support from their leaders. His message to the country was similar to Trump's "make America great again". Different delivery but similar in energy. Union workers, in the end will vote for who they think will bring jobs to the country. Reagan proceeded to break the Air Traffic Controller Union early in his first term but overall Union workers supported him again in 1984 because overall they were better off than under the Dems.
Welk that's the thing he will get the unions . The primary states like minisota pa Ohio that' what makes him so scarey.
he's not a dem or rep he's his own party
You are exactly right. He is counting on the late breaking union vote, and other disaffected dems. Throwing Carson on the ticket to appeal to the evangelicals and peeling about 10% of the hardcore religious black vote where his apolitical background and maverick appeal might win converts. Hand it to the SOB, there likely won't be a Republican on the ticket in the general, he has hijacked the GOP primary. Only in America! Bawaaaahaaaa. Laugh, that's about all that's left. BTW a deal with Carson likely has been made to stay in the race and be Trump's firewall against the majority of PUBS not voting for him. The only hope for the Republicans to have a candidate in the fall is for the others less Carson to drop out except for either Cruz or Rubio and confront it right now. Which is not likely. What a country. I'll admit it right now I'll vote for the prick, twice, before voting for the beast or communism in my lifetime. JMO.
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I just wish ppl would put away their blind support of Trump and actually listen to what he's saying. If you do it will scar the shit out of you. He is no conservative, he will cause a trade war, he is for an individual mandate, he will NOT BUILD A WALL or deport the Illegals. He has said they'll all be welcome back in. He said Planned parent hood does a lot of good, He talks about ppl dying in the streets in his support of a mandate....WFT??? He doesn't put his trust in God, And the main thing is. He is a nasty man, personally attacking the others not on issues, but on them personally.

Just take this one thing and ask yourself. What kind of person does this.....He has gone on and on about Sen Tom Coburn saying what a liar Ted Cruz is, he said in in the debates, he tweeted it, he says it every chance he has........and all after Coburn told him to stop, that he'd never said it and it was a lie.....But did it stop Trump from lying about it to promote that Ted Cruz is a liar.

If that doesn't throw a red flag up for you. Then you simply don't care about anything but the cult of personality
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You are exactly right. He is counting on the late breaking union vote, and other disaffected dems. Throwing Carson on the ticket to appeal to the evangelicals and peeling about 10% of the hardcore religious black vote where his apolitical background and maverick appeal might win converts. Hand it to the SOB, there likely won't be a Republican oin the ticket in the general, he has hijacked the GOP primary. Only in America! Bawaaaahaaaa. Laugh, that's about all that's left. BTW a deal with Carson likely has been made to stay in the race and be Trump's firewall against the majority of PUBS not voting for him. The only hope for the Republicans to have a candidate in the fall is for the others less Carson to drop out except for either Cruz or Rubio and confront it right now. Which is not likely. What a country. I'll admit it right now I'll vote for the prick, twice, before voting for the beast or communism in my lifetime. JMO.
If i was him i would pick carson and condi
I just wish ppl would put away their blind support of Trump and actually listen to what he's saying. If you do it will scar the shit out of you. He is no conservative, he will cause a trade war, he is for an individual mandate, he will NOT BUILD A WALL or deport the Illegals. He has said they'll all be welcome back in. He said Planned parent hood does a lot of good, He talks about ppl dying in the streets in his support of a mandate....WFT??? He doesn't put his trust in God, And the main thing is. He is a nasty man, personally attacking the others not on issues, but on them personally.

Just take this one thing and ask yourself. What kind of person does this.....He has gone on and on about Sen Tom Coburn saying what a liar Ted Cruz is, he said in in the debates, he tweeted it, he says it every chance he has........and all after Coburn told him to stop, that he'd never said it and it was a lie.....But did it stop Trump from lying about it to promote that Ted Cruz is a liar.

If that doesn't throw a red flag up for you. Then you simply don't care about anything but the cult of personality
What is he saying he can do all the stuff he is staying. Its not that hard
What is he saying he can do all the stuff he is staying. Its not that hard

You can't trust him. He's a life long liar. He's for Obamacare, he's for planned Parenthood, he was never against the war like he said, he lies about his opponents and then turns around and called them liars. He's filed multiple bankruptcies , he's been married 3 times, He's bodies with Schumer and Pelose and says he likes them very much, they are both pure evil. I can go on and on, but the guy is duping ppl
Trump is going to spank all them asses!

The Trump phenomenon can't be explained by logic or studying his platform. He is similar to Barack in 2008 where he appealed to emotion and offered hope and change. Trump has a stronger presence than any other contender while Obama had the soaring rhetoric. He is also similar to Hillary in that there is no way u can tell what they will do if elected. Hil has lied about everything and everybody. The Clintons are all about lying their way to more power and enriching themselves along the way. Either dem will turn this country into a 3rd world welfare state. Trump is motivated by ego but he doesn't need to enrich himself further and with his ego he really does think he can "make America Great Again".

To me the election is all about Immigration and the effect that open borders is having on our country and will affect our country in the future. Not so much for me but for my children and grandchildren. We are in the process of cultural suicide and for what? Bringing in millions of poor, illiterate immigrants most of which go on welfare, food stamps, EBIT, education, housing, healthcare, etc. This on top of the million immigrants we bring in legally every year and are stupidly bringing in unvetted ME refugees. We just can’t keep this up and maintain the country that has risen to be the envy of the world.
That being said, the only 2 candidates for me are 1. Cruz and 2. Trump because they are the strongest on immigration. Cruz over Trump because I know for sure where he stands. But I wish he were more charismatic and he bothers me when he tends to preach instead of talk.
The Trump phenomenon can't be explained by logic or studying his platform. He is similar to Barack in 2008 where he appealed to emotion and offered hope and change. Trump has a stronger presence than any other contender while Obama had the soaring rhetoric. He is also similar to Hillary in that there is no way u can tell what they will do if elected. Hil has lied about everything and everybody. The Clintons are all about lying their way to more power and enriching themselves along the way. Either dem will turn this country into a 3rd world welfare state. Trump is motivated by ego but he doesn't need to enrich himself further and with his ego he really does think he can "make America Great Again".

To me the election is all about Immigration and the effect that open borders is having on our country and will affect our country in the future. Not so much for me but for my children and grandchildren. We are in the process of cultural suicide and for what? Bringing in millions of poor, illiterate immigrants most of which go on welfare, food stamps, EBIT, education, housing, healthcare, etc. This on top of the million immigrants we bring in legally every year and are stupidly bringing in unvetted ME refugees. We just can’t keep this up and maintain the country that has risen to be the envy of the world.
That being said, the only 2 candidates for me are 1. Cruz and 2. Trump because they are the strongest on immigration. Cruz over Trump because I know for sure where he stands. But I wish he were more charismatic and he bothers me when he tends to preach instead of talk.
Ok trump can make Mexico pay for the wall. We give Mexico 26 billon dollars a year. We use that money and pay for them. Also charge more for American visas.
Also under current Imigration law they don't have rights as American citizens.