Unsolicited comment.


National Champion
Dec 2, 2007
Speaking as a fan of a team that has wandered in the hinterland for nearly a decade after we screwed up our coaching situation, I am afraid that UGA has made a huge mistake in firing Richt. Be careful what you ask for because you might just get it and it often means mediocrity and sub-.500 records. The grass isn't always greener. In order that this not turn out to be a complete disaster, you need to find someone that will fit your culture at UGA, that's a great coach and that can recruit. You all saw Michigan - we were a complete disaster until Harbaugh showed up after 7 years of crap. I am hoping you avoid the same fate.
It isn't a neutral move, We lost a lot off the field. Either We win bigger, or it's a net loss for the school and program.
I'll end the suspense, We won't find as good a Man as Richt.
Or we could look at other HC hirings where they were winning Conference or National Titles in a year or two...
Yeah, we hear this doom and gloom crap from people who love Mark Richt more than they love UGA, and it's BS.
Yeah, we hear this doom and gloom crap from people who love Mark Richt more than they love UGA, and it's BS.

This is a big gamble, it has nothing to do with personalities.
How many programs have won at least 10 games 5 out of the past 6 years ?
It sure isn't..
Penn St
There are Many historically powerful programs searching for the formula back.
Please explain to me what's the difference between 10-2 and 6-6 when all you beat are lesser opponents and win absolutely nothing.

We are not risking anything it was a no brainier as long as you don't worship Richt.
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Please explain to me what's the difference between 10-2 and 6-6 when all you beat are lesser opponents and win absolutely nothing.

We are not risking anything it was a no brainier as long as you don't worship Richt.
Having lived through the 7 years of Goff, there's a significant difference between Goff's best four year run (1991-1994 = 28 wins and 2 bowls) and Richt's worst (2008-2011 = 34 wins and 4 bowls plus a division title). If you don't believe me, you may just get a chance to try it. Let's hope otherwise.
Having lived through the 7 years of Goff, there's a significant difference between Goff's best four year run (1991-1994 = 28 wins and 2 bowls) and Richt's worst (2008-2011 = 34 wins and 4 bowls plus a division title). If you don't believe me, you may just get a chance to try it. Let's hope otherwise.
I have experienced it and it felt the same as Richt the last 10 years. No SEC championships! You Richtites crack me up.
I have experienced it and it felt the same as Richt the last 10 years. No SEC championships! You Richtites crack me up.
Exactly. It's like all of a sudden we've forgotten all of Richt's meltdowns & no shows. I don't care if we are 6-6 or 9-3 if the 9 are against nobody and we finish in another Belk Bowl or similar. Underachieving is underachieving.
Exactly. It's like all of a sudden we've forgotten all of Richt's meltdowns & no shows. I don't care if we are 6-6 or 9-3 if the 9 are against nobody and we finish in another Belk Bowl or similar. Underachieving is underachieving.
Yeah and you wouldn't have to pay 4 million for it.
Exactly. It's like all of a sudden we've forgotten all of Richt's meltdowns & no shows. I don't care if we are 6-6 or 9-3 if the 9 are against nobody and we finish in another Belk Bowl or similar. Underachieving is underachieving.
Goff teams had no hope. They were permanently mediocre, as in 6-4-1 or 6-6, if one of his 6-6 teams got invited to a bowl. The upside was the 10-2 season which felt pretty much like 2014 to me. The 9-3 Indy Bowl team beat Clemson, but lost to Vandy on two successive Cannon Parkman missed FG's. Richt gave us hope, even his last 8 years. Richt at his worst was better than Goff at his best, sort of like Republicans at their worst are still better than Democrats at their best. Sorry you don't grasp that. Most of us do.
Goff teams had no hope. They were permanently mediocre, as in 6-4-1 or 6-6, if one of his 6-6 teams got invited to a bowl. The upside was the 10-2 season which felt pretty much like 2014 to me. The 9-3 Indy Bowl team beat Clemson, but lost to Vandy on two successive Cannon Parkman missed FG's. Richt gave us hope, even his last 8 years. Richt at his worst was better than Goff at his best, sort of like Republicans at their worst are still better than Democrats at their best. Sorry you don't grasp that. Most of us do.
Richt was a master at getting your hopes up then smashing them to pieces with another senseless lose when we needed a win to go to the SECCG. The only way we got there was by someone losing, not us winning.

No thank you, I will pass on both Richt and Goff. The only way you can make Richt look good is by comparing him to the worse coach of my lifetime...Ray Goof. Good try Richtites!
Goff teams had no hope. They were permanently mediocre, as in 6-4-1 or 6-6, if one of his 6-6 teams got invited to a bowl. The upside was the 10-2 season which felt pretty much like 2014 to me. The 9-3 Indy Bowl team beat Clemson, but lost to Vandy on two successive Cannon Parkman missed FG's. Richt gave us hope, even his last 8 years. Richt at his worst was better than Goff at his best, sort of like Republicans at their worst are still better than Democrats at their best. Sorry you don't grasp that. Most of us do.
Just my personal opinion on coaches. Richt stumbling to 9-3 does nothing more for me than Goff. But for the life of me I don't understand why UGA fans don't think we can do better.
And don't agree on Pubs vs. Dems for what its worth. They both suck. Maybe Pubs worse because (like Richt) they give the illusion they're going to do something. With Dems at least you know you're getting screwed.
It obviously doesn't take much to crack you up.
So what's your solution, wise one? Mine would have been to go another year with Richt, let him reel in a top 5 or 6 class, get his World Class RB healthy and let Pruitt continue to hone the defense. We lose Bama and pick up Ole Miss. I'll take that trade. Now that that is off the table, I say the AD better get his man. The irony is that the "first" guy on the list never seems to be the guy who gets the job or else Erk Russell and Glenn Mason would have had their shots. Too bad for Erk and Georgia, that would have been fun. Mason was a white wine sipping John Mackavic metro-sexual before they coined the term. I hope the "inside" scoop in correct and its Kirby Smart. He's one of us. He's young and energetic. He appears to be one of the brightest, most trusted and longest serving Saban disciples. But he's a coordinator and that doesn't always transfer well to HC. No one should argue that Saban isn't one of the best of all time right up there with Wilkinson, Hayes, Meyer, Osborne and Bryant. I think that's all the 3 time NC winners since WWII. Bear had his disciples: Schnellenburger, Ford, Stallings and Dye. All of them, except Dye, won it all. Had Dye beaten Michigan more decisively in the Sugar Bowl, they may have gotten a piece of it.
Just my personal opinion on coaches. Richt stumbling to 9-3 does nothing more for me than Goff. But for the life of me I don't understand why UGA fans don't think we can do better.
And don't agree on Pubs vs. Dems for what its worth. They both suck. Maybe Pubs worse because (like Richt) they give the illusion they're going to do something. With Dems at least you know you're getting screwed.
We should aspire to be better than the last 8 years, save 2012, under Richt. He was great until 2006. Every one thought he could get the mojo back. I did. But, the choice has been made, as they said in Ghostbusters.

Dems are communists and they hate American stuff like SEC college football because a whole lot of conservative people, who don't vote Dem, love it. Anything they can do to f-ck up traditional America works for them. Communists always lie about their basic motives. But, that's for another site. I stand by my analogy.
Just my personal opinion on coaches. Richt stumbling to 9-3 does nothing more for me than Goff. But for the life of me I don't understand why UGA fans don't think we can do better.
And don't agree on Pubs vs. Dems for what its worth. They both suck. Maybe Pubs worse because (like Richt) they give the illusion they're going to do something. With Dems at least you know you're getting screwed.
Agree on that too.
Well said johnnybblade. Agree with all above, FWIW.
All the "insider" money, and this includes the same guys (not on this site) who went uncharacteristically silent a couple or three days before Saturday and said on Sunday evening that the reason was that they had heard that the firing was in the works, seems to be on Kirby Smart, except for one guy on this site, who seems to be in the know, who says its a name we hadn't heard yet. It never seems to be the obvious guy that winds up with the job. I like Kirby. He's turned us down before and probably should have. I am in awe of Saban's work ethic. I like defense, special teams and efficient run oriented offense. You don't have to light up the scoreboard to make me bellow like an overserved sophomore. Just my thoughts.
It isn't a neutral move, We lost a lot off the field. Either We win bigger, or it's a net loss for the school and program.
I'll end the suspense, We won't find as good a Man as Richt.
This is the separation right here for me...We all say what you just said.."MR is a good man." When does anyone say MR is a good coach? A great Coach? Rarely do I hear those's always about his beliefs, or his character, not his HC capabilities...
There is no defense of Goff, but there should be perspective. He faced a Spurrier led UF in its first heyday and a Fulmer led UT when it was cooking.

Richt went 6-6 vs. Spurrier; 5-3 vs. Fulmer (who left in 2008, strangely)

The inexplicable aspect of Richt is his lack of progress in the post-Spurrier/UF and post-UT SEC-E. I'd thought UGA would had dominated that period.