Until we get the national will to do whatever needs


Letterman and National Champion
Nov 4, 2014
to be done in the ME, I wouldn't want my son over there risking life and limb to liberate people that don't want to be free enough to fight for themselves.

I would be pissed if my son lost his life or limb over there in the past with what's going on now.

Let's be honest, this country doesn't have the will to defeat these barbarians and they know it. We should hold off until we do. Let them kill each other until they attack us over here. Give them precisely defined reaction to what's going to happen if they attack us and follow through. Then have the will to do whatever is necessary to wipe these idiots out. Level place...
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I have to admit, I have a nineteen year old in college that I told NOT to enlist until he finished 2 years
of college at least, due to MY concerns that the administration does not care to win any particular battles
other than idealogical. There is no support for our military like there used to be.

He is gung ho but a good son. He has finished his first year and is in the second year. Should
get his AA by this next summer, and I worry. A lot. For all our sons. And I agree that we don't have the stomach
for what needs to be done.
to be done in the ME, I wouldn't want my son over there risking life and limb to liberate people that don't want to be free enough to fight for themselves.

I would be pissed if my son lost his life or limb over there in the past with what's going on now.

Let's be honest, this country doesn't have the will to defeat these barbarians and they know it. We should hold off until we do. Let them kill each other until they attack us over here. Give them precisely defined reaction to what's going to happen if they attack us and follow through. Then have the will to do whatever is necessary to wipe these idiots out. Level place...
We don't have the national will and have not had since WW11. We have had a professional army but as soon as they swing into action to protect the citizens the national outcry from here at home from the left drowns out the reasons we were using the army to begin with. All part and parcel to a free democracy that is on the down hill side of the slope and whose prime days are behind it. We are degenerating into Europe then on the way to Brazil. And yes from the beginning I have expressed that very concern that eventually Islam will overwhelm America, Europe but maybe not China and parts of the orient. Simply because they are dedicated and our substance is at a quarter tank, maybe 3/8ths and falling. The presidential elections of 2008 and '12 proved we have lost it. Those were more like voting someone off the Island in a pop culture sort of way. Look at our universities. Spoiled brats without a clue. Minorities blinded by a form of racism that is impossible to deal with. And a certain part of the population that is angry at the achievers for no other reason that they haven't or can't compete so they latch onto and support whatever negative theme they can find at the moment to try to destroy what is good about our society. Be it radical terror, faux racism, hatred for the middle class, whatever. And all these have social media to spread their venom. And time on their hands to do it with. But the main thing we have lost that is not coming back is HONESTY. Everyone is terrified of the truth so we deal in lies and half truths so the root cause of problems and issues ARE NEVER DEALT WITH. The main thing we have is oceans between us and the main body of terrorists, national economic out put to payoff the minorities and still a big middle class that keeps their mouths shut and cares for their families and schools and does the right things. But all that is slowly dwindling.
Lives should only be sacrificed for our freedom, not the worlds freedom. If you don't have to fight for it, you won't appreciate it.

Let these MFs kill one another, lay down the rules if you attack us, there will be no mercy for you or your family. And make sure we follow through if we are attacked.
Other than a dirty nuke being detonated in the US, I don't think this country will get behind anything. Frankly, as much as people complain we are all real comfortable. In three months the thing in France will be a distant memory.
3 Months? Sounds optimistic to me. I see signs that this is being glossed over, papered over, drowned in sound bites, already.
That was a horrible, horrible crime done by terrible people who came in under the guise of refugees seeking shelter from people
who wanted to do the sensible noble thing and our dumb assed POTUS calls it a setback and shouts full steam ahead. As stupid
as Bush looked with Mission Accomplished and the left is still as stupid as ever over the rube in chief. Ideology over country, I guess.
Some men just want to watch the world burn as the saying goes and apparently it's more important to be right than alive.