UT caught cheatin' again....

This 89Canine fellow has his scope set on U and Pug. What did y'all do?*

hey, did you see.......

how we (you and I) are getting slammed by troll(s)...
I made it right...but weird that now esels attack when we not even here...
Chat credit, took up for me (us)....
who, in right mind wants to F with pug And 39?
dipshit even accosted DeathDawg!....what a retard, eh?
sounds to me like a regular with a gripe...I know who, but won't say just yet...
Hmmm. No idea who/what it is. "M"ax mebbe?

Giving up on outing Denis of the Fo'FittyFies.
nah, no way...says he is a big dawg fan, but thinks he is a homophobe...

That thinks everybody is queer.
Didn't notice, but if RogueMod sees a page turning has always let Denis get

away with pretty much anything, as long as no Nips show. Am growing weary of "M"ax and the MiseryMutts, to be frank.
So pug and I are too much MAN for him?

He should meet us in person and find out, but we all know that will NEVER happen. Starting to think "Most who Post" are fake.
I reply where/where not needed...I bet three Krispy Cremes that This one is

one you and I have called out repeatedly....
hell, you know me...
I care not, just waiting to post fun to keep my brain in gear...
Pug is a little girl*


This post was edited on 3/7 10:10 AM by Eastmandawg
I love women's clothes...

but after they throw them at me...
you know better...I the meanest MF'er on these Chats....
friends be friends...fools be cold in a ditch...
Always loved feeling women's lingerie.

On or off the ladies. Particularly with pre-engineered design "advantages" Iykwim.


This post was edited on 3/7 10:19 AM by 39AndHolding

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