then ran up trillions on the nations credit card. Bill has come due.
Please stop, quit blaming the wrong people*then ran up trillions on the nations credit card. Bill has come due.
then ran up trillions on the nations credit card. Bill has come due.
The problem is we didn't finish the drillthen ran up trillions on the nations credit card. Bill has come due.
then ran up trillions on the nations credit card. Bill has come due.
Like moths to flame the libs just love them some Islamist !!!!
Explain that to the 241 Marines killed in Beirut over 30 years ago! This crap started to raise its ugly head 35 years ago.then ran up trillions on the nations credit card. Bill has come due.
Typical liberal SOB, blame America first. America didn't start this $hit.then ran up trillions on the nations credit card. Bill has come due.
Typical liberal SOB, blame America first. America didn't start this $hit.
Convenient memory some have, everyone voted for the war based on the same intelligence shared around the world....
Classic Hillary flip flop....
Maybe not, but the nonsensical war in Iraq based on lies certainly didn't help matters.
then ran up trillions on the nations credit card. Bill has come due.
you hit the nail on the head. george bush and his buddies kicked over the canthen ran up trillions on the nations credit card. Bill has come due.
See above, moron. it wasn't lies from W that lead to the Iraq war, but a continuation of B.J. (Bill Jefferson) Clinton's policies.
You were spoon fed the liberal media narrative, and you ate it up like the good sheep you are. Pathetic.
Selective Memory, L&H. Very few resident liberals selectively recall the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998, during the B.J. (Bill Jefferson) Clinton years.Or maybe they're just ignorant...
The problem is we didn't finish the drill
We pulled the troops too soon.
I would like for all Right Wingers on the board to go read a book called "Cobra II". It breaks down the lead up to the war, Bush administration fallacies and how their move to disband the Iraqi army has led to the raise of ISIS. This book isn't some left wing propaganda piece but written by retired USMC Lt Gen. Trainor and Michael Gordon (chief military correspondent for the NY Times).
I remember being absolutely shocked at all the pie in the sky assumptions that were being made and who the administration was taking advise from. It breaks down very plainly that Iraq II was without a doubt the biggest military blunder in American military history. Please read before you throw your weight behind Bush and Rumsfeld.
Now I'm not going to sit here and defend everything that Obama has done in the middle east. Pulling out of Iraq on the BUSH NEGOTIATED DATE was the right thing to do because the Iraqis wouldn't grant American military personnel immunity from prosecution. Sorry that was a deal breaking and Reagan himself would have done the something. But he has been slow to react in Syria and should have armed the Kurdish rebels sooner than was done. Now would that have done much good, probably not, ISIS would have still taken Mosul Iraq and have of western Iraq but it could have potentially slowed them down. That being said, these missteps don't even compare to the blunders and incompetency of the Bush administration.
History will show that Bush's foreign policy has done more damage to not only the American image abroad but be proven as a pivotal moment for the entire world that won't be viewed very favorably. Actually it's already viewed that way by the rest of the world except for the right wing American public.
Again please people do some research on how detrimental the decision of going into Iraq was and how those terrible decision will affect our nation and the world for years to come.
Rolo just because you don't like it, doesn't make it a fact. Fact is Bush f'd up and now the entire world is paying the price. Why to go you Neo-conBullshit
Lol so you say Obama should have left American military forces in Iraq with no protection from potential Iraqi prosecution. Sounds like you don't care about our military member that muchNo WE finished the drill, then the Anti American morons elected and anti American POS and he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory
Lol so you say Obama should have left American military forces in Iraq with no protection from potential Iraqi prosecution. Sounds like you don't care about our military member that much
Here is the thing you miss Country, sure everyone thought Saddam had WMD's but no one was willing to go to war because there were questions about the reliability of the source of the information that Iraq had WMDs. And it turns out that Bill was right not to pull the trigger on war because the source of the information was lying. But Bush charged head first into war and didn't stop to consider the possibility that the source was lying. His foolhardy charge into war has cost the American public over two trillion in debt and over 4500 American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines their lives.
Bill was right not to pull the trigger?! wtf? Bill didn't have the coalition nor the ballz to pull the trigger. Unlike Bush, who had both. Moreover, If Clinton had pulled the trigger you'd be sitting here defending him with passion; rightfully so, imo. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a Bush fan and many mistakes were made. However... We've had enough of blaming Bush for the middle east crisis, incorrectly, to last a lifetime. It was Clinton's policy, own it. Every member of Congress voted for it, including Democrats who were privy to the exact same intelligence, so own it. You're not smart enough to realize you've been indoctrinated over the years from the liberal, left-wing media mantra. They've corrupted you're mind, son.
I get it, we didn't find WMDs; I don't need nor welcome another lecture on it. But the fact that 300,000 men, women, and children murdered and lying in mass graves with bullets in the backs of their heads clearly justifies taking Saddam and his henchmen out. Furthermore, we have evidence and know for a fact WMDs were used on the Kurds. No one disputes that fact.
This is an all volunteer Military. Our men and women of the Armed Forces realize exactly what they're signing up for when they signed the dotted line, my family included. In addition, if you're so worried about the debt why don't you rail against your dear savior BO and his incessant debt? I'll tell you why- because your debt synopsis is nothing more than a left-wing talking point to try and further incriminate a Republican.
What so now you're trying to blame Bush going into Iraq on Clinton even though Clinton never ordered troops or advocated while in office for an American invasion of Iraq? Sorry but that dog don't hunt my friend
The Chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix repeatedly warned that Iraq was cooperating with inspectors and that no WMD had been found. Bush administration ignored he's advise and thus began the world down this road and conflict that we see now.
Also I'm an 18 year vet and plan on serving well past my 20 years. I would hope that our leaders would actually think before sending me and my fellow service members to die on some foreign soul. You know actually think is this worth the price. If you had family members that had died in this conflict, would you serious be able to go to their grave site and be able to say "you died for something" or "this war was worth your life". GTFOOH.
What so now you're trying to blame Bush going into Iraq on Clinton even though Clinton never ordered troops or advocated while in office for an American invasion of Iraq? Sorry but that dog don't hunt my friend
The Chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix repeatedly warned that Iraq was cooperating with inspectors and that no WMD had been found. Bush administration ignored he's advise and thus began the world down this road and conflict that we see now.
Also I'm an 18 year vet and plan on serving well past my 20 years. I would hope that our leaders would actually think before sending me and my fellow service members to die on some foreign soul. You know actually think is this worth the price. If you had family members that had died in this conflict, would you serious be able to go to their grave site and be able to say "you died for something" or "this war was worth your life". GTFOOH.