Want to thank Pug for calling me on the carpet yesterday.....


Letterman and National Champion
Aug 15, 2014
for poking fun at Clydodawg. I apologize to Clyo for calling him a dingbat liberal coon with batdung sense. That wasn't nice of me, although in all honesty (which I always try to practice), I was just trying to be a bit funny with the play on words, since Clyo referred to conservatives as "moonbats". Of course, I wasn't serious about dumping him into the sea, either; but, I still shouldn't have said it. I did edit the post by saying I'd throw him a life preserver after he was dumped.
I've always tried hard to never attack/poke fun at anyone....only the issues at hand. I think I failed at that yesterday.

This is what happens to me when I'm sitting at my computer trying to do 3-4 things at once.....something nabs my attention and emotion and, instead of usually keeping them in check, I let it fly, as I did yesterday. I'm a bit passionate about certain things and I'm a terrible multi-tasker and I don't know why I keep trying at it. Ahhh, that's what wives are made for!

Over the 18 years here on this board, I've had to apologize a couple of times. Well, this is the third. The Lord's hands've been heavy on me 'till I come clean with Clyo and y'all....thanks. I feel better, now.

sometimes, late at night, i get sauced and log on to Chat; if fauxOCD

is causes me to get homicidal thoughts 'bout killing him. never a need to apologize on Chat.....fighting is our life blood.

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