Wash Post depicts Cruz little girls as Monkeys


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
* Well he is Hispanic but he's not black so that makes it kinda ok in a racist sort of way, right?

* And after all, he is a R so that makes him not an authentic Hispanic after all, riiight?

* Plus the left leaning interviewer Halperin who asked Cruz for his favorite Cuban song and food then followed up by asking him to speak some Spanish got away with pandering riiiiight?

Anyway you get the picture Chico. As Chris Mathews asked on that bastion of truth and enlightenment, MSNBC "should Rubio and Cruz be considered Hispanic"...........

Sure enough the Post will now depict Hillary's grandchild as a monkey too since she just went full on "Hispandering" holding her grandbaby in an ad aimed at Hispanics entitled: 7 ways I'm just like your Abuela. She is under fire from Hispanics.

There are some sick people on both sides of the political GANG act. And that's what they both are, gangs that tell the fearful, the unsafe and yes the vengeful seeking revenge how to think, and vote (and demand a fee of course for doing so) but just damn. The democrat gang is trying awfully hard to be the most repulsive, dumb, stupid, and pathologically uninformed bunch in my long memory. And Hillary may just be the most out of touch, steaming garbage candidate running under that banner ever. And the further it goes along the worse her campaign gets. Biden would have President Joe Biden. He would have "schlonged her" in the words of a well known political capitalizer who can swing both ways according to where he best fits in at the moment. Rubio is the only hope at this point IMO.
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* Well he is Hispanic but he's not black so that makes it kinda ok in a racist sort of way, right?

* And after all, he is a R so that makes him not an authentic Hispanic after all, riiight?

* Plus the left leaning interviewer Halperin who asked Cruz for his favorite Cuban song and food then followed up by asking him to speak some Spanish got away with pandering riiiiight?

Anyway you get the picture Chico. As Chris Mathews asked on that bastion of truth and enlightenment, MSNBC "should Rubio and Cruz be considered Hispanic"...........

Sure enough the Post will now depict Hillary's grandchild as a monkey too since she just went full on "Hispandering" holding her grandbaby in an ad aimed at Hispanics entitled: 7 ways I'm just like your Abuela. She is under fire from Hispanics.

There are some sick people on both sides of the political GANG act. And that's what they both are, gangs that tell the fearful, the unsafe and yes the vengeful seeking revenge how to think, and vote (and demand a fee of course for doing so) but just damn. The democrat gang is trying awfully hard to be the most repulsive, dumb, stupid, and pathologically uninformed bunch in my long memory. And Hillary may just be the most out of touch, steaming garbage candidate running under that banner ever. And the further it goes along the worse her campaign gets. Biden would have President Joe Biden. He would have "schlonged her" in the words of a well known political capitalizer who can swing both ways according to where he best fits in at the moment. Rubio is the only hope at this point IMO.

We can always count on you to cry and whine about the big, bad ole mean Democrats. I'm going to remind you of a reality check: NONE of the Republican presidential candidates have a snowball's chance in Hell of being elected. You might as well get that through your thick skull.

The leadership of your own beloved Republican party can't stand their own presidential candidates. The Republican power brokers will work behind the scenes to get Hillary Clinton elected because they know she's Republican-lite and they know from experience that she is a pragmatic politician who will deal with them.

The Republican leaders loathe the lunatic Tea Party/Trump supporters.
We can always count on you to cry and whine about the big, bad ole mean Democrats. I'm going to remind you of a reality check: NONE of the Republican presidential candidates have a snowball's chance in Hell of being elected. You might as well get that through your thick skull.

The leadership of your own beloved Republican party can't stand their own presidential candidates. The Republican power brokers will work behind the scenes to get Hillary Clinton elected because they know she's Republican-lite and they know from experience that she is a pragmatic politician who will deal with them.

The Republican leaders loathe the lunatic Tea Party/Trump supporters.

white , what is the tea party , who is the tea party , do they have a headquarters somewhere ? do tea party folks pay dues , do they have a lobby group working for them , and i wonder if they all believe in the same approach to govt ? i'll hang up and listen .
Heard Ted and Rafael speak yesterday in person. Rafeal, his father has a deep Spanish accent and was almost killed by Bautista in prision before leaving Cuba in 1957 to become a teacher at UT Austin.

Ted's mom is irish and Italian and his dad was born on The Canary Island, a part of spain.

Ted, a Princeton and Harvard Law grad is a living example of what can be accomplished in the US and why we are great.
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We can always count on you to cry and whine about the big, bad ole mean Democrats. I'm going to remind you of a reality check: NONE of the Republican presidential candidates have a snowball's chance in Hell of being elected. You might as well get that through your thick skull.

The leadership of your own beloved Republican party can't stand their own presidential candidates. The Republican power brokers will work behind the scenes to get Hillary Clinton elected because they know she's Republican-lite and they know from experience that she is a pragmatic politician who will deal with them.

The Republican leaders loathe the lunatic Tea Party/Trump supporters.
Don't you get it numb nuts? I don't scrape and bow to either of the gangs. Independent THINKER! Pry yourself off the nearest commie's jock long enough to engage your brain. Of course you don't get it. You're too busy "teaching" high ranking military officials how to hate America, divide people along political beliefs and put the democrat party before the country. BAWAAAAAAAAAA! And listening to them (80 to 90% conservative) brag on Bernie Sanders! Snicker......
We can always count on you to cry and whine about the big, bad ole mean Democrats. I'm going to remind you of a reality check: NONE of the Republican presidential candidates have a snowball's chance in Hell of being elected. You might as well get that through your thick skull.

The leadership of your own beloved Republican party can't stand their own presidential candidates. The Republican power brokers will work behind the scenes to get Hillary Clinton elected because they know she's Republican-lite and they know from experience that she is a pragmatic politician who will deal with them.

The Republican leaders loathe the lunatic Tea Party/Trump supporters.
plain and simple....the editor and the cartoonist should be fired. These are 7 and 5 year old girls not Republicans or Democrats. If that was Obama's girls there would be a nationwide riot and rightfully so. There is no excuse for it.
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