Washington WH Press Corps have had enough

Finally someone is calling bs. They want to know the dr so they can question him or her. Without a doubt. Which is what will happen one day when the real issues come out. There isn’t a neurologicist on planet earth that thinks he is ok. Or thought he was ok four years ago to run any type of company. Much less the biggest job in the world.
Finally someone is calling bs. They want to know the dr so they can question him or her. Without a doubt. Which is what will happen one day when the real issues come out. There isn’t a neurologicist on planet earth that thinks he is ok. Or thought he was ok four years ago to run any type of company. Much less the biggest job in the world.
Yeah, now that everyone with a pulse in the U.S. knows the true story, they are determined to report the story. The press should have been all over this story in 2020 when Biden when into hiding at 2 pm half the time. Those SOBs didn't have an issue reporting on remote diagnoses from far lefties about Trump's mental health but they've gone right along with the Biden being sharp mantra even though a child could see Biden hasn't been well over the course of his entire term.
WAPO, NYT and the majority of broadcast news outlets will be gaslighting again as soon as Biden is pushed aside and their garbage reporting of his admin can begin fading in the minds of the public.
Oh you can rest assured Kamala will be anointed the black female Messiah. You are already seeing it.
Which I find ironic as they have been a part of the biggest coverup in Washington in decades.....

KJP seems fairly intelligent. And I don't envy the job of literally having to back ridiculous ideas on a daily basis and attempt to shield the public from the obvious. But her bedside manor when she is challenged or when she is trying to really thread the needle on some negative stuff and try to spin it positive is terrible. The hand motions and roller coaster of tones. Comes off ridiculously condescending....especially when doing it while spewing ridiculous answers.

"Well.....the truth is 1+1 does not equal 2.......wait, wait, me some respect please. I am offended that you would not take what I say as fact........"
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Which I find ironic as they have been a part of the biggest coverup in Washington in decades.....

She is full of shit and has been from the jump, this admin is nothing but a pr firm. They want medical privacy now but wanted people fired for not getting the jab. He has parkinsons, it is obvious. My father in law has parkinsons and I said three years ago Biden has the exact same mannerisms. There is no way a neurologist did a brain scan and signed off on it as normal.
I'm only saying this because he is the first example I can think of but Biden has very similar movements that Mark Richt does. Stiff and slow. Richt is a by far a better human being but for the White House to say Biden is fine is extremely bogus and concerning.
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Finally someone is calling bs. They want to know the dr so they can question him or her. Without a doubt. Which is what will happen one day when the real issues come out. There isn’t a neurologicist on planet earth that thinks he is ok. Or thought he was ok four years ago to run any type of company. Much less the biggest job in the world.
check out this NBC segment - calls it like it is:
The media should get an academy award. They’re SHOCKED at Biden’s condition despite having a front row seat for 3 1/2 years.

They thought they were running interference for their beloved party and it bit em in the ass.
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Hopefully some members of the press are pissed off for looking like puppet fools… and now finally do some free thinking and realize that they’ve been sheep for the past decade…. Sharks circling is amazing to see…
Nah. they are still puppets. They are just protecting their turf. Will continue the same shenanigans as they always have. They are looking foolish so they are just circling the wagons while appearing to be shocked.
Nah. they are still puppets. They are just protecting their turf. Will continue the same shenanigans as they always have. They are looking foolish so they are just circling the wagons while appearing to be shocked.
You are correct, they will not be happy till our Republic is dead and a page in the history books.