
The very reason I won't listen to PF. This guy is an ass.

Gonna go out on a limb and guess that the majority of good bands hold political views a lot different than ours. If they did political podcasts, they would have a lot fewer fans.
Different political views is one thing. Roger Waters went on stage wearing a nazi uniform. He is an evil vile C U Next Tuesday
you are taking That out of context.
try again.
It is out of context cause he said it was? The emails from him suggesting having an inflatable pig at his shows that say “dirty kyke” and “follow the money” w a Star of David on it, that is also out of conext right? This was just suggestions, as was his suggestion to have swastika confetti at his shows. But in reality he did have an inflatable pig w a Star of David on it at a show. But all out of context from a guy who is not well known to be a rabid antisemitic prick

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