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They don’t want to debate, they want to try and publically lynch their opponent and if there is any risk that Kamala or Walz will have to speak freely on matters they will ghost you.
These commies are about to be run through the wringer.
Lolz. only thing JD is wringing is his underwear. Guy continues to beshit himself daily. as for the other, I don't think the facts align as this guy suggests and, indeed, it sounds personal/political: "Herr also discussed Walz’s response to the George Floyd riots in 2020 and his COVID-19 policies." Good thing Trump is on record complimenting Walz's work re: the riots.
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Lolz. only thing JD is wringing is his underwear. Guy continues to beshit himself daily. as for the other, I don't think the facts align as this guy suggests and, indeed, it sounds personal/political: "Herr also discussed Walz’s response to the George Floyd riots in 2020 and his COVID-19 policies." Good thing Trump is on record complimenting Walz's work re: the riots.
Well, Herr served for 34 years which is more than Walz so you can’t question him on this.

Thems the rules.
Lolz. only thing JD is wringing is his underwear. Guy continues to beshit himself daily. as for the other, I don't think the facts align as this guy suggests and, indeed, it sounds personal/political: "Herr also discussed Walz’s response to the George Floyd riots in 2020 and his COVID-19 policies." Good thing Trump is on record complimenting Walz's work re: the riots.
Well, Herr served for 34 years which is more than Walz so you can’t question him on this.

Thems the rules.
I am not questioning Herr's service, I am questioning his statements - which have a political cast to them - maybe best to let others who served with Walz - FOR TWENTY FOUR YEARS - be the ones to balance the scales.

It's been covered extensively, both in past campaigns and in this article >
'I'm certainly proud of my military service, but it's one piece of me. It doesn't define me,' Walz told Minnesota Public Radio in 2018. After going through basic training in Georgia, he was deployed to Arkansas, Texas, and the Artic Circle on disaster response and other missions. 'You go where you're told to go,' he said.

Al Bonnifield, who served under Walz, told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune Walz had already started thinking about retiring after deploying to Italy during operation Enduring Freedom after Sept. 11th.

'Would the soldier look down on him because he didn't go with us? Would the common soldier say, "Hey, he didn't go with us, he's trying to skip out on a deployment?" And he wasn't,' he told the paper. 'He talked with us for quite a while on that subject. He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with.'

Veteran Joseph Eustice, who led the same battalion as Walz, called him a 'great soldier,' adding, 'When he chose to leave, he had every right to leave.’

Have at it. He served and by all accounts honorably and then on the House Veterans' Affairs Committee and on the Armed Services Committee. If y'all want to split hairs and call it stolen valor for political purposes, that's on you.

I am going to guess that the Governor can stand on his own two feet.
Have at it. He served and by all accounts honorably and then on the House Veterans' Affairs Committee and on the Armed Services Committee. If y'all want to split hairs and call it stolen valor for political purposes, that's on you.

I am going to guess that the Governor can stand on his own two feet.
More old tricks. Going back to the well again.
I am not questioning Herr's service, I am questioning his statements - which have a political cast to them - maybe best to let others who served with Walz - FOR TWENTY FOUR YEARS - be the ones to balance the scales.

It's been covered extensively, both in past campaigns and in this article >
'I'm certainly proud of my military service, but it's one piece of me. It doesn't define me,' Walz told Minnesota Public Radio in 2018. After going through basic training in Georgia, he was deployed to Arkansas, Texas, and the Artic Circle on disaster response and other missions. 'You go where you're told to go,' he said.

Al Bonnifield, who served under Walz, told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune Walz had already started thinking about retiring after deploying to Italy during operation Enduring Freedom after Sept. 11th.

'Would the soldier look down on him because he didn't go with us? Would the common soldier say, "Hey, he didn't go with us, he's trying to skip out on a deployment?" And he wasn't,' he told the paper. 'He talked with us for quite a while on that subject. He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with.'

Veteran Joseph Eustice, who led the same battalion as Walz, called him a 'great soldier,' adding, 'When he chose to leave, he had every right to leave.’

I was raised to respect veterans for their service and certainly those with 20+ years in. I guess the times have changed on the chat
This is the shit that pisses me off most. Dude was at 20 and decided to retire instead of deploying...that's literally the reason for like 75% of military retirements. They've done their time and no need to deployed on a shitty tasking if you don't have to.
I'm glad they are underestimating Walz. You ask most Dems and they'll majority say he wasn't even in thr top five but when you hear the dude talk he's not some Pinko Commie. He's going to expanded the Dems chances in GA and NC easily. And if the mood has really changed in the Villages based on recent videos Harris supports FL could be in play. I'm all in for Walz
I'm glad they are underestimating Walz. You ask most Dems and they'll majority say he wasn't even in thr top five but when you hear the dude talk he's not some Pinko Commie. He's going to expanded the Dems chances in GA and NC easily. And if the mood has really changed in the Villages based on recent videos Harris supports FL could be in play. I'm all in for Walz
don't count out Utah lol (/sarcasm font)

I was raised to respect veterans for their service and certainly those with 20+ years in. I guess the times have changed on the chat
Me too. So I have said nothing. My grandfather lost an eye in ww2. Was one of my heroes growing up. Service is service. But these jackals coming out of the woods to agree with you from the left, were certainly not doing the same for Vance’s service. He is a reporter for the marine corp. Becoming a marine period is no joke. Other than sho, the rest were not so respectful there. In all fairness

For me I would rather focus on walz dui while he was a teacher. 96mph. Told the cops he was deaf to avoid prosecution. lol. That is bad enough.
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I'm glad they are underestimating Walz. You ask most Dems and they'll majority say he wasn't even in thr top five but when you hear the dude talk he's not some Pinko Commie. He's going to expanded the Dems chances in GA and NC easily. And if the mood has really changed in the Villages based on recent videos Harris supports FL could be in play. I'm all in for Walz
Grossly underestimating the mood of the country and their views of the economy. Most folks don’t hang on every political gotcha. They vote based on their life experience. And Kamala attempting to defend Bidenomics will not go over well. All the momentum and excitement of replacing a senile white dude is understandable. It will move the popular vote significantly but won’t change the swing state outcomes.
Grossly underestimating the mood of the country and their views of the economy. Most folks don’t hang on every political gotcha. They vote based on their life experience. And Kamala attempting to defend Bidenomics will not go over well. All the momentum and excitement of replacing a senile white dude is understandable. It will move the popular vote significantly but won’t change the swing state outcomes.
People are mad. Really mad. Sick of their wallet hurting. I really think that will carry the day without a catastrophe. Sounds like the stock market will do more retreating and more wars are likely to start.
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I'm glad they are underestimating Walz. You ask most Dems and they'll majority say he wasn't even in thr top five but when you hear the dude talk he's not some Pinko Commie. He's going to expanded the Dems chances in GA and NC easily. And if the mood has really changed in the Villages based on recent videos Harris supports FL could be in play. I'm all in for Walz
Whoever they nominated was going to be "the most left leaning , communist, socialist, woke, anti military, terrible, underqualified candidate that's ever been" except the person at the top of the ticket of course. This has been going on for decades now. It's as sure as the sun rising in the morning.

Imagine living your life as if every storm that came was the worst one yet, every sickness you had was the sickest you've ever been, and every pain you felt was the worst pain you've ever felt. It's miserable for these folk.
Whoever they nominated was going to be "the most left leaning , communist, socialist, woke, anti military, terrible, underqualified candidate that's ever been" except the person at the top of the ticket of course. This has been going on for decades now. It's as sure as the sun rising in the morning.

Imagine living your life as if every storm that came was the worst one yet, every sickness you had was the sickest you've ever been, and every pain you felt was the worst pain you've ever felt. It's miserable for these folk.
George W Bush was the anti-Christ. Romney was a racist rich guy who hated poor people.
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This guy has never been in the bigs. He's about to learn how it really works even with a compliant media.

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Imagine living your life as if every storm that came was the worst one yet, every sickness you had was the sickest you've ever been, and every pain you felt was the worst pain you've ever felt. It's miserable for these folk.
well said.
well said.
Really? And you think if it was RDS or Nikki or any of the others, it would be any different? Trump is actually the most moderate and open to cutting a deal with the Ds? Who would still be claiming the other GOPs were fascists and that America would return to the days of the Salem Witch Trials under them.

The Ds are led by the nose these days by the DSA, and to a signifiant extent there are many DSA sympathizers at the NYT and most if not all of the left leaning media. If you don't see it, change the channel.

This is the landscape these days, pal. No amount of virtue signaling can cover for what the D party has become. I'm still shaking my head over the fact your party effectively expelled a Kennedy. Bobby's boy at that.