O OlecountryDawg Pillar of the DawgVent Jan 24, 2008 18,413 10,683 172 Apr 13, 2015 #1 If he goes a long with the joke of deal ; he wasted everyone time is a joke to the bench and should resign . Posted from Rivals Mobile
If he goes a long with the joke of deal ; he wasted everyone time is a joke to the bench and should resign . Posted from Rivals Mobile
O OlecountryDawg Pillar of the DawgVent Jan 24, 2008 18,413 10,683 172 Apr 13, 2015 #3 If he lets those educators go after what he did , he might as well be . A joke of a judge if he lets them walk with this deal : Posted from Rivals Mobile
If he lets those educators go after what he did , he might as well be . A joke of a judge if he lets them walk with this deal : Posted from Rivals Mobile
B BullochDawg War Daddy May 29, 2001 25,674 4 115 Apr 13, 2015 #4 BO gonna send Holder to take care of it. They were just taking care of the chillren! Raises for all!!
BO gonna send Holder to take care of it. They were just taking care of the chillren! Raises for all!!
O OakhurstDawg Letterman and National Champion Nov 15, 2006 1,607 0 73 Apr 13, 2015 #5 I know Judge Baxter and do a little bit of that myself ... He said he saw the pain in the room and is giving them a final way out. He is extending a last hope at mercy. Fine job, IMHO.
I know Judge Baxter and do a little bit of that myself ... He said he saw the pain in the room and is giving them a final way out. He is extending a last hope at mercy. Fine job, IMHO.