There needs to be some other weapon to restrain these blacks other
than shooting them. First off among the young males a significant number are going to have warrents out and they are going to run for it or fight to stay out of jail. Or they are going to be drunk or on drugs in a number of cases. So short of having non-lethal equipment to stop them...let 'em go. Unless they are armed. You'll get 'em later. And don't put white cops in black neighborhoods or around them. The media has got them stirred up to fight and feel they have a right too. Montgomery is going to all blacks policing blacks. At some point unless the black police throw in with the thugs that should help. Simply because many of the black perps know white cops are under the gun but a black one will likely draw down because he can get away with it. Bad thing. Leadership in Washington has polarized and stupid policing like the white cops that beat that white guy unmercifully haven't helped then a crazed guy like the one who shot the running black fella down.
Re: There needs to be some other weapon to restrain and stop these black other
well here is a novel idea for you. How bout NOT run from the cops? How bout not break the law and have outstanding warrants? How bout those things? Doe it give them a reason to shoot them in the back? NO! But I have been approached by cops before, traffic stops, in Athens, in neighborhood, even in a bad situation before but NEVER i thought I should run or be disrespectful. Even when they were acting like idiots.
Given that many if not most blacks are different from whites at
this point in time then that is frankly not a practical solution. You, like many others buy into this absurd idea that blacks are just some more white people with darker skin. That, frankly, is not reality today. Everybody knows it yet we use this one size fits all, antiquated approach. Be like having the Securities Exchange Commission looking at a bunch of Jews, smart ass white boys with Yale degrees and guys from India on wall street and trying to catch them selling crack in front of a conv store.
Re: Given that many if not most blacks are different from whites at
glad you are giving them a pass, an excuse for their behavior. Therein lies the problem. The blacks, maybe you are one?, constantly believe they are entitled to be treated differently when in fact, they do nothing to deserve anything more than what they continue to get. You act like an animal, I will treat continue to treat you like one, white or black...
Well if you would open your eyes you would realize they don't need a pass,
LOL! Flocking up is part of the package. The democrat party destroyed any hope of many of them turning into responsible middle class Americans by bonding them to welfare and breaking up their family. Course your way of dealing with them is gone. They're here so we are left to deal with the problem inherit with a sizeable group, particularly the ones poisoned by welfare and the lack of family.