Cruz is a complete diot. Not even the GOP cares about him. Better come
up with someone who at least has half a brain, unafraid to lead from the canter and isn't a whore to the gun / insurance lobby or I'm afraid it'll be 16 YEARS -- at least -- before a pub occupies the Oval Office again. As for Rubio, didn't he support / endorse The Gang of Eight immigration recommendations / reform in '12-'13? So now he's trying to distance himself cause he's just another whore pandering to the crowd he's speaking to.
Most voters are indeed smart enough to see right through the bullshit these guys are selling. Go find someone who's a moderate on social issues, strong on defense without jumping into every conflict, willing to bring corporate income tax rates into line with other western industrialized nations, bring income tax rates for the super rich into line with western industrialized nations, is fiscal conservative overall but able to balance the needs of those who can't help themselves v outright greed and selfish motivations rooted in total misinformation, selfish greedy interests, or outright lies. That candidate CAN win in '16. Surely to God that person is out there or Hilary is gonn be the next Prez. That's a very scary thought.