Unfortunately telling the truth in the cluster F that is Iraq, ISIS and the middle east in general is going to absolutely come off as bashing Obama. There is no getting around it if you truly discuss the region and the on-going war against the extremists. BTW, someone needs to tell the goofy administration that Russia/Putin has picked up the leadership role there that we abdicated since they just warned Russia about entering Syria and were busy running in circles while he occupied. Maybe he should explain to Washington that he is just trying to take us where we can't take ourselves. As if Putin gives two hoots in hell. He sees a chance to take charge in the middle east, consolidate a Russian, Iranian and Syrian stronghold and coax the Saudi's, Egypt, and the other moderate states there into moving away from a neutered, impotent and retreating America. And at least isolating Israel if not pulling them into a neutral stance. While exposing the underbelly of NATO.
We are learning some hard lessons about isolationism and trying to retreat from our leadership role. The middle east is there for the plucking and Putin is doing the plucking. He is not at all interested in any American role. Oh he may throw out a few empty words and attempt to play the peace maker role and impress his new audience but it is all self serving. BTW, he is playing to a group of nations who have watched US "leaders" clumsily draw ridiculous red lines and flail away at allies and friends leaving them out to dry.
The Russians and Iranians are also busy in South America. Putin is also making a play for grabbing off the north pole and is intimidating us with flights off the Alaskan coast. While China is on the verge of pushing us mostly out of Asia. Both have sensed the weakness and chaos coming out of Washington with the keystone cops approach to foreign policy. We have managed to snatch defeat from the cold war victory and world leadership position that Reagan endowed America with. This is no cooperative move, it is taking charge of global politics by filling the American void while we golf and play gotcha politics at home. Fundamental change goes world wide as the bullies take back the neighborhood. We may not be interested in confrontation and conflict in the world but it is damn sure interested in us. And there is no place to hide. A cutesy and empty speech from the golf course won't work, Kerry throwing his dog tags at the Russian embassy won't suffice and giving Iran hundreds of billions to continue terror and use to rocket and morter Israel is not the answer either. Trust me, when it comes down to it, Israel will start talking to Russia too as they slowly accept we are abandoning them and the world we held the unquestioned leadership of.
You can tip toe through the tulips with your pleas concerning bashing Obama, hell I'm sick and tired of even considering the damage he has done and even more tired of hearing about it too so I understand where you are coming from. Tis much more pleasant for us all to stick our heads in the sand and think about something else. And we can even try wishing and hoping that Putin is gonna save us over there, that hell he ain't such a bad ole guy after all. Forgetting about his invasions of Georgia, Ukraine , his gulags and so forth. Maybe we could work something out where he can be co-president. Barack has got the home front where he can manage race relations and taxation. While Putin can speak for us in the world and direct our armed forces since we are busy throwing our hero's out of the service for stopping the random rapes of 12 year old boys and the beatings of their moms if they complain. At this point we would all like to just run down our rabbit holes and pretend but up at ground zero global change is happening rapidly. Barack Obama started off talking down and blaming America and went about showing the world and Americans at home that America was not special and the world listened and has began reacting. Racial chaos at home and abdication of our world leadership role are the legacy of the past 7 years. We asked for it and boy howdy are receiving. I'll say this, BO has about drained my white guilt radiator, others (fewer by the day) had extra capacity size reservoirs and still show the ability to go completely, deaf, dumb and blind which must be an asset these days.
But there is good news on the way. America will soon run out of special interest situations to give out our special trophy too, namely the presidency. We'll take care of the woman thing this go round with Hillary (excuse me while I throw up). And if he is still alive we'll take care of the communist, perverts with Bernie in a few. Then we can move on to transgenders. We seem to have voted competency, statesmanship, leadership and morality regardless of race, gender and background off the Island. Too professional, boring and predictable I suppose.