We're about to partner up with Russia and Iran in Syria..


Letterman and National Champion
Apr 30, 2015
Damned if it ain't an odd little world we live in.
Putin has proposed We join forces to fight ISIS in Syria. The campaign would also involve Iranian forces.
As bat chit nuts as this seems on a level, it is probably the best approach to beating ISIS. A big problem in going after ISIS has been the lack of coordination with others who desire the defeat of the radical nut jobs.
Heck, even Saudi Arabia is listening.
Russia is moving ahead with or without us. It's better We have a role than having Putin come off as the hero while wedging Russia further into Mid-East politics.
At least that's my view. I'd like some good back and forth, as long as it doesn't become another boring Obama bashing. If you all take the conversation down that dead end, I'm out.
Damned if it ain't an odd little world we live in.
Putin has proposed We join forces to fight ISIS in Syria. The campaign would also involve Iranian forces.
As bat chit nuts as this seems on a level, it is probably the best approach to beating ISIS. A big problem in going after ISIS has been the lack of coordination with others who desire the defeat of the radical nut jobs.
Heck, even Saudi Arabia is listening.
Russia is moving ahead with or without us. It's better We have a role than having Putin come off as the hero while wedging Russia further into Mid-East politics.
At least that's my view. I'd like some good back and forth, as long as it doesn't become another boring Obama bashing. If you all take the conversation down that dead end, I'm out.

None of the folks here have wanted to admit, and I've been pointing it out for months, the best ALLY we have against Isis presently is Iran. Not isreal. Most of the fighters in Iraq against Isis are Iranians.
Unfortunately telling the truth in the cluster F that is Iraq, ISIS and the middle east in general is going to absolutely come off as bashing Obama. There is no getting around it if you truly discuss the region and the on-going war against the extremists. BTW, someone needs to tell the goofy administration that Russia/Putin has picked up the leadership role there that we abdicated since they just warned Russia about entering Syria and were busy running in circles while he occupied. Maybe he should explain to Washington that he is just trying to take us where we can't take ourselves. As if Putin gives two hoots in hell. He sees a chance to take charge in the middle east, consolidate a Russian, Iranian and Syrian stronghold and coax the Saudi's, Egypt, and the other moderate states there into moving away from a neutered, impotent and retreating America. And at least isolating Israel if not pulling them into a neutral stance. While exposing the underbelly of NATO.

We are learning some hard lessons about isolationism and trying to retreat from our leadership role. The middle east is there for the plucking and Putin is doing the plucking. He is not at all interested in any American role. Oh he may throw out a few empty words and attempt to play the peace maker role and impress his new audience but it is all self serving. BTW, he is playing to a group of nations who have watched US "leaders" clumsily draw ridiculous red lines and flail away at allies and friends leaving them out to dry.

The Russians and Iranians are also busy in South America. Putin is also making a play for grabbing off the north pole and is intimidating us with flights off the Alaskan coast. While China is on the verge of pushing us mostly out of Asia. Both have sensed the weakness and chaos coming out of Washington with the keystone cops approach to foreign policy. We have managed to snatch defeat from the cold war victory and world leadership position that Reagan endowed America with. This is no cooperative move, it is taking charge of global politics by filling the American void while we golf and play gotcha politics at home. Fundamental change goes world wide as the bullies take back the neighborhood. We may not be interested in confrontation and conflict in the world but it is damn sure interested in us. And there is no place to hide. A cutesy and empty speech from the golf course won't work, Kerry throwing his dog tags at the Russian embassy won't suffice and giving Iran hundreds of billions to continue terror and use to rocket and morter Israel is not the answer either. Trust me, when it comes down to it, Israel will start talking to Russia too as they slowly accept we are abandoning them and the world we held the unquestioned leadership of.

You can tip toe through the tulips with your pleas concerning bashing Obama, hell I'm sick and tired of even considering the damage he has done and even more tired of hearing about it too so I understand where you are coming from. Tis much more pleasant for us all to stick our heads in the sand and think about something else. And we can even try wishing and hoping that Putin is gonna save us over there, that hell he ain't such a bad ole guy after all. Forgetting about his invasions of Georgia, Ukraine , his gulags and so forth. Maybe we could work something out where he can be co-president. Barack has got the home front where he can manage race relations and taxation. While Putin can speak for us in the world and direct our armed forces since we are busy throwing our hero's out of the service for stopping the random rapes of 12 year old boys and the beatings of their moms if they complain. At this point we would all like to just run down our rabbit holes and pretend but up at ground zero global change is happening rapidly. Barack Obama started off talking down and blaming America and went about showing the world and Americans at home that America was not special and the world listened and has began reacting. Racial chaos at home and abdication of our world leadership role are the legacy of the past 7 years. We asked for it and boy howdy are receiving. I'll say this, BO has about drained my white guilt radiator, others (fewer by the day) had extra capacity size reservoirs and still show the ability to go completely, deaf, dumb and blind which must be an asset these days.

But there is good news on the way. America will soon run out of special interest situations to give out our special trophy too, namely the presidency. We'll take care of the woman thing this go round with Hillary (excuse me while I throw up). And if he is still alive we'll take care of the communist, perverts with Bernie in a few. Then we can move on to transgenders. We seem to have voted competency, statesmanship, leadership and morality regardless of race, gender and background off the Island. Too professional, boring and predictable I suppose.
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Unfortunately telling the truth in the cluster F that is Iraq, ISIS and the middle east in general is going to absolutely come off as bashing Obama. There is no getting around it if you truly discuss the region and the on-going war against the extremists. BTW, someone needs to tell the goofy administration that Russia/Putin has picked up the leadership role there that we abdicated since they just warned Russia about entering Syria and were busy running in circles while he occupied. Explain to Washington that he is just trying to take us where we can't take ourselves. As if Putin gives two hoots in hell. He sees a chance to take charge in the middle east, consolidate a Russian, Iranian and Syrian stronghold and coax the Saudi's, Egypt, and the other moderate states there into moving away from a neutered, impotent and retreating America. And at least isolating Israel if not pulling them into a neutral stance. While exposing the underbelly of NATO.

We are learning some hard lessons about isolationism and trying to retreat from our leadership role. The middle east is there for the plucking and Putin is doing the plucking. He is not at all interested in any American role. Oh he may throw out a few empty words and attempt to play the peace maker role and impress his new audience but it is all self serving. BTW, he is playing to a group of nations who have watched US "leaders" clumsily draw ridiculous red lines and flail away at allies and friends leaving them out to dry.

The Russians and Iranians are also busy in South America. Putin is also making a play for grabbing off the north pole and is intimidating us with flights off the Alaskan coast. While China is on the verge of pushing us mostly out of Asia. Both have sensed the weakness and chaos coming out of Washington with the keystone cops approach to foreign policy. We have managed to snatch defeat from the cold war victory and world leadership position that Reagan endowed America with. This is no cooperative move, it is taking charge of global politics by filling the American void while we golf and play gotcha politics at home. Fundamental change goes world wide as the bullies take back the neighborhood. We may not be interested in confrontation and conflict in the world but it is damn sure interested in us. And there is no place to hide. A cutesy and empty speech from the golf course won't work, Kerry throwing his dog tags at the Russian embassy won't suffice and giving Iran hundreds of billions to continue terror and bombing Iran is not the answer either. Trust me, when it comes down to it, Israel will start talking to Russia too as they slowly accept we are abandoning them and the world we held the unquestioned leadership of.

You can tip toe through the tulips with your pleas concerning bashing Obama, hell I'm sick and tired of even considering the damage he has done and even more tired of hearing about it too so I understand where you are coming from. And we can even try wishing and hoping that Putin is gonna save us over there, that hell he ain't such a bad ole guy after all. Forgetting about his invasions of Georgia, Ukraine and so forth. Maybe we could work something out where he can be co-president. Barack has got the home front where he can manage race relations and taxation. While Putin can speak for us in the world and direct our armed forces since we are busy throwing our hero's out of the service for stopping the random rapes of 12 year old boys and the beatings of their moms if they complain. At this point we would all like to just run down our rabbit holes and pretend but up at ground zero global change is happening rapidly. Barack Obama started off talking down and blaming America and went about showing the world and Americans at home that America was not special and the world listened and has began reacting. Racial chaos at home and abdication of our world leadership role are the legacy of the past 7 years. We asked for it and boy howdy are receiving.

But there is good news on the way. America will soon run out of special interest situations to give out our special trophy too, namely the presidency. We'll take care of the woman thing this go round with Hillary (excuse me while I throw up). And if he is still alive we'll take care of the communist, perverts with Bernie in a few. Then we can move on to transgenders. We seem to have voted competency, statesmanship, leadership and morality regardless of race, gender and background off the Island. Too professional, boring and predictable I suppose.

I agree with your assessment, and How can you not fault obama in just gathering the facts of the situation. We are now acting as if one of our enemies is coming to our rescue as a friend because he really cares about America. Putin loves the fact that we are so weak he can step in and do what ever he wants. Russia has become the world leader right in front of us. I would much rather have the US as the world leader looking after our best interest on the international front. It is the bizzaro world at this time where good is bad and bad is the new good. We are busy defending the murder of babies and harvesting their organs for profit, and allowing our borders to act as a one way door into America regardless of who these immigrants are (terrorist, criminals, gang members) come all we will treat you better than our middle class that is taking care of the bill for your goodies. Do we now need one of those house divided car tags with the US/Russia on the front? Are we supposed to be thankful that our enemy has been given (or taken) the power to step in because we were to weak? We made this mess in the last seven years and now have to sit by and watch Putin fix the problems we caused.
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None of the folks here have wanted to admit, and I've been pointing it out for months, the best ALLY we have against Isis presently is Iran. Not isreal. Most of the fighters in Iraq against Isis are Iranians.

Yea the POS the stupid in this Country elected can't even get our hostages released, or inspect nuke facilities going to get Iran to defeat ISIS.....Sounds like the thinking of those stupid ppl that elected the POS.
Damned if it ain't an odd little world we live in.
Putin has proposed We join forces to fight ISIS in Syria. The campaign would also involve Iranian forces.
As bat chit nuts as this seems on a level, it is probably the best approach to beating ISIS. A big problem in going after ISIS has been the lack of coordination with others who desire the defeat of the radical nut jobs.
Heck, even Saudi Arabia is listening.
Russia is moving ahead with or without us. It's better We have a role than having Putin come off as the hero while wedging Russia further into Mid-East politics.
At least that's my view. I'd like some good back and forth, as long as it doesn't become another boring Obama bashing. If you all take the conversation down that dead end, I'm out.

Obviously, you knew the real issue before you allowed anyone to reply. The Middle East can not be discussed in an honest way without Obama being included in the conversation.

In the famous, or infamous, words of Jeremiah Wright, our chickens have come home to roost. The failure to act on a red line threat and the void created by removing our troops from Iraq created a vacuum, predicted by the Bush Administration, to allow Isis, Iran, Syria, and now Russia to dominate the region. We, the USA, now have very little, if any, influence in the region.

All of this could have been avoided if we had a leader with a spine. Or, at least a little competency.

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I'm all for ''honesty'', but many of you act as if President
Obama committed original sin in The Mid-East. This began with the unwise invasion of Iraq, the core of ISIS is mostly Iraqi.
It was clear to me ''The Arab Spring'' would prove to be a cluster duck, THAT much is partly on President Obama. The Neo-Cons are 70% to blame for the current mess though.
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I'm all for ''honesty'', but many of you act as if President
Obama committed original sin in The Mid-East. This began with the unwise invasion of Iraq, the core of ISIS is mostly Iraqi.
It was clear to me ''The Arab Spring'' would prove to be a cluster duck, THAT much is partly on President Obama. The Neo-Cons are 70% to blame for the current mess though.

The country of Iraq was under control until Ears decided to pull the troops out. As history has shown, we need to leave some troops in place to aid in restoration of order (Germany, South Korea,etc). If we had not gone there in the first place Iraq would be there with Iran against the US and Israel just as always. obama just showed how to fail to lead or act on intelligence and inflame the middle east even worse. Maybe next time we are attacked we should just cower and ignore them, that is what obama thinks we need to do. Let's embolden our enemies, great idea! Oh, by the way the cluster duck on the Arab spring is ALL on obama and his inactivity on the matter.
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I'm all for ''honesty'', but many of you act as if President
Obama committed original sin in The Mid-East. This began with the unwise invasion of Iraq, the core of ISIS is mostly Iraqi.
It was clear to me ''The Arab Spring'' would prove to be a cluster duck, THAT much is partly on President Obama. The Neo-Cons are 70% to blame for the current mess though.

You mean the unwise invasion of Iraq which was endorsed by Clinton, voted in favor of by every Democrat in Congress, and fundamentally approved by the UN? That unwise invasion?

Germany, South Korean, and Japan seem to be pretty stable right now. As Iraq was.

Liberals have such short memories.

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The country of Iraq was under control until Ears decided to pull the troops out. As history has shown, we need to leave some troops in place to aid in restoration of order (Germany, South Korea,etc). If we had not gone there in the first place Iraq would be there with Iran against the US and Israel just as always. obama just showed how to fail to lead or act on intelligence and inflame the middle east even worse. Maybe next time we are attacked we should just cower and ignore them, that is what obama thinks we need to do. Let's embolden our enemies, great idea! Oh, by the way the cluster duck on the Arab spring is ALL on obama and his inactivity on the matter.

Comparing Germany, Japan and Korea to the situation in Iraq is useless, and deceiving. Obama actually moved the deadline for withdrawal originally set by The Bush administration back several times before finally following through on promises made to The Iraqi government. The country was never under control either. There was a tense temporary lull that was never going to be permanent. The best option after ''breaking it'' as general Powell put it would have been Biden's idea of separate provinces for Sunni and Shia. The only other solution would be a strong man dictatorship along the lines of Sadam.

WOW, I just read on down where You stated Iraq would have been right there with Iran against Israel. That is preposterous. Sadam invaded Iran and fought the biggest land war since WWII against them. They were not partners in any way, shape or form. Sadam had no interest in fighting Israel.
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Anyway, you BOYS carry on. It's clear there is no interest here in constructive conversation addressing the OP and our current options.
Anyway, you BOYS carry on. It's clear there is no interest here in constructive conversation addressing the OP and our current options.

Cut and run. Typical Liberal. Can't control the narrative so he/she's going to take his/her ball and go home. Quitter. :p

What are our options now that we have no influence in the region? Teaming up with Russia, who obviously doesn't have any respect for Obama or the USA, is your answer?
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Damned if it ain't an odd little world we live in.
Putin has proposed We join forces to fight ISIS in Syria. The campaign would also involve Iranian forces.
As bat chit nuts as this seems on a level, it is probably the best approach to beating ISIS. A big problem in going after ISIS has been the lack of coordination with others who desire the defeat of the radical nut jobs.
Heck, even Saudi Arabia is listening.
Russia is moving ahead with or without us. It's better We have a role than having Putin come off as the hero while wedging Russia further into Mid-East politics.
At least that's my view. I'd like some good back and forth, as long as it doesn't become another boring Obama bashing. If you all take the conversation down that dead end, I'm out.
I'm inclined to agree with the late Gen. George S. Patton who once said, "You can't trust those damned Russian Sumbitches!"
I think it's not only a "power move" by Putin, but also that he sees what's happening to much of Europe as this flustercuck continues with regards to immigration and rapidly changing demographics. I don't think Putin/Russia want an Islamic Europe on their doorstep, but that is exactly what is happening.
Cut and run. Typical Liberal. Can't control the narrative so he/she's going to take his/her ball and go home. Quitter. :p

What are our options now that we have no influence in the region? Teaming up with Russia, who obviously doesn't have any respect for Obama or the USA, is your answer?

No, it's just boring as hell to read the limited juvenile tripe ( Obama bad) blather over and over without anything thoughtful or broadly honest.

You're boring Dawg.
No, it's just boring as hell to read the limited juvenile tripe ( Obama bad) blather over and over without anything thoughtful or broadly honest.

You're boring Dawg.

More like you can't handle the truth so you tuck tail. I understand. We're supposed to sit back and let you control the conversation without challenging you are your blatant lies? Not going to happen. You've had your 7/8 years of Utopian bliss. Now, get out of the way so some adults can take over and clean up Obama's mess.

You're a crybaby, Dawg.
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I'm all for ''honesty'', but many of you act as if President
Obama committed original sin in The Mid-East. This began with the unwise invasion of Iraq, the core of ISIS is mostly Iraqi.
It was clear to me ''The Arab Spring'' would prove to be a cluster duck, THAT much is partly on President Obama. The Neo-Cons are 70% to blame for the current mess though.
LOL! We won the fight and had a strong grip on a base in the strategic part of the middle east where we could either get troops in if it ever came to that and a decisive grip on middle east eventualities as it relate to extreme groups and access to freaking oil. What more could America and the free world want? We were in a similar spot as we were post Germany and post Japan in WW11. There with the intent to stay there and help them become a better place and ultimately no threat to their neighbors or the USA.

But that success in and of itself created hostilities among the extreme left who can't pull for America and peace if it also meant pulling for or the result of actions by the hated President Bush. And allowing him any credit for the success. So Obama threw back the success and blindly withdrew against all the intelligence and advice of those who knew better. The American left and Barack Obama OWN the world shaping disaster in the middle east along with stirring up the Arab Spring uprisings. The left and their media lackeys thought that was so cool! If conservatives had held sway NONE of this debacle would be happening. This is all the bad is now the new good extreme left agenda fallout so own and wallow in it.
More like you can't handle the truth so you tuck tail. I understand. We're supposed to sit back and let you control the conversation without challenging you are your blatant lies? Not going to happen. You've had your 7/8 years of Utopian bliss. Now, get out of the way so some adults can take over and clean up Obama's mess.

You're a crybaby, Dawg.

You're hopeless, and so are too many others. You can't think broadly because your lone focus is your hate for President Obama and ''liberals''.
You miss 90% of what's important because of your tunnel vision.
I wouldn't have a problem with criticism of Obama, or anybody else. It's just that it's ALL you and others seem capable or discussing, all non-football threads on this board seem to end up being bash The POTUS indulgencies.
LOL! We won the fight and had a strong grip on a base in the strategic part of the middle east where we could either get troops in if it ever came to that and a decisive grip on middle east eventualities as it relate to extreme groups and access to freaking oil. What more could America and the free world want? We were in a similar spot as we were post Germany and post Japan in WW11. There with the intent to stay there and help them become a better place and ultimately no threat to their neighbors or the USA.

But that success in and of itself created hostilities among the extreme left who can't pull for America and peace if it also meant pulling for or the result of actions by the hated President Bush. And allowing him any credit for the success. So Obama threw back the success and blindly withdrew against all the intelligence and advice of those who knew better. The American left and Barack Obama OWN the world shaping disaster in the middle east along with stirring up the Arab Spring uprisings. The left and their media lackeys thought that was so cool! If conservatives had held sway NONE of this debacle would be happening. This is all the bad is now the new good extreme left agenda fallout so own and wallow in it.

That is a huge crock of shit. Talk about revisionist history...WOW.
You're hopeless, and so are too many others. You can't think broadly because your lone focus is your hate for President Obama and ''liberals''.
You miss 90% of what's important because of your tunnel vision.
I wouldn't have a problem with criticism of Obama, or anybody else. It's just that it's ALL you and others seem capable or discussing, all non-football threads on this board seem to end up being bash The POTUS indulgencies.

For me, this is where you screwed-up - The Neo-Cons are 70% to blame for the current mess though.

Evidently, your lone focus is your hate for Republicans and Bush. I will no longer allow you liberals to place the blame squarely on Neo-Cons.

Obama is our residing President and most of the world's current problems are occurring because of him. He has politicized everything, and now including the Catholic Faith.
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Comparing Germany, Japan and Korea to the situation in Iraq is useless, and deceiving. Obama actually moved the deadline for withdrawal originally set by The Bush administration back several times before finally following through on promises made to The Iraqi government. The country was never under control either. There was a tense temporary lull that was never going to be permanent. The best option after ''breaking it'' as general Powell put it would have been Biden's idea of separate provinces for Sunni and Shia. The only other solution would be a strong man dictatorship along the lines of Sadam.

WOW, I just read on down where You stated Iraq would have been right there with Iran against Israel. That is preposterous. Sadam invaded Iran and fought the biggest land war since WWII against them. They were not partners in any way, shape or form. Sadam had no interest in fighting Israel.

The hatred those two shared for the US and Israel would have brought them together for an attempt to wipe out the little satan. Not 100% sure but good chance.
I know Sadam and Iran were enemies, but look at Putin and his new lap dogs(obama and kerry). Who would have thought that would happen, they say politics make strange bed fellows. This is even more so in obamas case.
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You're hopeless, and so are too many others. You can't think broadly because your lone focus is your hate for President Obama and ''liberals''.
You miss 90% of what's important because of your tunnel vision.
I wouldn't have a problem with criticism of Obama, or anybody else. It's just that it's ALL you and others seem capable or discussing, all non-football threads on this board seem to end up being bash The POTUS indulgencies.

It is because he is an impotent, limp wrist, America hating momma's boy, that happens to like destroying our ONCE great nation.
He might have left it beyond repair. How can you not see the truth in front of your face? You have to look in the mirror when so many others opinion differs from your own. Maybe you are on the wrong side of history with this administration.
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Unfortunately telling the truth in the cluster F that is Iraq, ISIS and the middle east in general is going to absolutely come off as bashing Obama. There is no getting around it if you truly discuss the region and the on-going war against the extremists. BTW, someone needs to tell the goofy administration that Russia/Putin has picked up the leadership role there that we abdicated since they just warned Russia about entering Syria and were busy running in circles while he occupied. Maybe he should explain to Washington that he is just trying to take us where we can't take ourselves. As if Putin gives two hoots in hell. He sees a chance to take charge in the middle east, consolidate a Russian, Iranian and Syrian stronghold and coax the Saudi's, Egypt, and the other moderate states there into moving away from a neutered, impotent and retreating America. And at least isolating Israel if not pulling them into a neutral stance. While exposing the underbelly of NATO.

We are learning some hard lessons about isolationism and trying to retreat from our leadership role. The middle east is there for the plucking and Putin is doing the plucking. He is not at all interested in any American role. Oh he may throw out a few empty words and attempt to play the peace maker role and impress his new audience but it is all self serving. BTW, he is playing to a group of nations who have watched US "leaders" clumsily draw ridiculous red lines and flail away at allies and friends leaving them out to dry.

The Russians and Iranians are also busy in South America. Putin is also making a play for grabbing off the north pole and is intimidating us with flights off the Alaskan coast. While China is on the verge of pushing us mostly out of Asia. Both have sensed the weakness and chaos coming out of Washington with the keystone cops approach to foreign policy. We have managed to snatch defeat from the cold war victory and world leadership position that Reagan endowed America with. This is no cooperative move, it is taking charge of global politics by filling the American void while we golf and play gotcha politics at home. Fundamental change goes world wide as the bullies take back the neighborhood. We may not be interested in confrontation and conflict in the world but it is damn sure interested in us. And there is no place to hide. A cutesy and empty speech from the golf course won't work, Kerry throwing his dog tags at the Russian embassy won't suffice and giving Iran hundreds of billions to continue terror and use to rocket and morter Israel is not the answer either. Trust me, when it comes down to it, Israel will start talking to Russia too as they slowly accept we are abandoning them and the world we held the unquestioned leadership of.

You can tip toe through the tulips with your pleas concerning bashing Obama, hell I'm sick and tired of even considering the damage he has done and even more tired of hearing about it too so I understand where you are coming from. Tis much more pleasant for us all to stick our heads in the sand and think about something else. And we can even try wishing and hoping that Putin is gonna save us over there, that hell he ain't such a bad ole guy after all. Forgetting about his invasions of Georgia, Ukraine , his gulags and so forth. Maybe we could work something out where he can be co-president. Barack has got the home front where he can manage race relations and taxation. While Putin can speak for us in the world and direct our armed forces since we are busy throwing our hero's out of the service for stopping the random rapes of 12 year old boys and the beatings of their moms if they complain. At this point we would all like to just run down our rabbit holes and pretend but up at ground zero global change is happening rapidly. Barack Obama started off talking down and blaming America and went about showing the world and Americans at home that America was not special and the world listened and has began reacting. Racial chaos at home and abdication of our world leadership role are the legacy of the past 7 years. We asked for it and boy howdy are receiving. I'll say this, BO has about drained my white guilt radiator, others (fewer by the day) had extra capacity size reservoirs and still show the ability to go completely, deaf, dumb and blind which must be an asset these days.

But there is good news on the way. America will soon run out of special interest situations to give out our special trophy too, namely the presidency. We'll take care of the woman thing this go round with Hillary (excuse me while I throw up). And if he is still alive we'll take care of the communist, perverts with Bernie in a few. Then we can move on to transgenders. We seem to have voted competency, statesmanship, leadership and morality regardless of race, gender and background off the Island. Too professional, boring and predictable I suppose.

Putin is far from being the James Bond super villain you describe and Russia is far from being the military monolith it never really was during the Cold War. Putin is desperate to preserve the only ally Russia has in the Middle East. Over the past five years, Russia has lost many former client states---Libya, Iraq, and Egypt---and it will probably lose Syria when the Assad regime is overthrown. Putin is putting boots on the ground in Syria as a last-ditch effort to save one-half of its' military bases outside Eastern Europe.

Russia only has two (2) military bases in foreign countries outside the boundaries of what used to be the Soviet Union---Syria and Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam, which is a run-down supply and refueling depot. I visited CRB in 2009 while doing research on the Vietnam War, and from my observation, neither the Russians nor the Vietnamese have made any changes or improvements to the port complex. It looks exactly the same as it did in photos taken in 1968. I watched Russian terminal service units unload cargo off a "temporary" floating DeLong pier the US Army installed in 1965.

From a strategic standpoint, Putin's military buildup is a bad gamble. ISIS probably will respond to Russian intervention in Syria by increasing jihadist activity in Chechnya and the overwhelmingly Muslim regions on Russia's southern border, where the people have longstanding hatred for the Soviet Union and Russia. Also, by aggressively defending the Assad regime, Russia will probably create new enemies among the various anti-Assad populations in Syria, especially the Kurds.

The only ominous development with the Russian buildup in Syria is the presence of SAMs. Unless ISIS has suddenly developed an air force, it's safe to conclude that Russia intends to use them against potential threats from Israel, Turkey, the US, or any other nation that may attempt to bomb Syria as a prelude to overthrowing the Assad regime.
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It is because he is an impotent, limp wrist, America hating momma's boy, that happens to like destroying our ONCE great nation.
He might have left it beyond repair. How can you not see the truth in front of your face? You have to look in the mirror when so many others opinion differs from your own. Maybe you are on the wrong side of history with this administration.

Come down from Cloud-Cuckoo Land and get over your irrational hatred of Barack Obama. The US is far from being destroyed. Just in 2012, the US (under President Obama) spent more on defense than China, Russia, Great Britain, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, India, Germany, Italy and Brazil COMBINED.
For me, this is where you screwed-up - The Neo-Cons are 70% to blame for the current mess though.

Evidently, your lone focus is your hate for Republicans and Bush. I will no longer allow you liberals to place the blame squarely on Neo-Cons.

Obama is our residing President and most of the world's current problems are occurring because of him. He has politicized everything, and now including the Catholic Faith.

I'm sure Obama twisted The Pope's arm before he spoke at TWH. For your info the Neo-Cons are alive and still influencing policy from The State Dept. Instead of ''Neo-Con'' they might be more accurately called people whose concern for Israel over-rides their concern for our interest in their words and actions.
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It is because he is an impotent, limp wrist, America hating momma's boy, that happens to like destroying our ONCE great nation.
He might have left it beyond repair. How can you not see the truth in front of your face? You have to look in the mirror when so many others opinion differs from your own. Maybe you are on the wrong side of history with this administration.

Oh come on, so many others' opinion differs from mine HERE because it's populated by Obama haters. This board is a far cry from a reflection of this Country.
Putin is far from being the James Bond super villain you describe and Russia is far from being the military monolith it never really was during the Cold War. Putin is desperate to preserve the only ally Russia has in the Middle East. Over the past five years, Russia has lost many former client states---Libya, Iraq, and Egypt---and it will probably lose Syria when the Assad regime is overthrown. Putin is putting boots on the ground in Syria as a last-ditch effort to save one-half of its' military bases outside Eastern Europe.

Russia only has two (2) military bases in foreign countries outside the boundaries of what used to be the Soviet Union---Syria and Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam, which is a run-down supply and refueling depot. I visited CRB in 2009 while doing research on the Vietnam War, and from my observation, neither the Russians nor the Vietnamese have made any changes or improvements to the port complex. It looks exactly the same as it did in photos taken in 1968. I watched Russian terminal service units unload cargo off a "temporary" floating DeLong pier the US Army installed in 1965.

From a strategic standpoint, Putin's military buildup is a bad gamble. ISIS probably will respond to Russian intervention in Syria by increasing jihadist activity in Chechnya and the overwhelmingly Muslim regions on Russia's southern border, where the people have longstanding hatred for the Soviet Union and Russia. Also, by aggressively defending the Assad regime, Russia will probably create new enemies among the various anti-Assad populations in Syria, especially the Kurds.

The only ominous development with the Russian buildup in Syria is the presence of SAMs. Unless ISIS has suddenly developed an air force, it's safe to conclude that Russia intends to use them against potential threats from Israel, Turkey, the US, or any other nation that may attempt to bomb Syria as a prelude to overthrowing the Assad regime.
Not surprised that you lefties are cozying up to and showing your admiration for Putin, a fellow traveler. Are you looking for a new hero since your old one has lost the respect of so many and it is increasingly difficult to find anything good to base your hopes on? So now it's Putin? Really?

I will say this, he has simply abused Barack Obama strategically and politically to the extend that I can only imagine the regard Russia must hold for the American administration and the American people for voting for him....TWICE!
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Not surprised that you lefties are cozying up to and showing your admiration for Putin, a fellow traveler. Are you looking for a new hero since your old one has lost the respect of so many and it is increasingly difficult to find anything good to base your hopes on? So now it's Putin? Really?

I will say this, he has simply abused Barack Obama strategically and politically to the extend that I can only imagine the regard Russia must hold for the American administration and the American people for voting for him....TWICE!

You obviously didn't understand what I wrote, so let me simplify it for you: Russia lost most of its allies in the Middle East---Libya, Egypt, Iraq---and is likely to lose Syria, its only ally remaining in the region. If Syria falls, Russia loses 1 out of the 2 worldwide foreign military bases it currently has outside of Eastern Europe. Russia is sending troops, planes, and weapons to Syria and saying it is doing so because it wants to fight ISIS. Russia is REALLY sending the troops, planes, and weapons to preserve the Syrian dictatorship from overthrow.

It is a political and military gamble because ISIS can put pressure on Russia by increasing Islamic insurgent activity at Russia's southern border where the population is overwhelmingly Muslim and possesses long-standing grudges against the former Soviet Union. It is also a bad gamble because Russia will create new enemies for itself among the anti-dictatorship groups in Syria and guarantees Russia will be kicked out of Syria when Assad either dies or is overthrown. Russia is gambling that it will have a say in the choice of Assad's successor.

Russia is also gambling that Israel, Turkey, and the US will not object to its stationing of surface-to-air missiles in Syria. I believe that is a bad gamble. In recent weeks, both the Israeli prime minister and the US secretary of state have visited Putin and I would bet at least one, if not both, parties carefully explained the consequences of using those SAMs.

Putin is weak and a failure as a so-called "world leader". He tried to annex Crimea and that can't be termed a success so far. He invaded Ukraine and thus far has only been able to control a very tiny section at a very high cost in terms of casualties. He tried to create a "Eurasian Economic Union" and that failed. He tried to negotiate an energy deal with China that would relieve the West's economic sanctions against Russian companies---that failed, too.

Putin has confused "activity" with "productivity".
Oh come on, so many others' opinion differs from mine HERE because it's populated by Obama haters. This board is a far cry from a reflection of this Country.
You are right about that, there are far fewer conservatives that understand the impact of big government upon our society, than liberals who want more government programs and handouts to increase. To many in this nation know nothing of self reliance, that is a shame.
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You obviously didn't understand what I wrote, so let me simplify it for you: Russia lost most of its allies in the Middle East---Libya, Egypt, Iraq---and is likely to lose Syria, its only ally remaining in the region. If Syria falls, Russia loses 1 out of the 2 worldwide foreign military bases it currently has outside of Eastern Europe. Russia is sending troops, planes, and weapons to Syria and saying it is doing so because it wants to fight ISIS. Russia is REALLY sending the troops, planes, and weapons to preserve the Syrian dictatorship from overthrow.

It is a political and military gamble because ISIS can put pressure on Russia by increasing Islamic insurgent activity at Russia's southern border where the population is overwhelmingly Muslim and possesses long-standing grudges against the former Soviet Union. It is also a bad gamble because Russia will create new enemies for itself among the anti-dictatorship groups in Syria and guarantees Russia will be kicked out of Syria when Assad either dies or is overthrown. Russia is gambling that it will have a say in the choice of Assad's successor.

Russia is also gambling that Israel, Turkey, and the US will not object to its stationing of surface-to-air missiles in Syria. I believe that is a bad gamble. In recent weeks, both the Israeli prime minister and the US secretary of state have visited Putin and I would bet at least one, if not both, parties carefully explained the consequences of using those SAMs.

Putin is weak and a failure as a so-called "world leader". He tried to annex Crimea and that can't be termed a success so far. He invaded Ukraine and thus far has only been able to control a very tiny section at a very high cost in terms of casualties. He tried to create a "Eurasian Economic Union" and that failed. He tried to negotiate an energy deal with China that would relieve the West's economic sanctions against Russian companies---that failed, too.

Putin has confused "activity" with "productivity".

Here is where I can find common ground with you, your military assessment (if you really do have a background in the Military). But, you left out Iran as a current ally in the region. And, imo, Syria is not going to be overthrown anytime soon. Russia is not going to allow it, and it will be a long time before Assad is dead.

Your opinion that Putin is weak may be true, but if you compare his productivity around the world to Obama's, imo, Putin is way ahead, strategically and politically.

Now, what are your solutions for the region? Imo, Partnering up with Russia is not an option. Not going to happen.
You obviously didn't understand what I wrote, so let me simplify it for you: Russia lost most of its allies in the Middle East---Libya, Egypt, Iraq---and is likely to lose Syria, its only ally remaining in the region. If Syria falls, Russia loses 1 out of the 2 worldwide foreign military bases it currently has outside of Eastern Europe. Russia is sending troops, planes, and weapons to Syria and saying it is doing so because it wants to fight ISIS. Russia is REALLY sending the troops, planes, and weapons to preserve the Syrian dictatorship from overthrow.

It is a political and military gamble because ISIS can put pressure on Russia by increasing Islamic insurgent activity at Russia's southern border where the population is overwhelmingly Muslim and possesses long-standing grudges against the former Soviet Union. It is also a bad gamble because Russia will create new enemies for itself among the anti-dictatorship groups in Syria and guarantees Russia will be kicked out of Syria when Assad either dies or is overthrown. Russia is gambling that it will have a say in the choice of Assad's successor.

Russia is also gambling that Israel, Turkey, and the US will not object to its stationing of surface-to-air missiles in Syria. I believe that is a bad gamble. In recent weeks, both the Israeli prime minister and the US secretary of state have visited Putin and I would bet at least one, if not both, parties carefully explained the consequences of using those SAMs.

Putin is weak and a failure as a so-called "world leader". He tried to annex Crimea and that can't be termed a success so far. He invaded Ukraine and thus far has only been able to control a very tiny section at a very high cost in terms of casualties. He tried to create a "Eurasian Economic Union" and that failed. He tried to negotiate an energy deal with China that would relieve the West's economic sanctions against Russian companies---that failed, too.

Putin has confused "activity" with "productivity".
Damn, If he is weak we must be paralyzed with inaction or fear or both. Mitt Romney warned of the threat of Russia in one of the debates and our coward non-leader obama mocked him and stated "The 80's called and they want their foreign policy back"-Ears.
well I bet he cares not to bring that up now does he? We are not even strong enough to negotiate any longer. We conceded everything Iran wanted to them, and now they want to drop the clause where we can re-impose the sanctions if they renege on the treaty. We also give them $150 BILLION of our hard earned dollars to turn around and screw us with.
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Not surprised that you lefties are cozying up to and showing your admiration for Putin, a fellow traveler. Are you looking for a new hero since your old one has lost the respect of so many and it is increasingly difficult to find anything good to base your hopes on? So now it's Putin? Really?

I will say this, he has simply abused Barack Obama strategically and politically to the extend that I can only imagine the regard Russia must hold for the American administration and the American people for voting for him....TWICE!

It's been the Obama haters on this board that have acted like Putin is your hero for confronting your own POTUS.
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Damn, If he is weak we must be paralyzed with inaction or fear or both. Mitt Romney warned of the threat of Russia in one of the debates and our coward non-leader obama mocked him and stated "The 80's called and they want their foreign policy back"-Ears.
well I bet he cares not to bring that up now does he? We are not even strong enough to negotiate any longer. We conceded everything Iran wanted to them, and now they want to drop the clause where we can re-impose the sanctions if they renege on the treaty. We also give them $150 BILLION of our hard earned dollars to turn around and screw us with.

We won't let them out of the clause that re-imposes sanctions if they renege, but we'll take military action if they get close to building a nuke.
Also we haven't given Iran a dollar. We just unfroze their assets. The total value in frozen assets comes to between 110 and 140 billion, but much of it is in Europe, which was going to be released with or without our agreement.
It's been the Obama haters on this board that have acted like Putin is your hero in confronting your own POTUS.
But now that Obama has turned the world into a shiat sandwich you guys suddenly don't think ole Val is such a bad guy. Plus you are hoping he saves BO. BTW, I have NEVER and you can NEVER produce a post where any conservative regards Putin as a hero. They are so incensed at Obama they throw Putin in his face in a "he is so bad he even lets idiot stick Putin run circles around him. That stuff is all a direct shot at the stiff, Barack H Obama.
We won't let them out of the clause that re-imposes sanctions if they renege, but we'll take military action if they get close to building a nuke.
Also we haven't given Iran a dollar. We just unfroze their assets. The total value in frozen assets comes to between 110 and 140 billion, but much of it is in Europe, which was going to be released with or without our agreement.
Who will take military action? That will only be if we elect a conservative leader. hillary or biden would crap themselves if they had to make that decision.
There are the release of their assets and also we ( the United States) are giving them $150 billion, I guess to make up for lost income in the past.
But now that Obama has turned the world into a shiat sandwich you guys suddenly don't think ole Val is such a bad guy. Plus you are hoping he saves BO. BTW, I have NEVER and you can NEVER produce a post where any conservative regards Putin as a hero. They are so incensed at Obama they throw Putin in his face in a "he is so bad he even lets idiot stick Putin run circles around him. That stuff is all a direct shot at the stiff, Barack H Obama.

You're not getting from me that ''Vlad'' as you guys refer to him is anything other than a sneaky SOB. This is a short term partnership based on mutual interest, such is the world We live in.

I've seen MANY post and threads bragging on Ole Vlad for putting it to Obama. It never seemed to concern you/them that they were pulling against their own POTUS, and their own country.
Now I don't believe you/they thought of it that way. You guys have so much hate for Obama you usually don't think of much else.
I'm all for ''honesty'', but many of you act as if President
Obama committed original sin in The Mid-East. This began with the unwise invasion of Iraq, the core of ISIS is mostly Iraqi.
It was clear to me ''The Arab Spring'' would prove to be a cluster duck, THAT much is partly on President Obama. The Neo-Cons are 70% to blame for the current mess though.

The original sin goes back to the Crusades if you listen to the victimization begets victimization crowd. Our biggest problem politically is that we (both parties and their banner waving groupies) would rather fix blame than to fix problems, and that is nothing new in Washington DC........not in the past 60 years or so. And the OTHER problem "over there" is Sunni vs. Shia. There is no coalition from outside "that region" that has a realistic chance at repairing that 1.400 year old affliction.
Who will take military action? That will only be if we elect a conservative leader. hillary or biden would crap themselves if they had to make that decision.
There are the release of their assets and also we ( the United States) are giving them $150 billion, I guess to make up for lost income in the past.

You've got your facts wrong. The TOTAL in Iranian assets to be released is estimated as high as 150 billion, most have it closer to 110 billion. We are not giving them anything, just releasing those assets held by American companies, I've seen the amount actually held inside this country estimated as low as 4.1 billion.
The original sin goes back to the Crusades if you listen to the victimization begets victimization crowd. Our biggest problem politically is that we (both parties and their banner waving groupies) would rather fix blame than to fix problems, and that is nothing new in Washington DC........not in the past 60 years or so. And the OTHER problem "over there" is Sunni vs. Shia. There is no coalition from outside "that region" that has a realistic chance at repairing that 1.400 year old affliction.

You're ahead of most posters just understanding the Shia/Sunni divide and the critical fact they are not united against us.
As for The Crusades, they were stupid and murderous, but nobody I know of is forming policy based on them.