What do chat Dems think


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
re: the Afghanistan pullout and seeing now the taliban running the country and in control of 7 billion$ in USA military assets… not to mention the servicemen killed because of stupidity.

With this and the border crisis idiocy what would it take to leave the Democratic Party…just wondering if any of you have left and if not what would it take to leave the dem party or voting for them…curious if it’s nothing could make you leave or not vote dem. Since it takes Congress to get most policy’s enacted I am talking more broadly than you hate Trump.
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re: the Afghanistan pullout and seeing now the taliban running the country and in control of 7 billion$ in USA military assets… not to mention the servicemen killed because of stupidity.

With this and the border crisis idiocy what would it take to leave the Democratic Party…just wondering if any of you have left and if not what would it take to leave the dem party or voting for them…curious if it’s nothing could make you leave or not vote dem. Since it takes Congress to get most policy’s enacted I am talking more broadly than you hate Trump.
They have already said its Trumps fault, he agreed to the deal first.

They also omitted the part that Biden , being the most powerful man in the free world could have easily backed out of the deal, and they didnt. Next thing you know, its a disaster w 13 Marines dead and people dying by falling off of planes. The real beginning of the Biden Administration shit show.
re: the Afghanistan pullout and seeing now the taliban running the country and in control of 7 billion$ in USA military assets… not to mention the servicemen killed because of stupidity.

With this and the border crisis idiocy what would it take to leave the Democratic Party…just wondering if any of you have left and if not what would it take to leave the dem party or voting for them…curious if it’s nothing could make you leave or not vote dem. Since it takes Congress to get most policy’s enacted I am talking more broadly than you hate Trump.
Well, I’m an independent, but here goes.

The pullout was a shitshow. I think it was going to be a shitshow no matter what and the Taliban was going to end up back in charge. Once you start peace talks with them, it’s over.

The military hardware is not a great look, until you realize that they have no training, no maintenance, and no parts. I don’t know if it’s actually $7 billion, but a) that would be less than 1% of our annual defense budget, and b) considering we spent $2.3 trillion in Afghanistan since the invasion, it’s a drop in the bucket.

The 13 servicemen that died during the withdrawal is obviously a tragedy. The 2,459 total that died just for the Taliban to end up back in power is a tragedy.

This isn’t a partisan disaster. We all own it.
Well, I’m an independent, but here goes.

The pullout was a shitshow. I think it was going to be a shitshow no matter what and the Taliban was going to end up back in charge. Once you start peace talks with them, it’s over.

The military hardware is not a great look, until you realize that they have no training, no maintenance, and no parts. I don’t know if it’s actually $7 billion, but a) that would be less than 1% of our annual defense budget, and b) considering we spent $2.3 trillion in Afghanistan since the invasion, it’s a drop in the bucket.

The 13 servicemen that died during the withdrawal is obviously a tragedy. The 2,459 total that died just for the Taliban to end up back in power is a tragedy.

This isn’t a partisan disaster. We all own it.
Part of the reason the Taliban was guaranteed to end up back in power is in part because the deal that Trump negotiated included the release of 5000 Taliban fighters and officials, 4700 of whom were released well before Trump left office. One of those released is the current leader of the Taliban and the country.
Part of the reason the Taliban was guaranteed to end up back in power is in part because the deal that Trump negotiated included the release of 5000 Taliban fighters and officials, 4700 of whom were released well before Trump left office. One of those released is the current leader of the Taliban and the country.
Well look, I didn’t want to go there because I didn’t want to get a TDS diagnosis.

The endgame in Afghanistan was a concern as early as the Fall of 2001. Nobody had any idea what a win looked like or how we would get out. Two decades later, it was still true. I just don’t think anyone has the right to feign surprise that it didn’t go well.
Well, I’m an independent, but here goes.

The pullout was a shitshow. I think it was going to be a shitshow no matter what and the Taliban was going to end up back in charge. Once you start peace talks with them, it’s over.

The military hardware is not a great look, until you realize that they have no training, no maintenance, and no parts. I don’t know if it’s actually $7 billion, but a) that would be less than 1% of our annual defense budget, and b) considering we spent $2.3 trillion in Afghanistan since the invasion, it’s a drop in the bucket.

The 13 servicemen that died during the withdrawal is obviously a tragedy. The 2,459 total that died just for the Taliban to end up back in power is a tragedy.

This isn’t a partisan disaster. We all own it.
Here’s a few articles of many that are out there. I read these earlier…even if it was 100 dollars that would be 100 dollars too much. From the pics and videos that’s been supplied over the yrs since Biden’s withdrawal it appears the taliban is happy with what they now have.

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Here’s a few articles of many that are out there. I read these earlier…even if it was 100 dollars that would be 100 dollars too much. From the pics and videos that’s been supplied over the yrs since Biden’s withdrawal it appears the taliban is happy with they now have.

Of course they're happy. It's an upgrade from 40 year old stingers and AK-47s.

Of course, Iran was pretty happy with all of their shiny new F-14s. In 1979.
Part of the reason the Taliban was guaranteed to end up back in power is in part because the deal that Trump negotiated included the release of 5000 Taliban fighters and officials, 4700 of whom were released well before Trump left office. One of those released is the current leader of the Taliban and the country.
This was Biden’s deal not Trumps. Biden niched the Trump offer which didn’t include a hasty bizarre withdrawal. But you can believe as you want…we can disagree.
This was Biden’s deal not Trumps. Biden niched the Trump offer which didn’t include a hasty bizarre withdrawal. But you can believe as you want…we can disagree.
I’m not defending how the withdrawal was handled as it was very poorly executed. I am saying that the situation inherited by Biden was not set up for success.
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They have already said its Trumps fault, he agreed to the deal first.

They also omitted the part that Biden , being the most powerful man in the free world could have easily backed out of the deal, and they didnt. Next thing you know, its a disaster w 13 Marines dead and people dying by falling off of planes. The real beginning of the Biden Administration shit show.
Absolute disaster…wasn’t Trumps deal that was used. Trump did put a deal out there, Biden wanted his own. Trump had some blunders, but not that or the Iran nuke deal by Obama. Another shameless catastrophe.
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Well look, I didn’t want to go there because I didn’t want to get a TDS diagnosis.

The endgame in Afghanistan was a concern as early as the Fall of 2001. Nobody had any idea what a win looked like or how we would get out. Two decades later, it was still true. I just don’t think anyone has the right to feign surprise that it didn’t go well.
TDS is good for you. My doctor said so after my diagnosis. He even said don't worry about a mask or being around people. More people that get it, the better for over.
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I’m not defending how the withdrawal was handled as it was very poorly executed. I am saying that the situation inherited by Biden was not set up for success.
Had been over there for 20 yrs, I’ll give you that, but the buck stops with Biden as commander /chief for his pathetic withdrawal…a total fk up. But I understand you want to take up for your guy.
Wouldn’t want me as the president I guess because I’d blow up the taliban until they were off the planet…as I would other enemies.
re: the Afghanistan pullout and seeing now the taliban running the country and in control of 7 billion$ in USA military assets… not to mention the servicemen killed because of stupidity.

With this and the border crisis idiocy what would it take to leave the Democratic Party…just wondering if any of you have left and if not what would it take to leave the dem party or voting for them…curious if it’s nothing could make you leave or not vote dem. Since it takes Congress to get most policy’s enacted I am talking more broadly than you hate Trump.

I know Biden's brain is toast and Kamala probably doesn't care. The memorial makes her look bad since she has bragged about being the last one in the room with Joe, but you would think they would have at least sent Jill today
I’m not defending how the withdrawal was handled as it was very poorly executed. I am saying that the situation inherited by Biden was not set up for success.
Every POTUS inherits a shitshow or 2 but that doesn't mean he isn't responsible for his decisions. If Biden was going to abandon Bagram, it was a no brainer to disable it all and blow everything that could be used to make war in any capacity into another universe. The fact that the Taliban has U.S. equipment they can use or sell is 100% on the Biden team.
Had been over there for 20 yrs, I’ll give you that, but the buck stops with Biden as commander /chief for his pathetic withdrawal…a total fk up. But I understand you want to take up for your guy.
Wouldn’t want me as the president I guess because I’d blow up the taliban until they were off the planet…as I would other enemies.
There is a long history of world powers thinking they could simply overwhelm those ignorant mountain tribes. Afghanistan is called the graveyard of empires for a reason. The Persian and Mongol empires failed centuries before the British, Soviets and US failed there.
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Every POTUS inherits a shitshow or 2 but that doesn't mean he isn't responsible for his decisions. If Biden was going to abandon Bagram, it was a no brainer to disable it all and blow everything that could be used to make war in any capacity into another universe. The fact that the Taliban has U.S. equipment they can use or sell is 100% on the Biden team.
I haven't bothered to fact check. You can let me know if any of these claims are BS.

Part of the reason the Taliban was guaranteed to end up back in power is in part because the deal that Trump negotiated included the release of 5000 Taliban fighters and officials, 4700 of whom were released well before Trump left office. One of those released is the current leader of the Taliban and the country.
So what does that have to do with the shit show that was the withdrawal? You always have to blame someone else for the Dems stupid policies.
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This is a great example of tds…

I was skeptical of the credentials for Jen *flag emoji* *pirate flag emoji*, until I saw that she put not one, but TWO red angry face emojis in her post...and TWO middle finger emojis AND a fire emoji! This must be the esteemed MSM reporting the leftists love to talk about.

Also, gotta love the random day every few months when the left pretends to give a shit about our military.
I was skeptical of the credentials for Jen *flag emoji* *pirate flag emoji*, until I saw that she put not one, but TWO red angry face emojis in her post...and TWO middle finger emojis AND a fire emoji! This must be the esteemed MSM reporting the leftists love to talk about.

Also, gotta love the random day every few months when the left pretends to give a shit about our military.
Only thing they want from the military is to subjugate the citizens and keep them that way for the good of the state and the government.
Every POTUS inherits a shitshow or 2 but that doesn't mean he isn't responsible for his decisions. If Biden was going to abandon Bagram, it was a no brainer to disable it all and blow everything that could be used to make war in any capacity into another universe. The fact that the Taliban has U.S. equipment they can use or sell is 100% on the Biden team.
And taking the military out first didn’t make any sense either.
And the sitting POTUS ordered a clusterboink withdrawal that left American citizens and Afghan allies behind as well as the military supplies and a strategic airbase. The buck stopped stopping with Trump on 1/21.
The shit show of the withdrawal was all about being able to say we were 100 percent out of Afghanistan on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. That is so obvious. And very typical of how that admin operates.

To defend it is to insult those who gave their lives. People clinging to the freakin cargo plane. Absolute embarrassment and Biden’s approvals plummeted as they should have. And they never recovered.

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