What do you make of Tom Cotton being on all the networks weekly?


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
He was on Meet the Press (NBC) 2 weeks ago, he was on with Clapper on CNN this past Sunday and was on with Fox and Friends this morning. I have heard snippets of all 3 and he performs very well, twice in a hostile interview.

Certainly looks like he is being used as the Spokesperson of the Republican Party at the moment. Is he auditioning for VP, Secretary of Defense, Majority Leader of Senate or simply a good Spokesperson? He would be an excellent Cabinet member.
He was on Meet the Press (NBC) 2 weeks ago, he was on with Clapper on CNN this past Sunday and was on with Fox and Friends this morning. I have heard snippets of all 3 and he performs very well, twice in a hostile interview.

Certainly looks like he is being used as the Spokesperson of the Republican Party at the moment. Is he auditioning for VP, Secretary of Defense, Majority Leader of Senate or simply a good Spokesperson? He would be an excellent Cabinet member.
He's very smart, focused, and relatively young. I like Doug B., but feel like Trump needs to round out his ticket with some youth and some real chops on the issues. I like Tim Scott, but I think someone like Rubio, Cotton, or Vance brings more credibility on issues, and will absolutely kill it in a debate.
He's very smart, focused, and relatively young. I like Doug B., but feel like Trump needs to round out his ticket with some youth and some real chops on the issues. I like Tim Scott, but I think someone like Rubio, Cotton, or Vance brings more credibility on issues, and will absolutely kill it in a debate.
Imo, Trump just needs to select a running mate that Americans can expect to be a competent POTUS that can't be painted as a radical but also has enough backbone to communicate America first without equivocation. Imo, there is a decent list of those types of candidates for Trump to choose from and anyone on your list could be seen as presidential imo.
He’s a media whore like everyone else in D.C. on both sides.
Thats actually a good as observation as any. The Republican Senator from Tenn use to do the same as well as Hogan from Maryland. I tend to think there maybe more since its so clustered together. Time will tell.......
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In 2016 before Trump can out of nowhere, Rubio, Cruz and Scott Walker were considered the future GOP presidential candidates. Walker disappeared and Cruz seems to be content with the Senate and possibly AG some day. Rubio has just systematically and methodically plodded along in the Senate and is now considered one of the most respected. I think it comes down to Rubio or Vance. Rubio being the most ready and Vance being from Ohio and Trump needing the upper mid west votes

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