UPDATE What is The Dawgchat?


Aug 11, 2001
This board is still 'unofficially' moderated. That said:

1. Things here have gotten silly.
2. The junk that has been spewed (regardless of 'side') has made legitimate discussion/community impossible
3. The hope is to make this a board for anyone to feel free to 'chime in' on any non-UGA topic (or actual UGA-topics, as the case may be).
4. I have direction from site leadership to apply some form of 'sanity' here. What does that mean? Help the mods define that.

Bottom line? Moderation will be applied with an "axe", rather than a "scalpel". (e.g. don't get hurt feelings if your thread/post is removed in the name of 'progress').

Rules going forward:

1. Please use the 'report' function for obvious violations of board rules ('R'-Rated Cursing, clear personal attacks/name-calling, etc....judgement belongs to the moderators). You'll likely get a response. But, if not, it at least helps define the 'way forward'.

2. If you have questions/issues, just DM me directly. I will respond. As most (not all, but they're confirmed curmudgeons) that have engaged me that way can agree...I'm fair and open to discussion of the issue at hand. You may not like me (not my goal)...but, I'll be fair and consistent.

3. If you don't like this attempt at making 'The Chat' a better, more discussion-encouraged place...sorry. It's this or it goes away. If we're too 'strict', I'll gladly dial it back. But, things cannot continue on the path that's been snow-balling the past year or so.

well crap...maybe I should have been on here more over the last year or so .. feel like I missed out on the board soap opera

But then again...maybe that was a good thing...with technology advancing faster than I'm typing seems it could be possible to design the site with a lil more of the old style to draw the ole style guys back from the grave...I like many of the features on here over the old site, but for some reason the entertaining old crowd liked the old board features...wonder why there couldn't be a combo?

Anyway..Go Dawgs..
Glad to hear it. Potential is here for some productive discussions and information sharing. In all topics. Thanks for the clarity.
Like striking up the band on the Titanic at this point, she's dead. Traffic numbers have to be in the gutter as this place drew some serous numbers on its hey day.
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Like striking up the band on the Titanic at this point, she's dead. Traffic numbers have to be in the gutter as this place drew some serous numbers on its hey day.

All the more reason to revive the original "traditions." Let's make it happen.
I have a suggestion. Create a political board where all of that crap can go in there, and leave the Dawgchat for other discussions. That way, people who want to whine and moan about politics can let it rip, and those who couldn't care less can actually find decent discussions. The political sniping and discussion is a large reason why this board is dead, aside from the fact that the board layout changed for the worst.
I have a suggestion. Create a political board where all of that crap can go in there, and leave the Dawgchat for other discussions. That way, people who want to whine and moan about politics can let it rip, and those who couldn't care less can actually find decent discussions. The political sniping and discussion is a large reason why this board is dead, aside from the fact that the board layout changed for the worst.

Agree. I don't even care about the board layout.
This board is still 'unofficially' moderated. That said:

1. Things here have gotten silly.
2. The junk that has been spewed (regardless of 'side') has made legitimate discussion/community impossible
3. The hope is to make this a board for anyone to feel free to 'chime in' on any non-UGA topic (or actual UGA-topics, as the case may be).
4. I have direction from site leadership to apply some form of 'sanity' here. What does that mean? Help the mods define that.

Bottomeline? Moderation will be applied with an "axe", rather than a "scalpel". (e.g. don't get hurt feelings if your thread/post is removed in the name of 'progress').

Rules going forward:

1. Please use the 'report' function for obvious violations of board rules ('R'-Rated Cursing, clear personal attacks/name-calling, etc....judgement belongs to the moderators). You'll likely get a response. But, if not, it at least helps define the 'way forward'.

2. If you have questions/issues, just DM me directly. I will respond. As most (not all, but they're confirmed curmudgeons) that have engaged me that way can agree...I'm fair and open to discussion of the issue at hand. You may not like me (not my goal)...but, I'll be fair and consistent.

3. If you don't like this attempt at making 'The Chat' a better, more discussion-encouraged place...sorry. It's this or it goes away. If we're too 'strict', I'll gladly dial it back. But, things cannot continue on the path that's been snow-balling the past year or so.


You're a very welcome Addition Moose, at least I feel that way.
I don't mind the political stuff, but it will be nice to be able to discuss other things as well.
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Glad to hear it. Potential is here for some productive discussions and information sharing. In all topics. Thanks for the clarity.

Sound off shows what a board can be with a good mix of posters. There is still lively sniping, but it manages a very diverse mix of topics and personalities while still managing to avoid the worst of the acrimony that kills some boards.
I have a suggestion. Create a political board where all of that crap can go in there, and leave the Dawgchat for other discussions. That way, people who want to whine and moan about politics can let it rip, and those who couldn't care less can actually find decent discussions. The political sniping and discussion is a large reason why this board is dead, aside from the fact that the board layout changed for the worst.

Not a bad idea. I'll see what @Radi Nabulsi thinks. I think there was a 'Coffee Shop' years ago, but it ultimately went away. We could also make a "rule" that you have to add a "Political" prefix (like the the "Update" one I put on this thread...that could be added as an option) to be able to discuss politics in a thread. That way, people can avoid political talk and the board wouldn't be split to two locations.

Edit: I assume you guys can add prefixes to your posts. If not, I'd suggest just doing it like this on the subject line: "[Political] Whatever the title is"

But, it's ultimately up to you guys to use whatever works. If we go that route, I suggest that any political post in a non-political thread will be nuked, when seen.
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Not a bad idea. I'll see what @Radi Nabulsi thinks. I think there was a 'Coffee Shop' years ago, but it ultimately went away. We could also make a "rule" that you have to add a "Political" prefix (like the the "Update" one I put on this thread...that could be added as an option) to be able to discuss politics in a thread. That way, people can avoid political talk and the board wouldn't be split to two locations.

Edit: I assume you guys can add prefixes to your posts. If not, I'd suggest just doing it like this on the subject line: "[Political] Whatever the title is"

But, it's ultimately up to you guys to use whatever works. If we go that route, I suggest that any political post in a non-political thread will be nuked, when seen.
Yes the coffee shop was a pretty good board for political talk. It seemed to thin out the serious political only folks on the chat. I'm glad it was brought up because it served a purpose for folks that wanted a more serious discussion of every day events. I say offer up he coffee shop and see how it goes.
Let's try something. I used to really enjoy this board. For so long, I refused to visit as it was all about a bunch of twenty-somethings talking about how much they drank,etc. I tried it several years later and found a community of gray hairs who were pretty cool.
I miss Uncle John and his 4:52 wake up call and hearing about TEE's (RIP) chickens. They all left when the view changed and the place devolved into a bunch of trolls and responses. Anything that can be done to make this a community again is appreciated.
This board is still 'unofficially' moderated. That said:

1. Things here have gotten silly.
2. The junk that has been spewed (regardless of 'side') has made legitimate discussion/community impossible
3. The hope is to make this a board for anyone to feel free to 'chime in' on any non-UGA topic (or actual UGA-topics, as the case may be).
4. I have direction from site leadership to apply some form of 'sanity' here. What does that mean? Help the mods define that.

Bottom line? Moderation will be applied with an "axe", rather than a "scalpel". (e.g. don't get hurt feelings if your thread/post is removed in the name of 'progress').

Rules going forward:

1. Please use the 'report' function for obvious violations of board rules ('R'-Rated Cursing, clear personal attacks/name-calling, etc....judgement belongs to the moderators). You'll likely get a response. But, if not, it at least helps define the 'way forward'.

2. If you have questions/issues, just DM me directly. I will respond. As most (not all, but they're confirmed curmudgeons) that have engaged me that way can agree...I'm fair and open to discussion of the issue at hand. You may not like me (not my goal)...but, I'll be fair and consistent.

3. If you don't like this attempt at making 'The Chat' a better, more discussion-encouraged place...sorry. It's this or it goes away. If we're too 'strict', I'll gladly dial it back. But, things cannot continue on the path that's been snow-balling the past year or so.


Sometimes you have to define it to understand it. At this point, it is about maybe 30 routine posters. About 15 post the most. 8-10 of them are hard right wingers who not infrequently devolve into calling people pedophiles or homosexuals usually followed by a further devolving into some pseudo racist rant that almost uniformly leads to the use of words such as calling folks an "element" or "thug" which are code words for black if you didn't know. About five others of us lean moderate to very liberal. Seemingly, that mix could have good intellectual discussions but about four or five of the right wingers (look through you'll find their posts) and to a lesser extent two or three of the moderates/liberals begin name calling. Honestly, there's about four or five folks on here who unless you're a far right winger it's almost impossible to even engage them in thought. It always leads to a fight and name calling. I think they want it that way because they really don't want debate, they want to continue the Fox News echo chamber to this board pushing out any real debate or thought. That's a problem. Deal with it as you may, but I think defining it and you determining those folks that consistently engage in that behavior would be a nice start as a moderator.

Any and all pseudo racist posting needs to be deleted quickly. This is an open forum for people coming to look at uga and uga sports. Somehow, a sizable group on the dawgchat are fairly open about their negative opinions of blacks and Latinos. Somehow they always seem to forget that blacks make up almost 80 percent of our football team and thus 80 percent of our recruits. The words "thug" and "baby daddies" would be good key words to search if looking for these posters. It's the new code words for black folk. It's wrong and has no place here. Period. Sadly, it only takes one recruit to read some of the crap spewed on this board to cause a significant problem. I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened yet.

I think by ignoring these and other issues the death of this board has hastened. Ultimately, I think it will go away honestly and that probably wouldn't be a bad thing sadly. Just a few years ago I would visit this board every day or so. Now, once a week or so and that usually is just to laugh at the Fox News echo chamber in here. It's hard to learn from anyone here anymore and football has nothing to do with this board anymore. At all. And this is ugasports right? Is the irony missed? The days of debate and learning from others are over for the dawgchat. Now, it just a couple of old angry white ultra conservative guys bitching about young folks, brown folks, and "liberals". Kinda sad. If this is what ugasports wants for the chat, well enjoy and watch this board further devolve and ultimately go away. It won't be missed by many including myself.
Let's try something. I used to really enjoy this board. For so long, I refused to visit as it was all about a bunch of twenty-somethings talking about how much they drank,etc. I tried it several years later and found a community of gray hairs who were pretty cool.
I miss Uncle John and his 4:52 wake up call and hearing about TEE's (RIP) chickens. They all left when the view changed and the place devolved into a bunch of trolls and responses. Anything that can be done to make this a community again is appreciated.

It's too late. The plug was pulled on the life support when it changed to topic view. Rivals is to blame for killing the mother of all message boards. The other board is now rocking and rolling.
So, what about scantily clad wemmens?

moose, this is just my opinion , and you know what that is like, everybody has one . i really don't think topic view is the problem with the board , i have been on here for years and i admit there was a little learning curve ; but not bad . did some of the " regulars " leave , yes , some have come back though . as for the political discussion, that has been an ongoing thing for years; more intense now because of the direction of the country . some on here want to accuse one group or the other goes both ways ! i see very little cussing , unlike some other boards , name calling ........yes , this is common on all boards , uga sports and others . by the way , the guys that left are also discussing politics on other boards . i don't assume to know what the " fix " could be ; but i don't want to see the board go away !
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moose, this is just my opinion , and you know what's that like, everybody has got one . i really don't think topic view is the problem with the board , i have been on here for years and i admit there was a little learning curve ; but not bad . did some of the " regulars " leave , yes , some have come back though . as for the political discussion, that has been an ongoing thing for years; more intense now because of the direction of the country . some on here want to accuse one group or the other goes both ways ! i see very little cussing , unlike some other boards , name calling ........yes , this is common on all boards , uga sports and others . by the way , the guys that left are also discussing politics on other boards . i don't assume to know what the " fix " could be ; but i don't want to see the board go away !

You might start by not discussing politics in non-political threads.
I couldn't care less if people want to start threads, or comment in threads that begin as political discussions, but why inject politics into every thread ?
Also it would make the board healthier if people would occasionally contribute to sports discussions.
Just my take on things.
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This board is still 'unofficially' moderated. That said:

1. Things here have gotten silly.
2. The junk that has been spewed (regardless of 'side') has made legitimate discussion/community impossible
3. The hope is to make this a board for anyone to feel free to 'chime in' on any non-UGA topic (or actual UGA-topics, as the case may be).
4. I have direction from site leadership to apply some form of 'sanity' here. What does that mean? Help the mods define that.

Bottom line? Moderation will be applied with an "axe", rather than a "scalpel". (e.g. don't get hurt feelings if your thread/post is removed in the name of 'progress').

Rules going forward:

1. Please use the 'report' function for obvious violations of board rules ('R'-Rated Cursing, clear personal attacks/name-calling, etc....judgement belongs to the moderators). You'll likely get a response. But, if not, it at least helps define the 'way forward'.

2. If you have questions/issues, just DM me directly. I will respond. As most (not all, but they're confirmed curmudgeons) that have engaged me that way can agree...I'm fair and open to discussion of the issue at hand. You may not like me (not my goal)...but, I'll be fair and consistent.

3. If you don't like this attempt at making 'The Chat' a better, more discussion-encouraged place...sorry. It's this or it goes away. If we're too 'strict', I'll gladly dial it back. But, things cannot continue on the path that's been snow-balling the past year or so.


If you really want to help us, then please restore the choice EACH user had to utilize either the THREAD or TOPIC view. By forcing everyone to use the current format, Yahoo has alienated just about everyone and demonstrated that, not only is it failing to listen to their customers/patrons, it is also telling each of us, impliedly, to go screw ourselves. No business can long succeed which fails to listen to, respect and honor the reasonable requests of its customers/patrons.......
1. Alright, so until (or if) further changes are made. Let the thread starter put "[Political]" in front of the subject line, if it's a political post. If you want to respond to a non-political post w/ political discussion, please start another thread with the above addition (I'd also recommend linking to the post your "branching" from, if you use "+Quote (i.e. the multi-quote function) button, it is really easy.

Note: I reserve the right to add the "[Political]" tag in front of any thread I feel deserves it. If you're the thread-starter, feel free to email me and I can add it if you can't and want to "allow" political-talk in your thread.

2. If this all turns out to be cumbersome or stupid, we'll re-explore other options. I hope this helps some of what's been wrong here. Most of the other complaints/reasons people left I can't control.

3. Additionally, help me remove the above referenced racist posts, personal attacks, etc. Report it when you see it, I (or another mod) will remove it. Keep in mind it won't necessarily be nuked quickly. It depends on when we're on the board.

4. Keep in mind I don't want to muzzle whatever 'personality' may develop here. I'm not trying to re-create the Chat of old or interfere/steal from other communities that have developed elsewhere. Not my intention. I just think we can make this a board where people like to post because it's good discussion and people want to post here. Plus, it's either this or the plug probably gets pulled. If that's the best option, so be it.

If any of the above is stupid, let me know.

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If you really want to help us, then please restore the choice EACH user had to utilize either the THREAD or TOPIC view. By forcing everyone to use the current format, Yahoo has alienated just about everyone and demonstrated that, not only is it failing to listen to their customers/patrons, it is also telling each of us, impliedly, to go screw ourselves. No business can long succeed which fails to listen to, respect and honor the reasonable requests of customers/patrons.......

I understand and completely agree.

Please realize that I have absolutely no control over that. I'm just a mod (i.e. just like you, for the most part). Radi and Dash have no control (although I know they've tried to work solutions) I personally preferred thread, but nobody asked me ;)

I understand why people would leave over it...but, all I can do is help make this board better, if I can (format warts and all).
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