What's Rep. Peter King's story? Has low opinion of Paul & The Cruzzer


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Sep 4, 2001
which automatically gives him props in my book. Rumored to be thinking about jumping into prez field. Don't know much about his beliefs other than strong on Defense. What's the rest of his agenda?
IMO he needs to choose between sports commentary and being a politician...

If he wants to be POTUS, he needs to give up the sports gig.
I believe he swaps bodily fluids with democrats just like...

McCain if he thinks you are not looking. POS in my opinion.
Garden variety hawkish NWO supporter. If he runs he's doing so to...

solidify a VP spot on the ticket.
No, but he's arrogant enough to think he's a plus. At a minimum...

he'll be a bomb thrower at Cruz, Paul, Walker, and Rubio and weasel a promise from Jeb of a cabinet appointment out of it.
Re: Garden variety hawkish NWO supporter. If he runs he's doing so to...

He's CFR all the way. It is pubs like him and Lindsay Gramnesty that make me inclined to poo-poo the Pubs in general until proven otherwise.
This post was edited on 3/24 1:25 PM by ShenandoaNewbie
That's about right I think

With the possible exception of MAYBE Paul Broun, I would put the rest of the pubs in the Georgia congressional delegation in the same croker sack as Peter King.