Who are voting for I'm voting for trump


According to polls, trump is the republican candidate with the least probability of defeating Hillary. So, if you vote for Trump, you are voting for Hillary.
No you can't read polls
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I'm in the Cruz camp. A good honest constitutional Conservative. For me it was always Cruz, Carson then Trump in that order. The rest are a bunch of more of the same. Now I was a big Trump fan , but after listening to him, and watching him perform ...not so much anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'll be an avid supporter if he's the guy. But right now there is no substance to him. I don't trust he'll do the things he says he'll do, it is just very inconsistent , and his personal attacks on others, when he himself is the one lying....well it throws up red flags to me.
I'm in the Cruz camp. A good honest constitutional Conservative. For me it was always Cruz, Carson then Trump in that order. The rest are a bunch of more of the same. Now I was a big Trump fan , but after listening to him, and watching him perform ...not so much anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'll be an avid supporter if he's the guy. But right now there is no substance to him. I don't trust he'll do the things he says he'll do, it is just very inconsistent , and his personal attacks on others, when he himself is the one lying....well it throws up red flags to me.
I was a Cruz fan then trump ran.
In the primary next weekend here in South Carolina I'll probably vote for Hillary.

In the general election I'll vote against whoever the GOP candidate is unless it's Kasich. With him I'll have to think about things.
In the primary next weekend here in South Carolina I'll probably vote for Hillary.

In the general election I'll vote against whoever the GOP candidate is unless it's Kasich. With him I'll have to think about things.

So you think Hillary is the best Choice out of them all but maybe Kasich? You believe a lying corrupt just phony disgusting POS old woman is the Best America can do? Bless ur heart, you're more of a lefty than I thought.
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So you think Hillary is the best Choice out of them all but maybe Kasich? You believe a lying corrupt just phony disgusting POS old woman is the Best America can do? Bless ur heart, you're more of a lefty than I thought.

Of the ones running... yes.

First I eliminate the fantasy candidates... the ones who's views may be ideologically in step with what you like (or may not) but are too far out of step with reality to actually get accomplished. You can talk about lowering taxes to 0 and creating a 15 bazillion dollar surplus and that sounds great... but it's not realistic. Only realistic candidates need apply. Those eliminated are the "crazies".

That eliminates Trump, Bernie, Carson and Cruz.

Then I look at those who's left and choose from them.

Rubio lacks experience and frankly comes across as being easily pushed around and lacking knowledge of issues. He's my 4th choice.
Bush is a policy wonk, but he's also shown that he can easily be pushed around as well. 3rd choice.

Then you have Kasich and Clinton. Both have shown the ability to compromise and work with the other party to get things done. I particulary like how Kasich could work with democrats on balancing the budget. I like that Clinton is an "entrencher" who tends to deal with solidifying current programs in place and making them work more effectively instead of trying to make drastic changes. Both are candidates who are no revolutionary... but rather incremental. I believe that right now incrementalism is what we should be looking for (despite with Trump, Cruz and Sanders supporters might think).

What I am is a moderate-left voter. I can be swayed to a moderate-right candidate if they show a great deal of knowledge and competency. I've voted for Lindsay Graham in SC senatorial elections before. But I would (and have) never voted for Jim Demint... I even voted for a criminal (Alvin Green) over Jim Demint... because Demint is way to far to the right for me to consider.
Of the ones running... yes.

First I eliminate the fantasy candidates... the ones who's views may be ideologically in step with what you like (or may not) but are too far out of step with reality to actually get accomplished. You can talk about lowering taxes to 0 and creating a 15 bazillion dollar surplus and that sounds great... but it's not realistic. Only realistic candidates need apply. Those eliminated are the "crazies".

That eliminates Trump, Bernie, Carson and Cruz.

Then I look at those who's left and choose from them.

Rubio lacks experience and frankly comes across as being easily pushed around and lacking knowledge of issues. He's my 4th choice.
Bush is a policy wonk, but he's also shown that he can easily be pushed around as well. 3rd choice.

Then you have Kasich and Clinton. Both have shown the ability to compromise and work with the other party to get things done. I particulary like how Kasich could work with democrats on balancing the budget. I like that Clinton is an "entrencher" who tends to deal with solidifying current programs in place and making them work more effectively instead of trying to make drastic changes. Both are candidates who are no revolutionary... but rather incremental. I believe that right now incrementalism is what we should be looking for (despite with Trump, Cruz and Sanders supporters might think).

What I am is a moderate-left voter. I can be swayed to a moderate-right candidate if they show a great deal of knowledge and competency. I've voted for Lindsay Graham in SC senatorial elections before. But I would (and have) never voted for Jim Demint... I even voted for a criminal (Alvin Green) over Jim Demint... because Demint is way to far to the right for me to consider.

Bud I don't know what color the sky is in your world. But you're clearly uninformed. Work with the other side? WTF do you think has been happening the last 7 years?

And what is it about Cruz that makes you think hes he's a crazy? In every head to head poll he destroys Sillary. For you to claim she's a serious candidate after everything you knwo about her is really disturbing. The bitch DGAS about national security. You would support her knowing she stood over the dead bodies of Heroic Americans and LIED to the families about a video? I mean this is a woman that lies when the truth sounds better....Does a sane person lie about being unded sniper fire? YOu support her? You're nuts..simple as that....I don't know what else that can be said, you seem like a good guy...but're insane...its weird....or maybe its just a small character flaw where you don't know right from wrong???:D
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Why would anyone vote for Trump? To be clear, I'm not a Democrat; however, Trump seems toxic for this country.

While I truly do understand your point. What could be more toxic than a vote buying feminist dem who has done nothing and has no platform other than to talk about others lot in life. What could be more toxic than a pure socialist who will tax us into submission for the sake of power?

Looking past the bravado, Trump has been very successful in business. He will know how to handle himself or hire those that can.

Why are we so afraid of a successful businessman? Why do we feel we need professional politicians?

Today, I would vote for Trump. I will never, under any circumstances vote for Hillary or Sanders.
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I'm voting for Trump. We need a radical change in this country. Trump is the ONLY one who will seal our borders. If we don't do that first and foremost we are screwed as a nation.
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While I truly do understand your point. What could be more toxic than a vote buying feminist dem who has done nothing and has no platform other than to talk about others lot in life. What could be more toxic than a pure socialist who will tax us into submission for the sake of power?

Looking past the bravado, Trump has been very successful in business. He will know how to handle himself or hire those that can.

Why are we so afraid of a successful businessman? Why do we feel we need professional politicians?

Today, I would vote for Trump. I will never, under any circumstances vote for Hillary or Sanders.

I'd be less afraid of the "successful businessman" if he would give details as to how he plans to fix anything. If he would articulate how he plans to accomplish anything, rather than catch phrases like, "We need to make America great again." Okay, how?

He's declared bankruptcy several times, so how successful is her really?

I won't vote for Hillary or Bernie, but I don't think I could cast a ballot in favor of Trump.
I'd be less afraid of the "successful businessman" if he would give details as to how he plans to fix anything. If he would articulate how he plans to accomplish anything, rather than catch phrases like, "We need to make America great again." Okay, how?

He's declared bankruptcy several times, so how successful is her really?

I won't vote for Hillary or Bernie, but I don't think I could cast a ballot in favor of Trump.
He go's into detail
Bud I don't know what color the sky is in your world. But you're clearly uninformed. Work with the other side? WTF do you think has been happening the last 7 years?

And what is it about Cruz that makes you think hes he's a crazy? In every head to head poll he destroys Sillary. For you to claim she's a serious candidate after everything you knwo about her is really disturbing. The bitch DGAS about national security. You would support her knowing she stood over the dead bodies of Heroic Americans and LIED to the families about a video? I mean this is a woman that lies when the truth sounds better....Does a sane person lie about being unded sniper fire? YOu support her? You're nuts..simple as that....I don't know what else that can be said, you seem like a good guy...but're insane...its weird....or maybe its just a small character flaw where you don't know right from wrong???:D

You see... the insane thing is you look at Obama's presidency and see cooperation between the democrats and republicans... where as if you compare it to EVERY OTHER PRESIDENCY you see that there has been less cooperation between democrats and republicans under Obama than any other president. Look at the party-line nature of nearly every vote congress has had. Look at judicial confirmations. The most liberal justice on the court... Ginsburg... got confirmed 96-3. Scalia... possibly the most conservative justice prior to passing... got confirmed 98-0.

Look... I don't agree with many of your views. But the main thing I'm looking for is a functional government where moderates control both the congress and white house. I want opposing sides who can actually compromise and come to an agreement somewhere in the middle on important issues. That's why I regularly vote for Lindsay Graham... because occasionally he's willing to find common ground with the other side.

If you MAKE me choose between extremes... say Sanders vs Carson/Cruz/Trump... I'm going to choose the left extreme... because I'm a left leaning moderate. But if you give me a Sanders vs Kasich type choice... I'll probably go with the moderate republican

Clinton is a moderate democrat. I know you don't believe it... but it's true. She's pro-military and pro-business... neither of which is liberal. I'd probably vote for Condoleeza Rice were she to run... and many more embassy workers died in attacks during her time as SOS than in Clintons. I'd vote for Colin Powell... and he used non-government e-mail for government business.

As for embellishing stories about being under fire... no, I don't find that being a big deal any more than GOP candidates lying about planned parenthood footage (which never showed what they claimed it did) or saying they saw thousands of muslims celebrating 9/11 when nothing of the sort happened bothers me... when they correct their mis-statements like Clinton did with hers.

As for polls... I'm frankly not a believer in general election polls prior to a candidate being chosen. I remember all of the Hillary supporters who claimed they would vote for McCain in 2008 if Obama won. They pretty much all voted for Obama. Polls now show Bernie polling ahead of every GOP candidate. The last Quinnipiac polls had Sander's closest opponent as Kasich with Sanders up by 4 and his furthest as Cruz/Bush with Sanders up by 10. But Clinton supporters tend to be pragmatic rather than idealistic... so I believe most of them are saying they'd vote for Sanders if he were the candidate. Meanwhile MOST of the GOP voters aren't particularly pragmatic. Many Tea Party voters would say they'd vote for Sanders over Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio... but when it came down to a socialist vs an establishment republican they would vote for the GOP. I don't think Sanders beats ANY GOP candidate aside from Trump and maybe Cruz.

On the flip side, Sanders supporters are the young, ultra-left-wing voters of the democrat party. They're the idealistic ones who claim they'd vote against Clinton because they want Clinton to appear weak and Sanders to appear strong in the primary season. But when it comes down to it... they're ultra liberal. They won't really pick a Ted Cruz over a GOP candidate. On the flip side, while the Tea Party voters may hate the establishment of the GOP... they hate Hillary Clinton more. The only candidate Quinnipiac has Clinton beating is Trump... because part of the establishment GOP voting block can actually tolerate Clinton more than the idea of Trump.

Until you get down to 2 candidates... general election polls are relatively meaningless. Unless you believe the most liberal voters in the democrat party are going to vote for Ted Cruz over Hillary Clinton.
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So... as an example here's his plan on China from that website:

1 - declare them a currency manipulator... which will somehow force them to the negotiating table where trump will simply "win". Not sure why China would care what we label them... but that's the plan.

2 - Declare a "zero tolerance policy" on intellectual property theft. Which will... do something I guess. Why would China care again?

3 - Eliminate China subsidizing their own business. Again... no mention on "how" he'll make china do that.

4 - Cut corporate taxes to 15% Apparently that will "Unleash American Ingenuity" which will somehow better our position in dealing with China.

5 - Eliminate the deficit (despite the tax cut) - Because he'll find and eliminate all the waste. No examples of waste to be eliminated.

6 - Strengthen the US military and send more to waters near China. Again... he'll still eliminate the deficit despite a Tax cut AND more military spending. And this stronger military will help him "win" at the negotiating table.

It takes a very small mind to see any of that as an actual consistent plan. It's a bunch of popular buzz-words with no description of "how".
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I'm voting for Trump. We need a radical change in this country. Trump is the ONLY one who will seal our borders. If we don't do that first and foremost we are screwed as a nation.

Completely agree that the board is the number one issue...for me anyway. But Trump won't do what he says, he's already back tracking. It seems to be Trump supporters aren't really hearing what he's saying. He's for "TOUCH BACK amnesty. he says he'll bring them all back. Trump says what he has to to get elected. The media will destroy him in the general election.

Ted Cruz is the only guy running that will do exactly what he says he'll do. He is an honest Constitutional conservative. He is the only guy that actually says we can deport these illegals. Trump won't say that. I'd ask you to take a real hard look at Trump. What he says and what he has done and does are very different.
While I truly do understand your point. What could be more toxic than a vote buying feminist dem who has done nothing and has no platform other than to talk about others lot in life. What could be more toxic than a pure socialist who will tax us into submission for the sake of power?

Looking past the bravado, Trump has been very successful in business. He will know how to handle himself or hire those that can.

Why are we so afraid of a successful businessman? Why do we feel we need professional politicians?

Today, I would vote for Trump. I will never, under any circumstances vote for Hillary or Sanders.

I truly believe a person has to have a screw lose to cast a vote for either of those moonbats. That said, Trump is not who he leads ppl to believe he is. I was dead on his bandwagon early on. But the more I listen to him, his lack of detail, his record, his praise of Pelosi and Schumer, His lies about being against the war, his lies about Cruz and Carson....I'm fully off the band wagon. I don't believe he'll do any of the things he says. He's against amnesty? Yet brings in thousands on H1B visa's to man his properties. He's against Obama care but says he likes the mandate? The mandate is obamacare. He against PPH but thinks they do great things? He calls Bush a liar and says he went to war on lying and caused 911....Then says " well people say that about him" No Donald YOU SAID it. Listen to him, closely
You see... the insane thing is you look at Obama's presidency and see cooperation between the democrats and republicans... where as if you compare it to EVERY OTHER PRESIDENCY you see that there has been less cooperation between democrats and republicans under Obama than any other president. Look at the party-line nature of nearly every vote congress has had. Look at judicial confirmations. The most liberal justice on the court... Ginsburg... got confirmed 96-3. Scalia... possibly the most conservative justice prior to passing... got confirmed 98-0.

Look... I don't agree with many of your views. But the main thing I'm looking for is a functional government where moderates control both the congress and white house. I want opposing sides who can actually compromise and come to an agreement somewhere in the middle on important issues. That's why I regularly vote for Lindsay Graham... because occasionally he's willing to find common ground with the other side.

If you MAKE me choose between extremes... say Sanders vs Carson/Cruz/Trump... I'm going to choose the left extreme... because I'm a left leaning moderate. But if you give me a Sanders vs Kasich type choice... I'll probably go with the moderate republican

Clinton is a moderate democrat. I know you don't believe it... but it's true. She's pro-military and pro-business... neither of which is liberal. I'd probably vote for Condoleeza Rice were she to run... and many more embassy workers died in attacks during her time as SOS than in Clintons. I'd vote for Colin Powell... and he used non-government e-mail for government business.

As for embellishing stories about being under fire... no, I don't find that being a big deal any more than GOP candidates lying about planned parenthood footage (which never showed what they claimed it did) or saying they saw thousands of muslims celebrating 9/11 when nothing of the sort happened bothers me... when they correct their mis-statements like Clinton did with hers.

As for polls... I'm frankly not a believer in general election polls prior to a candidate being chosen. I remember all of the Hillary supporters who claimed they would vote for McCain in 2008 if Obama won. They pretty much all voted for Obama. Polls now show Bernie polling ahead of every GOP candidate. The last Quinnipiac polls had Sander's closest opponent as Kasich with Sanders up by 4 and his furthest as Cruz/Bush with Sanders up by 10. But Clinton supporters tend to be pragmatic rather than idealistic... so I believe most of them are saying they'd vote for Sanders if he were the candidate. Meanwhile MOST of the GOP voters aren't particularly pragmatic. Many Tea Party voters would say they'd vote for Sanders over Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio... but when it came down to a socialist vs an establishment republican they would vote for the GOP. I don't think Sanders beats ANY GOP candidate aside from Trump and maybe Cruz.

On the flip side, Sanders supporters are the young, ultra-left-wing voters of the democrat party. They're the idealistic ones who claim they'd vote against Clinton because they want Clinton to appear weak and Sanders to appear strong in the primary season. But when it comes down to it... they're ultra liberal. They won't really pick a Ted Cruz over a GOP candidate. On the flip side, while the Tea Party voters may hate the establishment of the GOP... they hate Hillary Clinton more. The only candidate Quinnipiac has Clinton beating is Trump... because part of the establishment GOP voting block can actually tolerate Clinton more than the idea of Trump.

Until you get down to 2 candidates... general election polls are relatively meaningless. Unless you believe the most liberal voters in the democrat party are going to vote for Ted Cruz over Hillary Clinton.

What has POSOTUS not gotten done that he's wanted? He has been the most lawless President we've ever seen, and the Repubs have been feckless.

As to Gov that works, the only way to get there is SMALLER GOV. How do you compromise with a party that refuses to adhere to the constitution? (yes the repubs are just as guilty, but the ONLY PPL that revere and want to follow the document are found in the republican party) Democrats are marxists. There is no other way to describe them.

As to Powel and Rice. Power is a democrat. And he didn't use a private server not even close to being the same thing. He used a private email address on a GOVERNMENT SERVER A SECURE server. And maybe One died at the embassies when Rice was in charge? But that wasn't really at the embassy , it was on the street in a car bomb attack I believe. Oh and she never left ppl behind and lied about it. Hillary as was proven was more worried about how to spin the attack than getting help for the Americans fighting for their lives. She's absolutely disgusting person

As to the General. You said it yourself. Everyone of the GOP candidates beat Hillary ( polls don't really matter here, the dems don't have a pray regardless) Cruz destroys her as does Rubio and everyone else. Trump will also destroy her.
I'm voting for Trump. We need a radical change in this country. Trump is the ONLY one who will seal our borders. If we don't do that first and foremost we are screwed as a nation.

Trump isn't going to do squat. He makes a lot of grandiose claims with no real plan on how to carry it out. He's a damn fool. Nothing is going to change because a president needs congress to get things down. Gridlock as always.

Trump is a clown who would be a national embarrassment on a worldwide level. The last thing we need is a thin skinned egomaniac with access to the big red button.
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As to Powel and Rice. Power is a democrat. And he didn't use a private server not even close to being the same thing. He used a private email address on a GOVERNMENT SERVER A SECURE server. And maybe One died at the embassies when Rice was in charge? But that wasn't really at the embassy , it was on the street in a car bomb attack I believe. Oh and she never left ppl behind and lied about it. Hillary as was proven was more worried about how to spin the attack than getting help for the Americans fighting for their lives. She's absolutely disgusting person

No... Powell used a public email server. Not one where he owned the server... a hotmail/g-mail type address (it hasn't been released which company provided the service). He had a government address and a personal address and admitted to sending emails from and receiving e-mails to his personal address. He claimed they were all unclassified (as Clinton did) and claims they are all gone.

It was a much less secure situation than Clinton.

As for Rice... there were 13 embassy attacks under Bush that resulted in 60 deaths. 20 attacks for 87 deaths when you consider consulate workers killed in the country they were serving in but outside the actual compound. I'll be honest... I have no idea how many of those were under Rice's watch rather than Powell's. Source is politifact.
No... Powell used a public email server. Not one where he owned the server... a hotmail/g-mail type address (it hasn't been released which company provided the service). He had a government address and a personal address and admitted to sending emails from and receiving e-mails to his personal address. He claimed they were all unclassified (as Clinton did) and claims they are all gone.

It was a much less secure situation than Clinton.

As for Rice... there were 13 embassy attacks under Bush that resulted in 60 deaths. 20 attacks for 87 deaths when you consider consulate workers killed in the country they were serving in but outside the actual compound. I'll be honest... I have no idea how many of those were under Rice's watch rather than Powell's. Source is politifact.

No, its not the same. It just ridiculous to even suggest so. It's unbelievable how your ideology will force you into such silly BS.

No dear, there were not 87 America and not at embassy's. Its more left wing BS propaganda. Here's a story from left wing politicfact

And here's a list of those " American embassy attacks"
You see... the insane thing is you look at Obama's presidency and see cooperation between the democrats and republicans... where as if you compare it to EVERY OTHER PRESIDENCY you see that there has been less cooperation between democrats and republicans under Obama than any other president. Look at the party-line nature of nearly every vote congress has had. Look at judicial confirmations. The most liberal justice on the court... Ginsburg... got confirmed 96-3. Scalia... possibly the most conservative justice prior to passing... got confirmed 98-0.

Look... I don't agree with many of your views. But the main thing I'm looking for is a functional government where moderates control both the congress and white house. I want opposing sides who can actually compromise and come to an agreement somewhere in the middle on important issues. That's why I regularly vote for Lindsay Graham... because occasionally he's willing to find common ground with the other side.

If you MAKE me choose between extremes... say Sanders vs Carson/Cruz/Trump... I'm going to choose the left extreme... because I'm a left leaning moderate. But if you give me a Sanders vs Kasich type choice... I'll probably go with the moderate republican

Clinton is a moderate democrat. I know you don't believe it... but it's true. She's pro-military and pro-business... neither of which is liberal. I'd probably vote for Condoleeza Rice were she to run... and many more embassy workers died in attacks during her time as SOS than in Clintons. I'd vote for Colin Powell... and he used non-government e-mail for government business.

As for embellishing stories about being under fire... no, I don't find that being a big deal any more than GOP candidates lying about planned parenthood footage (which never showed what they claimed it did) or saying they saw thousands of muslims celebrating 9/11 when nothing of the sort happened bothers me... when they correct their mis-statements like Clinton did with hers.

As for polls... I'm frankly not a believer in general election polls prior to a candidate being chosen. I remember all of the Hillary supporters who claimed they would vote for McCain in 2008 if Obama won. They pretty much all voted for Obama. Polls now show Bernie polling ahead of every GOP candidate. The last Quinnipiac polls had Sander's closest opponent as Kasich with Sanders up by 4 and his furthest as Cruz/Bush with Sanders up by 10. But Clinton supporters tend to be pragmatic rather than idealistic... so I believe most of them are saying they'd vote for Sanders if he were the candidate. Meanwhile MOST of the GOP voters aren't particularly pragmatic. Many Tea Party voters would say they'd vote for Sanders over Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio... but when it came down to a socialist vs an establishment republican they would vote for the GOP. I don't think Sanders beats ANY GOP candidate aside from Trump and maybe Cruz.

On the flip side, Sanders supporters are the young, ultra-left-wing voters of the democrat party. They're the idealistic ones who claim they'd vote against Clinton because they want Clinton to appear weak and Sanders to appear strong in the primary season. But when it comes down to it... they're ultra liberal. They won't really pick a Ted Cruz over a GOP candidate. On the flip side, while the Tea Party voters may hate the establishment of the GOP... they hate Hillary Clinton more. The only candidate Quinnipiac has Clinton beating is Trump... because part of the establishment GOP voting block can actually tolerate Clinton more than the idea of Trump.

Until you get down to 2 candidates... general election polls are relatively meaningless. Unless you believe the most liberal voters in the democrat party are going to vote for Ted Cruz over Hillary Clinton.
So cooperation from the pubs is when they cave on their hardline beliefs and cower to the left. When obama says it's bipartisan it means the earning citizens of the US are getting screwed.
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I'd be less afraid of the "successful businessman" if he would give details as to how he plans to fix anything. If he would articulate how he plans to accomplish anything, rather than catch phrases like, "We need to make America great again." Okay, how?

He's declared bankruptcy several times, so how successful is her really?

I won't vote for Hillary or Bernie, but I don't think I could cast a ballot in favor of Trump.

Bankruptcy in that arena us common. He isn't a guy buying big screen TV's without a job sticking it to Best Buy.

He has employed thousands and created industry that has employed and supported thousands more financially.

Something no other candidate has done.

The Clinton's filed bakruptcy I believe. Over what?

Success has been Trumps rep. And he is well respected as a businessman.

Just saying
Bankruptcy in that arena us common. He isn't a guy buying big screen TV's without a job sticking it to Best Buy.

He has employed thousands and created industry that has employed and supported thousands more financially.

Something no other candidate has done.

The Clinton's filed bakruptcy I believe. Over what?

Success has been Trumps rep. And he is well respected as a businessman.

Just saying

Trump himself said he could shoot somebody and he wouldn't lose support. Your attitude towards his bailing on creditors 4 times is more evidence he wasn't that far off in his statement.
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Trump himself said he could shoot somebody and he wouldn't lose support. Your attitude towards his bailing on creditors 4 times is more evidence he wasn't that far off in his statement.
He right it's like a alien space ship.
So cooperation from the pubs is when they cave on their hardline beliefs and cower to the left. When obama says it's bipartisan it means the earning citizens of the US are getting screwed.

That's how the insane people who have taken over the republican party view compromise.

Look... here's the deal. The conservatives have a set of beliefs. The liberals have a set of beliefs. They both want things the other side doesn't want them to get.

The way compromise works is you give up something the other side REALLY wants that you only lightly oppose so that you can get something you REALLY want that they only lightly oppose.

The democrats still work that way. Obama was actually trying to work with Boehner on a "Grand Bargain" that would allow the GOP to make entitlement cuts (something they REALLY wanted) in exchange for tax changes that would involve higher taxes on the highest income earners. While it failed... that was an attempt at compromise.

The problem with the GOP voters now is that they don't want compromise. And while that's all well and good... it's almost impossible to actually get anything accomplished if you can't compromise on anything. You have nothing to give to democrats to get their votes and unless you have unblockable majorities across the board you need at least the acceptance of democrats if not their support to actually DO anything.

The GOP tried to use threats of destroying the country to do this... with defaults on our debt and government shutdowns as the method to extort acceptance from the Democrats. It worked to get them an extension on the bush tax cuts for a couple of years... and that's it. The hostage taking technique hasn't been effective at accomplishing anything else.

Right now the base doesn't want the GOP to give ANY ground on:
-confirming judges
-foreign policy and military affairs
-federal land usage
-gay rights
-education (common core)
-the environment
-gun control

So given that... what's left that they CAN use to give something to democrats to get them to cross over and support a law that puts forward something the GOP wants?

That's the problem with the GOP right now. EVERYTHING is a core issue that cannot be negotiated on. That means they can't accomplish ANYTHING.
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I'm voting for Trump. We need a radical change in this country. Trump is the ONLY one who will seal our borders. If we don't do that first and foremost we are screwed as a nation.

I'll predict that the election in 2020 will be about building a wall. The only guy in the race that is serious about this illegal immigration BS is Cruz. Trump is for touch back immigration, he'll let them all back in. LISTEN TO WHAT THE GUY SAYS...Not what you think he says
That's how the insane people who have taken over the republican party view compromise.

Look... here's the deal. The conservatives have a set of beliefs. The liberals have a set of beliefs. They both want things the other side doesn't want them to get.

The way compromise works is you give up something the other side REALLY wants that you only lightly oppose so that you can get something you REALLY want that they only lightly oppose.

The democrats still work that way. Obama was actually trying to work with Boehner on a "Grand Bargain" that would allow the GOP to make entitlement cuts (something they REALLY wanted) in exchange for tax changes that would involve higher taxes on the highest income earners. While it failed... that was an attempt at compromise.

The problem with the GOP voters now is that they don't want compromise. And while that's all well and good... it's almost impossible to actually get anything accomplished if you can't compromise on anything. You have nothing to give to democrats to get their votes and unless you have unblockable majorities across the board you need at least the acceptance of democrats if not their support to actually DO anything.

The GOP tried to use threats of destroying the country to do this... with defaults on our debt and government shutdowns as the method to extort acceptance from the Democrats. It worked to get them an extension on the bush tax cuts for a couple of years... and that's it. The hostage taking technique hasn't been effective at accomplishing anything else.

Right now the base doesn't want the GOP to give ANY ground on:
-confirming judges
-foreign policy and military affairs
-federal land usage
-gay rights
-education (common core)
-the environment
-gun control

So given that... what's left that they CAN use to give something to democrats to get them to cross over and support a law that puts forward something the GOP wants?

That's the problem with the GOP right now. EVERYTHING is a core issue that cannot be negotiated on. That means they can't accomplish ANYTHING.

Pal you need a serious reality check? How'd the DemocRATS compromise on Obamacare???

Now, its not about compromise. How do you compromise with Hitler? Let him kill half the Jews? Same with POSOTUS. The guy and his party are trying to transform the Greatest Country the world has ever known into some European socialist shithole. There is no compromise there. The Republicans have been feckless. They haven't stopped POSOTUS from doing anything he wants. If he can't get it done through the constitutional process....he'll simply break the law. He has been acting as a dictator.

The Democrat party is a far left marxist party. The republican is a moderate pussy party. The list you have above are fundemental constitutional positions that the Marxist DemocRAT party is trying to destroy. How do you compromise on Gun control? There is NO SUCH THING. Its a stupid argument. Gay rights? NO SUCH THING? Whats next Dawgy style rights? I could go on and on. But the left is made up of a bunch of freaks, nuts and deviants. A collation of leeches looking for other ppl to conform or else. I mean these nuts claim Climate change causes terrorism. They see rights where there are none and demand access to their neighbors labor. Its a morally and intellectually bankrupt philosophy . The need t be defeated not compromised with.
That's how the insane people who have taken over the republican party view compromise.

Look... here's the deal. The conservatives have a set of beliefs. The liberals have a set of beliefs. They both want things the other side doesn't want them to get.

The way compromise works is you give up something the other side REALLY wants that you only lightly oppose so that you can get something you REALLY want that they only lightly oppose.

The democrats still work that way. Obama was actually trying to work with Boehner on a "Grand Bargain" that would allow the GOP to make entitlement cuts (something they REALLY wanted) in exchange for tax changes that would involve higher taxes on the highest income earners. While it failed... that was an attempt at compromise.

The problem with the GOP voters now is that they don't want compromise. And while that's all well and good... it's almost impossible to actually get anything accomplished if you can't compromise on anything. You have nothing to give to democrats to get their votes and unless you have unblockable majorities across the board you need at least the acceptance of democrats if not their support to actually DO anything.

The GOP tried to use threats of destroying the country to do this... with defaults on our debt and government shutdowns as the method to extort acceptance from the Democrats. It worked to get them an extension on the bush tax cuts for a couple of years... and that's it. The hostage taking technique hasn't been effective at accomplishing anything else.

Right now the base doesn't want the GOP to give ANY ground on:
-confirming judges
-foreign policy and military affairs
-federal land usage
-gay rights
-education (common core)
-the environment
-gun control

So given that... what's left that they CAN use to give something to democrats to get them to cross over and support a law that puts forward something the GOP wants?

That's the problem with the GOP right now. EVERYTHING is a core issue that cannot be negotiated on. That means they can't accomplish ANYTHING.
The dems want to continue to murder defenseless babies in the womb, free shit for the leeches of society (education, birth control, health care, housing,food, transportation) and they want to take it from the Producers or earners to pay for the parasites in the US. The dems want to strip the constitution down because it gets in the way of their controlling a nation of free men and women. They want to control religion as well and tell us all how and when we must worship as to not offend the Godless one. The dems want to allow anyone who wants a handout to come from other nations and parts of the world to procure more votes for their pathetic voter base. I do not see any room for compromise on any of those items. The way obama has worked he does not care or want bipartisanship on his socialist issue to transform this once great nation into his vision to make the US pay for his belief (and his fathers)in Colonialism. So as I stated before compromise is only when the pubs cower and cave in their beliefs to the dems wishes to change this nation into a weak shell of the nation I grew up in. There is no compromise when it comes to defending freedom. One who gives up freedom for security deserves neither.-Benjamin Franklin
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The dems want to continue to murder defenseless babies in the womb, free shit for the leeches of society (education, birth control, health care, housing,food, transportation) and they want to take it from the Producers or earners to pay for the parasites in the US. The dems want to strip the constitution down because it gets in the way of their controlling a nation of free men and women. They want to control religion as well and tell us all how and when we must worship as to not offend the Godless one. The dems want to allow anyone who wants a handout to come from other nations and parts of the world to procure more votes for their pathetic voter base. I do not see any room for compromise on any of those items. The way obama has worked he does not care or want bipartisanship on his socialist issue to transform this once great nation into his vision to make the US pay for his belief (and his fathers)in Colonialism. So as I stated before compromise is only when the pubs cower and cave in their beliefs to the dems wishes to change this nation into a weak shell of the nation I grew up in. There is no compromise when it comes to defending freedom. One who gives up freedom for security deserves neither.-Benjamin Franklin

Just keep in mind, if you don't give the other side anything they want... they won't give you anything you want. You're basically acting like the kid who wants to play kickball while others want to play basketball and instead of accepting that you can alternate between playing both you pop the ball and stomp off home.

Yeah... you stopped them from playing basketball... but you didn't get to play kickball either.

Your approach can never actually get anything done. You can stop things from getting done... but that's it. If you believe that's good... then congrats... you've "won". But you'll never actually get anything you want passed into law.
Just keep in mind, if you don't give the other side anything they want... they won't give you anything you want. You're basically acting like the kid who wants to play kickball while others want to play basketball and instead of accepting that you can alternate between playing both you pop the ball and stomp off home.

Yeah... you stopped them from playing basketball... but you didn't get to play kickball either.

Your approach can never actually get anything done. You can stop things from getting done... but that's it. If you believe that's good... then congrats... you've "won". But you'll never actually get anything you want passed into law.

POSOTUS took that very approach from the start ( )

So how come it worked for him?