I see what is posted, more important, I see what is posted over and over. You might fool a fool, but I'm no fool. Tell me you don't see a pattern here.
Just exactly what is your pattern Heulen? Since I have a pattern in my posts, what is yours.
I say blue, you say red. I say orange and you say white.
I have said I fully understand we should honor MLK. But you give no response other than to point out a pattern. You assume a prejudice, but I see an agenda.
If I am against ILLEGAL immigration, I am racist
If I am against legal same sex marriage, I am racist
If I am against abortion, I am racist
If I want only live registered voters to vote, I am racist
If I want lower taxes, I am racist
If I don't want a socialist economy, I am racist
If I want to legally own a gun, I am racist
If I honor police officers, I am racist
If I want to pray at a ballgame, I am racist
If I want to honor my heritage, I am racist
So you seem to be agenda heavy there big guy.
I am a white guy, middle 50's, who grew up in a town that was safe and gentile. I grew up in Atlanta in the late 50's and early 60's. I have gay friends. I have african american friends. I have Muslim friends. I have defended all in the face of racial and social bigotry. My children have multi racial friends and we don't apologize about anything. I don't have a racist bone in my body, but I tired of being held in contempt because I am white.
But I will not abandon my southern heritage. All societies make mistakes and judgements that are era related. Those blamed usually aren't the problem, but are part of the perpetuation of the problem. I don't apologize for something I didn't do. I was born after slavery, as were you. I was given the opportunity for an education, as were you. I was given the choice to make my own decisions, as were you. I was given the choice to blame my parents for my lot in life, or make my own life.
We were both given the right to achieve happiness, but not given the promise of happiness. We were given the right of freedom of opinion, but not given the right to force opinion on others. I was given the right to love or hate, as were you.
Should the african continent be held in contempt for selling its own into slavery or should the white american purchaser be the sole evil entity in this abomination?
It is far more convenient to ignore facts and just condemn and remove.
So, saying all that, I will get some coded reply saying that I am some kind of Christian, neo-conservative hatemonger I guess. You won't discuss an issue. A single issue from a conservative is discounted into the abyss of political agenda.
Stone Mountain? Honoring the fallen soilders of the Confederate aremies? What is the problem with that?
The south had few prisons and little crime. The south was pristine. The north was ripe with crime and had full prisons, but south was an awful place. Can't apologize for my heritage.
You see the pattern here? I do.