Why is Donald Trump a racist?

I agree, think if they get a job they lose benefits. So they need to adjust it so as they get more indepedent they will not be losing benefits it just evens out.
Yes, but…… The government cannot guarantee benefits to the citizen. Or shouldn’t guarantee anything to the citizen.
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Hugo Chavez and Adolf Hitler were populists and polemicists too. Those aren’t mutually exclusive of being a dictator. In fact, it’s hard to find one without the other.
You have described every politician in every country.

You have described many pro athletes and celebrities who gain support by supporting their fans or support a movement.

The problem with labeling a human being is the label.

The outcome to the citizen in relation to how our economic system was built is what should drive a political decision.

When a politician promises political gain, financial standardization, or benefits to a citizen, we should run from that person. That will enslave the citizen. And initiative is punished.
Hugo Chavez and Adolf Hitler were populists and polemicists too. Those aren’t mutually exclusive of being a dictator. In fact, it’s hard to find one without the other.
But dictators dont intentionally surrender central control and return those powers to local goverments. For example, a dictator wouldn't give vouchers for school choice instead of dictating where a child would attend and what that school would teach. Dictators may rise to power by being polemist but they dont govern by like a federalist.
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What is the basis of Trump being a racist?

What are the facts?
Who said he was? I mean I watch the news and this doesn't seem to be a headline thingy right now. Have to laugh at the dude saying this will be good. I guess good means MAGAGERs talking about it amongst themselves.
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But dictators dont intentionally surrender central control and return those powers to local goverments. For example, a dictator wouldn't give vouchers for school choice instead of dictating where a child would attend and what that school would teach. Dictators may rise to power by being polemist but the dont govern by like a federalist.
Who said he was? I mean I watch the news and this doesn't seem to be a headline thingy right now. Have to laugh at the dude saying this will be good. I guess good means MAGAGERs talking about it amongst themselves.
Listen to every liberal persuasion talking heads and Trumps title is racist misogynist.

The voices that move the naive hear this constantly.

Scream it loudly. Repeat it. It will be believed. It’s. Goebbels thing. It’s a patterned marketing strategy.

You know, like Trump will destroy the country and destroy democracy. “From the river to the sea” Queers for Palestine. Call someone a Nazi and censor them and deny their right to speak. Scream the undefinable and ridiculous and it becomes truth. It becomes a banner to join a group.

Makes little sense, but just scream it enough.
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Listen to every liberal persuasion talking heads and Trumps title is racist misogynist.

The voices that move the naive hear this constantly.

Scream it loudly. Repeat it. It will be believed. It’s. Goebbels thing. It’s a patterned marketing strategy.

You know, like Trump will destroy the country and destroy democracy. “From the river to the sea” Queers for Palestine. Call someone a Nazi and censor them and deny their right to speak. Scream the undefinable and ridiculous and it becomes truth. It becomes a banner to join a group.

Makes little sense, but just scream it enough.
Scream it loudly. Repeat it. It will be believed.

You mean like

"Frankly, we did win this election."
You have described every politician in every country.

You have described many pro athletes and celebrities who gain support by supporting their fans or support a movement.

The problem with labeling a human being is the label.

The outcome to the citizen in relation to how our economic system was built is what should drive a political decision.

When a politician promises political gain, financial standardization, or benefits to a citizen, we should run from that person. That will enslave the citizen. And initiative is punished.
I actually dont disagree with a thing you said there.
Scream it loudly. Repeat it. It will be believed.

You mean like

"Frankly, we did win this election."
Questioning validity is quite different than slanderous words.

The election questions point the finger at us as citizens. It doesn’t condemn the opponent. It is based in the understanding that for a political cause, human beings will justify behavior. When political agenda hires paid third parties based on the number of ballots collected, human corruption can occur.

Drop box balloting. We no longer have drop box mail service due to mail theft. Yet somehow, they are a logical and safe ballot portal.

Vote harvesting. Third party groups are paid to gather votes for a particular political party. Gee, what could possibly go wrong as they target retirement communities, college campuses, shelters and the elderly.

Vote centers located in high Dem areas, some taking up entire strip shopping centers.

Open ended voting days that allow for the potential of multiple voting where ID is not validated. Combined with vote harvesting, this is an ethical, moral and legal nightmare.

Lax voter ID laws. Not having to prove identity at the point of vote is incredible. Valid ID at point of sale is required on everything from utility set, buying a gun, car, buying insurance, to cashing a check.

Baseless attacks that make no possible sense and are not even defensible are repeated.

I just gave reasons why election integrity can be questioned.

Provide rebuttal how I am wrong. I’ll listen.

On the idea of destroying democracy, destroying the country and bloodshed……… back it. Explain how that could/would possibly happen. If you say it, it should have a logical basis of truth.

Or is it just a political lie?

The election process integrity cannot be legally proven. Assumptions can be made based on the honesty of mankind, which is highly driven by power and money.
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Questioning validity is quite different than slanderous words.

The election questions point the finger at us as citizens. It doesn’t condemn the opponent. It is based in the understanding that for a political cause, human beings will justify behavior. When political agenda hires paid third parties based on the number of ballots collected, human corruption can occur.

Drop box balloting. We no longer have drop box mail service due to mail theft. Yet somehow, they are a logical and safe ballot portal.

Vote harvesting. Third party groups are paid to gather votes for a particular political party. Gee, what could possibly go wrong as they target retirement communities, college campuses, shelters and the elderly.

Vote centers located in high Dem areas, some taking up entire strip shopping centers.

Open ended voting days that allow for the potential of multiple voting where ID is not validated. Combined with vote harvesting, this is an ethical, moral and legal nightmare.

Lax voter ID laws. Not having to prove identity at the point of vote is incredible. Valid ID at point of sale is required on everything from utility set, buying a gun, car, buying insurance, to cashing a check.

Baseless attacks that make no possible sense and are not even defensible are repeated.

I just gave reasons why election integrity can be questioned.

Provide rebuttal how I am wrong. I’ll listen.

On the idea of destroying democracy, destroying the country and bloodshed……… back it. Explain how that could/would possibly happen. If you say it, it should have a logical basis of truth.

Or is it just a political lie?

The election process integrity cannot be legally proven. Assumptions can be made based on the honesty of mankind, which is highly driven by power and money.
LOL. I don't really see a whole lot of difference here. You believe these things because you want to.

There's a guy that says he used the N word and says it's on tape that worked on the show.

What exactly is the difference? No real evidence has been presented at all. Your mule book has been pulled because legal trouble was coming if they didn't.

I mean almost a billion dollars has changed hands because the courts have said it's a lie. At least one of these things has been investigated totally and nothing has been found.

Not saying you don't have a point about the racism, but geeze man, the hypocrisy here is thick.
LOL. I don't really see a whole lot of difference here. You believe these things because you want to.

There's a guy that says he used the N word and says it's on tape that worked on the show.

What exactly is the difference? No real evidence has been presented at all. Your mule book has been pulled because legal trouble was coming if they didn't.

I mean almost a billion dollars has changed hands because the courts have said it's a lie. At least one of these things has been investigated totally and nothing has been found.

Not saying you don't have a point about the racism, but geeze man, the hypocrisy here is thick.
There’s a guy that says the voting machines can be manipulated. There’s a man who says he’s seen harvesters stuffing drop boxes (with videos).

“There’s a man” isn’t a valid point to prove validity yet I am to take it as proof Trump is a racist. Got it.

What are the things I believe that aren’t true?

Were drop boxes used? Do you believe them to be safe options and void of fraud? The U.S. Postal service doesn’t. They are stopping drop box mail containers because they are compromised.

Third party vote harvesting.

I was hoping that you would tell me.
I'm going to assume that like many on here, he was raised that way.
So why are you a racist?
There’s a guy that says the voting machines can be manipulated. There’s a man who says he’s seen harvesters stuffing drop boxes (with videos).

“There’s a man” isn’t a valid point to prove validity yet I am to take it as proof Trump is a racist. Got it.

What are the things I believe that aren’t true?

Were drop boxes used? Do you believe them to be safe options and void of fraud? The U.S. Postal service doesn’t. They are stopping drop box mail containers because they are compromised.

Third party vote harvesting.

So why are you a racist?
None of that has been proven. None of it. There's a couple of people that say Trump used the Nword on the Apprentice. What's the difference? It's whatever you want to believe. You want to believe the BS you just offered so it's different for you.

"What I'm saying makes sense and is different because I'm saying it, dadgummit."
None of that has been proven. None of it. There's a couple of people that say Trump used the Nword on the Apprentice. What's the difference? It's whatever you want to believe. You want to believe the BS you just offered so it's different for you.

"What I'm saying makes sense and is different because I'm saying it, dadgummit."
Who said proven. Do you not agree that drop boxes, ballot harvesting and less stringent voting ID requirements make the possibility of fraud a greater possibility?
There’s a guy that says the voting machines can be manipulated. There’s a man who says he’s seen harvesters stuffing drop boxes (with videos).

“There’s a man” isn’t a valid point to prove validity yet I am to take it as proof Trump is a racist. Got it.

What are the things I believe that aren’t true?

Were drop boxes used? Do you believe them to be safe options and void of fraud? The U.S. Postal service doesn’t. They are stopping drop box mail containers because they are compromised.

Third party vote harvesting.

So why are you a racist?
Cuz I'm not. Why do you believe that El Trumpo isn't
Who said proven. Do you not agree that drop boxes, ballot harvesting and less stringent voting ID requirements make the possibility of fraud a greater possibility?
Do you not agree that two people saying Trump said the n- word on the set of The Apprentice means he might have done it? Do you not agree that Trump trying to deny housing to African Americans might mean he's a racist? I'm just saying it's the same thing. I think you're not following.
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Questioning validity is quite different than slanderous words.

The election questions point the finger at us as citizens. It doesn’t condemn the opponent. It is based in the understanding that for a political cause, human beings will justify behavior. When political agenda hires paid third parties based on the number of ballots collected, human corruption can occur.

Drop box balloting. We no longer have drop box mail service due to mail theft. Yet somehow, they are a logical and safe ballot portal.

Vote harvesting. Third party groups are paid to gather votes for a particular political party. Gee, what could possibly go wrong as they target retirement communities, college campuses, shelters and the elderly.

Vote centers located in high Dem areas, some taking up entire strip shopping centers.

Open ended voting days that allow for the potential of multiple voting where ID is not validated. Combined with vote harvesting, this is an ethical, moral and legal nightmare.

Lax voter ID laws. Not having to prove identity at the point of vote is incredible. Valid ID at point of sale is required on everything from utility set, buying a gun, car, buying insurance, to cashing a check.

Baseless attacks that make no possible sense and are not even defensible are repeated.

I just gave reasons why election integrity can be questioned.

Provide rebuttal how I am wrong. I’ll listen.

On the idea of destroying democracy, destroying the country and bloodshed……… back it. Explain how that could/would possibly happen. If you say it, it should have a logical basis of truth.

Or is it just a political lie?

The election process integrity cannot be legally proven. Assumptions can be made based on the honesty of mankind, which is highly driven by power and money.

Do you not agree that two people saying Trump said the n- word on the set of The Apprentice means he might have done it? Do you not agree that Trump trying to deny housing to African Americans might mean he's a racist? I'm just saying it's the same thing. I think you're not following.
Don’t you believe that all DNC members are racist by association? I mean they joined a party that has an open history of racism - Supported Slavery, KKK, Segregation! A party that continues to use race as a tool to divide this country. Curious why the DNC didn’t change the party name after losing a shameful Civil War. Just curious? Beside’s the N word is one of the most popular words in current pop culture today.
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Who said proven. Do you not agree that drop boxes, ballot harvesting and less stringent voting ID requirements make the possibility of fraud a greater possibility?

Don’t you believe that all DNC members are racist by association? I mean they joined a party that has an open history of racism - Supported Slavery, KKK, Segregation! A party that continues to use race as a tool to divide this country. Curious why the DNC didn’t change the party name after losing a shameful Civil War. Just curious? Beside’s the N word is one of the most popular words in current pop culture today.
Don't you believe that all Americans are racists? The first Presidents owned slaves.

That's about what you're doing here.
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Don't you believe that all Americans are racists? The first Presidents owned slaves.

That's about what you're doing here.
What do the first presidents have to do with you or me?

Grown men don’t talk like you do. Are you a racist female teenager?
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What do the first presidents have to do with you or me?

Grown men don’t talk like you do. Are you a racist female teenager?

"That's about what you're doing here."

I'm starting to get why you guys think the way you do.
  • Haha
Reactions: Athens is Heaven
Questioning validity is quite different than slanderous words.

The election questions point the finger at us as citizens. It doesn’t condemn the opponent. It is based in the understanding that for a political cause, human beings will justify behavior. When political agenda hires paid third parties based on the number of ballots collected, human corruption can occur.

Drop box balloting. We no longer have drop box mail service due to mail theft. Yet somehow, they are a logical and safe ballot portal.

Vote harvesting. Third party groups are paid to gather votes for a particular political party. Gee, what could possibly go wrong as they target retirement communities, college campuses, shelters and the elderly.

Vote centers located in high Dem areas, some taking up entire strip shopping centers.

Open ended voting days that allow for the potential of multiple voting where ID is not validated. Combined with vote harvesting, this is an ethical, moral and legal nightmare.

Lax voter ID laws. Not having to prove identity at the point of vote is incredible. Valid ID at point of sale is required on everything from utility set, buying a gun, car, buying insurance, to cashing a check.

Baseless attacks that make no possible sense and are not even defensible are repeated.

I just gave reasons why election integrity can be questioned.

Provide rebuttal how I am wrong. I’ll listen.

On the idea of destroying democracy, destroying the country and bloodshed……… back it. Explain how that could/would possibly happen. If you say it, it should have a logical basis of truth.

Or is it just a political lie?

The election process integrity cannot be legally proven. Assumptions can be made based on the honesty of mankind, which is highly driven by power and money.

You're right about one thing: baseless attacks that make no possible sense and are not even defensible are repeated. You just described Donald Trump and his Lie "the 2020 election was rigged and stolen" to a T. Somewhere up above in this thread you said something like "if you repeat a lie enough, the masses believe it."
Which is 1,000% what Trump is doing to the masses that follow him.
You're right about one thing: baseless attacks that make no possible sense and are not even defensible are repeated. You just described Donald Trump and his Lie "the 2020 election was rigged and stolen" to a T. Somewhere up above in this thread you said something like "if you repeat a lie enough, the masses believe it."
Which is 1,000% what Trump is doing to the masses that follow him.
That’s what you Marxist’s do.

"That's about what you're doing here."

I'm starting to get why you guys think the way you do.
“You guys” I don’t think labels and throw out buzz words. Does that make me a you guys?

Playing the victim must be tiresome for you.

The most important moment in a baseball game isn’t the homer or error, it’s the next pitch.

Until grown men move on and teach our children to move forward and move on, we will forever trapped and enslaved basing self value in what happened yesterday.

If we can’t agree on that, I will forever be a you guys.
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“You guys” I don’t think labels and throw out buzz words. Does that make me a you guys?

Playing the victim must be tiresome for you.

The most important moment in a baseball game isn’t the homer or error, it’s the next pitch.

Until grown men move on and teach our children to move forward and move on, we will forever trapped and enslaved basing self value in what happened yesterday.

If we can’t agree on that, I will forever be a you guys.
I literally said that in response to a guy bringing up things from decades ago and saying it applies to today. I mean it was clear. You quoted everything but the last sentence, which made it perfectly clear and acted like I was making some kind of point that what Washington and Jefferson did means we're racist. Weird dude, Just weird. Are you trying to say you don't support Trump? Would it make you feel better if I said "Trump supporters" instead of you guys?

Who is playing the victim? Your preconceived notions made you miss the forest for the trees here.

Just in case you still don't understand:

Post I was responding to:
Don’t you believe that all DNC members are racist by association? I mean they joined a party that has an open history of racism - Supported Slavery, KKK, Segregation! A party that continues to use race as a tool to divide this country. Curious why the DNC didn’t change the party name after losing a shameful Civil War. Just curious? Beside’s the N word is one of the most popular words in current pop culture today.
What I said:

"Don't you believe that all Americans are racists? The first Presidents owned slaves.

That's about what you're (as in Athens62) doing here."

Do better, Gilligan.
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I thought he was a dictator?

So he's a racist dictator?

dims and false narratives...........say things repeatedly enough and people start believing them right?
(Barack Obama) 🤦‍♂️

I do know what he is however....................... he's our next President and there isn't a eFFn thing the dims can do about it.
Amen brother. MAGA 2024 baby
What about Biden's racial comments in the past? I seriously have a problem with people ignoring that Biden is a racist
I literally said that in response to a guy bringing up things from decades ago and saying it applies to today. I mean it was clear. You quoted everything but the last sentence, which made it perfectly clear and acted like I was making some kind of point that what Washington and Jefferson did means we're racist. Weird dude, Just weird. Are you trying to say you don't support Trump? Would it make you feel better if I said "Trump supporters" instead of you guys?

Who is playing the victim? Your preconceived notions made you miss the forest for the trees here.

Just in case you still don't understand:

Post I was responding to:

What I said:

"Don't you believe that all Americans are racists? The first Presidents owned slaves.

That's about what you're (as in Athens62) doing here."

Do better, Gilligan.
I am trying.

So let’s bring this back to center so we can be friends and have a beer.

I will state honestly how I believe. We might not be far off from each other.

I am voting for Donald Trump. So that is on the table.

I do not believe we should hold the Dem party to what they did in the past in regards to racism. I hold them in contempt for it now.

I hold most politicians in contempt because they buy the voting block through redistribution of taxes paid by citizens. When some can take your money then give it to another person for favor, it is vulgar. Our welfare system is a political nightmare.

I believe holding any party or person liable for decisions made in unique eras is folly. Human beings experience, learn, and change. Especially holding a Dem or Rep or any citizen in contempt for actions done by people not even alive today. We can scream guilty by association, but that is really silly.

We learn from social interaction. We learn, we change, we apply perspective.

I cannot support racial bias in anything. Dividing up the citizens to sell them benevolence is wrong.

An elected official should not be allowed to give my money away. My taxes are given to build roads, build and maintain the military to protect us and fund a judicial system. That’s it

The central gov should not control the power. Each state is sovereign. Central gov power is dangerous and the lead to every socialist, communist, dictatorship regime.

My job and your job is to provide for my family. It is not the responsibility of the government.

So when the tit is sold for the vote, and that tit is funded on the financial backs of others, and who ever is in power gets to make that decision, I ignore that supremest who believes I owe him my support.

Specifically, I have a problem with how Joe Biden speaks to his country. He insults citizens because of their beliefs, yet praises illegals. He divides citizens, putting them as a rival, his own citizens! He labels and calls them bad.

I have not seen Donald Trump do that. He attacks the politician, he attacks the political system he claims is doing it wrong. He doesn’t attack his citizens. That is a really big deal.

Sell your agenda as why it helps all citizens by helping our country be the strongest it can be, to provide opportunity. Don’t sell benevolence programs that kill initiative through overtaxation of the citizen and don’t sell agenda that manipulated the economy artificially, causing inflation and finial crisis.

The government should always allow free market to drive the economy.

So there. My beliefs. Are we that far off? We don’t have to agree, but you are buying the beer.

Oh, and that is Maynard T. Krebs, not Gilligan. Get your shows right man!
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I am trying.

So let’s bring this back to center so we can be friends and have a beer.

I will state honestly how I believe. We might not be far off from each other.

I am voting for Donald Trump. So that is on the table.

I do not believe we should hold the Dem party to what they did in the past in regards to racism. I hold them in contempt for it now.

I hold most politicians in contempt because they buy the voting block through redistribution of taxes paid by citizens. When some can take your money then give it to another person for favor, it is vulgar. Our welfare system is a political nightmare.

I believe holding any party or person liable for decisions made in unique eras is folly. Human beings experience, learn, and change. Especially holding a Dem or Rep or any citizen in contempt for actions done by people not even alive today. We can scream guilty by association, but that is really silly.

We learn from social interaction. We learn, we change, we apply perspective.

I cannot support racial bias in anything. Dividing up the citizens to sell them benevolence is wrong.

An elected official should not be allowed to give my money away. My taxes are given to build roads, build and maintain the military to protect us and fund a judicial system. That’s it

The central gov should not control the power. Each state is sovereign. Central gov power is dangerous and the lead to every socialist, communist, dictatorship regime.

My job and your job is to provide for my family. It is not the responsibility of the government.

So when the tit is sold for the vote, and that tit is funded on the financial backs of others, and who ever is in power gets to make that decision, I ignore that supremest who believes I owe him my support.

Specifically, I have a problem with how Joe Biden speaks to his country. He insults citizens because of their beliefs, yet praises illegals. He divides citizens, putting them as a rival, his own citizens! He labels and calls them bad.

I have not seen Donald Trump do that. He attacks the politician, he attacks the political system he claims is doing it wrong. He doesn’t attack his citizens. That is a really big deal.

Sell your agenda as why it helps all citizens by helping our country be the strongest it can be, to provide opportunity. Don’t sell benevolence programs that kill initiative through overtaxation of the citizen and don’t sell agenda that manipulated the economy artificially, causing inflation and finial crisis.

The government should always allow free market to drive the economy.

So there. My beliefs. Are we that far off? We don’t have to agree, but you are buying the beer.

Oh, and that is Maynard T. Krebs, not Gilligan. Get your shows right man!
On the May 18, 1988, episode of the Late Show on Fox, Denver said that Sherwood Schwartz told him Gilligan's first name was "Willy".[6]
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I literally said that in response to a guy bringing up things from decades ago and saying it applies to today. I mean it was clear. You quoted everything but the last sentence, which made it perfectly clear and acted like I was making some kind of point that what Washington and Jefferson did means we're racist. Weird dude, Just weird. Are you trying to say you don't support Trump? Would it make you feel better if I said "Trump supporters" instead of you guys?

Who is playing the victim? Your preconceived notions made you miss the forest for the trees here.

Just in case you still don't understand:

Post I was responding to:

What I said:

"Don't you believe that all Americans are racists? The first Presidents owned slaves.

That's about what you're (as in Athens62) doing here."

Do better, Gilligan.
I am trying.

So let’s bring this back to center so we can be friends and have a beer.

I will state honestly how I believe. We might not be far off from each other.

I am voting for Donald Trump. So that is on the table.

I do not believe we should hold the Dem party to what they did in the past in regards to racism. I hold them in contempt for it now.

I hold most politicians in contempt because they buy the voting block through redistribution of taxes paid by citizens. When some can take your money then give it to another person for favor, it is vulgar. Our welfare system is a political nightmare.

I believe holding any party or person liable for decisions made in unique eras is folly. Human beings experience, learn, and change. Especially holding a Dem or Rep or any citizen in contempt for actions done by people not even alive today. We can scream guilty by association, but that is really silly.

We learn from social interaction. We learn, we change, we apply perspective.

I cannot support racial bias in anything. Dividing up the citizens to sell them benevolence is wrong.

An elected official should not be allowed to give my money away. My taxes are given to build roads, build and maintain the military to protect us and fund a judicial system. That’s it

The central gov should not control the power. Each state is sovereign. Central gov power is dangerous and the lead to every socialist, communist, dictatorship regime.

My job and your job is to provide for my family. It is not the responsibility of the government.

So when the tit is sold for the vote, and that tit is funded on the financial backs of others, and who ever is in power gets to make that decision, I ignore that supremest who believes I owe him my support.

Specifically, I have a problem with how Joe Biden speaks to his country. He insults citizens because of their beliefs, yet praises illegals. He divides citizens, putting them as a rival, his own citizens! He labels and calls them bad.

I have not seen Donald Trump do that. He attacks the politician, he attacks the political system he claims is doing it wrong. He doesn’t attack his citizens. That is a really big deal.

Sell your agenda as why it helps all citizens by helping our country be the strongest it can be, to provide opportunity. Don’t sell benevolence programs that kill initiative through overtaxation of the citizen and don’t sell agenda that manipulated the economy artificially, causing inflation and finial crisis.

The government should always allow free market to drive the economy.

So there. My beliefs. Are we that far off? We don’t have to agree, but you are buying the beer pool in
On the May 18, 1988, episode of the Late Show on Fox, Denver said that Sherwood Schwartz told him Gilligan's first name was "Willy".[6]
Didn’t know that. Good trivia. I was a big Dobie Gillis fan.

Might have to change my avatar.

Good day to you.
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