answer. That should be easy since there is no constitutional right to own a car. Anyone who drinks should not be able to own, drive or get a license. Anyone with mental issues should not be able to own a car. And have their vehicle confiscated if they own one.
But the biggest issue is cell phones and Iphones. People are all over the road texting, wrecking, killing, endangering others X 100 compared to guns. Anyone caught with a cell phone in a vehicle should have their car seized and impounded for a year. Anyone charged in a wreck with a cell phone in the vehicle loses driving rights for 5 years. Jail time for causing injury in a wreck if a cell phone is present. Cell phones kill/injure far more people than guns. Therefore if we are serious about stopping bodily injuries and deaths we need to get the texting while driving killers.
But the biggest issue is cell phones and Iphones. People are all over the road texting, wrecking, killing, endangering others X 100 compared to guns. Anyone caught with a cell phone in a vehicle should have their car seized and impounded for a year. Anyone charged in a wreck with a cell phone in the vehicle loses driving rights for 5 years. Jail time for causing injury in a wreck if a cell phone is present. Cell phones kill/injure far more people than guns. Therefore if we are serious about stopping bodily injuries and deaths we need to get the texting while driving killers.
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