Wondering why the DOJ is dragging their FN feet to indite Hilldog.


"Le Renard Subtil" Huron Indian chief
Gold Member
Oct 13, 2001
They damn sure didn't drag their feet with Gen. Patraeus charging him with 1 measly count of unauthorized removal and retention of classified information.

I hate that b_________
They damn sure didn't drag their feet with Gen. Patraeus charging him with 1 measly count of unauthorized removal and retention of classified information.

I hate that b_________

Loretta Lynch does not want to end up like Vince Foster.

Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park off the George Washington Parkway in Virginia, outside Washington, D.C., on July 20, 1993. His death was ruled a suspicious suicide by one investigation and remains a subject of several conspiracy theories.
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They damn sure didn't drag their feet with Gen. Patraeus charging him with 1 measly count of unauthorized removal and retention of classified information.

I hate that b_________

Because it won't happen. Ever
Because there is nothing to indict and it won't ever happen. Whether you hate her is beside the point. You don't know her or any of these politicians. You only know their policies.
Because there is nothing to indict and it won't ever happen. Whether you hate her is beside the point. You don't know her or any of these politicians. You only know their policies.

it will be a " black eye " to justice in this country if she isn't indicted , just the basis of what she has done is wrong and dangerous ,disregarding the details . if it were me or you , we would be " under the jail " . this is ONE of the reasons the country is angry " political privilege "
it will be a " black eye " to justice in this country if she isn't indicted , just the basis of what she has done is wrong and dangerous ,disregarding the details . if it were me or you , we would be " under the jail " . this is ONE of the reasons the country is angry " political privilege "

If it were me or you, we wouldn't be me or you.
I'd be indicted for having secret government files, which Hillary had clearance to possess.
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Because there is nothing to indict and it won't ever happen. Whether you hate her is beside the point. You don't know her or any of these politicians. You only know their policies.

I think this is most likely the case. I'm not privy to what Justice has though.
I think this is most likely the case. I'm not privy to what Justice has though.

they have evidence that she and her staff worked to take off classified designations so they could send on an unsecure server . they also have emails that show that her staff was warning her about the risk they were taking with the private server and classified information . sounds bad to me .
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If it were me or you, we wouldn't be me or you.
I'd be indicted for having secret government files, which Hillary had clearance to possess.

she also knew which messages were classified , the originating agencies establish the classification , nsa, cia , fbi, and etc . . the key here is using the private server .
Probably because there is nothing worth indicting over.
You folks have been singing this tune since the early 90s.

LOL.........which is why the FBI has expanded the investigation. If she isn't indicted it will ONLY be because Obama's DOJ has given her "cover" for political reasons. Probably why she's lied even since the investigation started, because she's sure she won't be touched. Even you know she's a corrupt lying bitch back to the Whitewater days but since you share her ideology you'll hold your nose and vote for her regardless.
Can't believe the FBI and CIA weren't all over this....being careless with that level of information is obscene. Nixon erased 20 minutes.....Hildog put every embassy and countless soldiers and assets at risk.

It's obscene but the pressure has not started yet on that in this election. Not to mention commercials with Bengazi survivors family asking her why she ignored 600 plus requests for more security. She would have been found dead by now in the 50s.
LOL.........which is why the FBI has expanded the investigation. If she isn't indicted it will ONLY be because Obama's DOJ has given her "cover" for political reasons. Probably why she's lied even since the investigation started, because she's sure she won't be touched. Even you know she's a corrupt lying bitch back to the Whitewater days but since you share her ideology you'll hold your nose and vote for her regardless.

if she gets away with this, and considering her past corrupt dealings too ,and if she is elected president , i hate to think what she would do with that power . you know she feels like she is above the law and untouchable . scary !!
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DOJ Will clear her just before convention. Case closed..........
they have evidence that she and her staff worked to take off classified designations so they could send on an unsecure server . they also have emails that show that her staff was warning her about the risk they were taking with the private server and classified information . sounds bad to me .

''Classified'' is widely used for mostly harmless info. Unless info was sent unsecured that had real national security concerns. it wouldn't be prosecuted.
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LOL.........which is why the FBI has expanded the investigation. If she isn't indicted it will ONLY be because Obama's DOJ has given her "cover" for political reasons. Probably why she's lied even since the investigation started, because she's sure she won't be touched. Even you know she's a corrupt lying bitch back to the Whitewater days but since you share her ideology you'll hold your nose and vote for her regardless.

The little Clinton haters who have cried wolf since 1991 about any and everything.
When shit is being constantly thrown at a person, it usually reflect worse on those throwing than their target.
I'll wait and see if there is anything truly serious, or more of the same.
Did anybody in State send potentially dangerous info in a manner they should have known was not secured from those who might want to harm US interest ? That will inform where this goes, not the usual suspects who have and will continue to latch onto anything handy in their endless drive to bring down a Clinton.
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''Classified'' is widely used for mostly harmless info. Unless info was sent unsecured that had real national security concerns. it wouldn't be prosecuted.

have you not been paying attention, they have numerous msgs that were classified SECRET and HIGHER were sent on the unsecure private server . are you an attorney , stating something wouldn't be prosecuted ? i know from experience that those designations are not casually used .
have you not been paying attention, they have numerous msgs that were classified SECRET and HIGHER were sent on the unsecure private server . are you an attorney , stating something wouldn't be prosecuted ? i know from experience that those designations are not casually used .
Matic is a self assured, guilt free, class act. He has convinced himself with his votes and his actions that he is indeed not racist, not a bigot and can sleep well at night. He has stood up for what is "right" and feels he's a better human being for it. He believes most folks like the #blacklivesmatter crowd have a real argument. He thinks the redistribution of wealth is not a bad's just "oversold" in name alone. He thinks Billary/Hildabeast is a really good person that cares about america and has just gotten a bad reputation. He thinks Obama is sensitive to all races, caring and appreciates Muslim values just as he does Christian values. He thinks Obama and his bride attended Rev. Wright's church for 20 years but didn't listen to the hate he was spewing. They only heard the moving message about how blacks have been oppressed and mistreated. He thinks republicans are the devil incarnate that want to see nothing but death and destruction. He thinks the pubs want to destroy all that is good, take away our liberties and only allow their spoiled, rich, racists kids to smoke weed. He thinks we should all just get along and guns should only be used by the military and certain cops who have proven themselves to be caring....and would only use the gun to ward off a bear attempting to kill a small child (not to shoot the bear, just scare him). He thinks all republicans are racist, bigots with no concerns other than for themselves. He believes the world would be a better place if we just let everyone come to US, free to receive medical care, government assistance and $15 per hour jobs. He is enlightened, he is knowledgeable, he is cleansed, and he is a Democrat.
She is not a criminal. She just does not have personnel standards in her life that allows her to be anyone's President. Regardless of party can't we at least find someone with personnel standards in there life , like so many of us, we just want do some things because it is wrong. When we find any politician that has lost that , look to you neighbor to replace him
They damn sure didn't drag their feet with Gen. Patraeus charging him with 1 measly count of unauthorized removal and retention of classified information.

I hate that b_________

Indite? Is the DOJ writing a book about Hillary? Makes no sense
Matic is a self assured, guilt free, class act. He has convinced himself with his votes and his actions that he is indeed not racist, not a bigot and can sleep well at night. He has stood up for what is "right" and feels he's a better human being for it. He believes most folks like the #blacklivesmatter crowd have a real argument. He thinks the redistribution of wealth is not a bad's just "oversold" in name alone. He thinks Billary/Hildabeast is a really good person that cares about america and has just gotten a bad reputation. He thinks Obama is sensitive to all races, caring and appreciates Muslim values just as he does Christian values. He thinks Obama and his bride attended Rev. Wright's church for 20 years but didn't listen to the hate he was spewing. They only heard the moving message about how blacks have been oppressed and mistreated. He thinks republicans are the devil incarnate that want to see nothing but death and destruction. He thinks the pubs want to destroy all that is good, take away our liberties and only allow their spoiled, rich, racists kids to smoke weed. He thinks we should all just get along and guns should only be used by the military and certain cops who have proven themselves to be caring....and would only use the gun to ward off a bear attempting to kill a small child (not to shoot the bear, just scare him). He thinks all republicans are racist, bigots with no concerns other than for themselves. He believes the world would be a better place if we just let everyone come to US, free to receive medical care, government assistance and $15 per hour jobs. He is enlightened, he is knowledgeable, he is cleansed, and he is a Democrat.
He's against the FOI act in the state of GA because we deserve info and oversize of the University..but he's okay with Hillery, the State Department, and the DOJ holding back because she is the Dem prez candidate.
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