y'all think about those Syrian refugees as you stuff your faces today and get ready to shop for crap

you don't need

I think Owebama, his party and the RINOs have supplied us with enough we don't need that we can think about.

Like 14 Trillion Dollars worth of debt, 24 million ":Undocumented democrat voters", 4 million imported "Religion of Peace" members, 14.9% REAL unemployment, Black Lies Matter, GM and Chrysler stolen from stock holders and given to the UAW and Fiat, neither of which paid a dime for the 35 BILLION dollars worth of "Loans" Owebama and his Rats stole from the US Taxpayer, not to mention 65 years of Middle-East Diplomacy destroyed.

All since 2001
We are a nation of immigrants .... Give them a fair chance too

Japan was a "Nation of Immigrants" So was France, Germany, Russia, Chins, India, etc.

That pathetic whine lacks any intelligence. Syrians don't want to be AMERICANS and assimilate any more than all those Damp Latissimus Dorsi pouring in from Mexico and other points south do.
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Japan was a "Nation of Immigrants" So was France, Germany, Russia, Chins, India, etc.

That pathetic whine lacks any intelligence. Syrians don't want to be AMERICANS and assimilate any more than all those Damp Latissimus Dorsi pouring in from Mexico and other points south do.

You're giving Rolo a real run for idiot among idiots.
You're giving Rolo a real run for idiot among idiots.

Ah, the old Alinsky RFR # 5

When are you gonna yank the Race Card?

Are you denying that Japan was a nation of "Immigrants"? The Ainu might disagree.



Or was a case of Spontaneous Human Eruption?
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Ah, the old Alinsky RFR # 5

When are you gonna yank the Race Card?

Are you denying that Japan was a nation of "Immigrants"? The Ainu might disagree.



Or was a case of Spontaneous Human Eruption?

That is just an odd response, is there logic pertaining to current events in there ?
Ah, the old Alinsky RFR # 5

When are you gonna yank the Race Card?

Are you denying that Japan was a nation of "Immigrants"? The Ainu might disagree.



Or was a case of Spontaneous Human Eruption?
Are you worried the Syrians will overwhelm the indigenous North American people?
Are you worried the Syrians will overwhelm the indigenous North American people?


They just help democrats overwhelm the already overwhelmed 48% of Americans who pay taxes in the democrats Cloward-Piven scheme.
Plus I am worried that all the ISIS members Owebama imported will murder the "Indigenous North American People" in the name of their Pervert Prophet and evil religion.

Just like the Kuwaiti "refugee" who murdered 4 Marines and a Sailor in Chattanooga. Like son of "Palestinean refugees" who murdered 13 REAL Americans and wounded 33 at Fort Hood.

Not just a recent thing either. Sirhan Sirhan was another "Palestinian Refugee" who murdered Bobby Kennedy in 1968 because RFK was a supporter of Israel.

The risk to America is NOT worth you liberals getting to pat yourselves on the back. This nation and the world will long be paying for that pat you gave yourselves for electing a Black President in spite of his lack of any qualification, his ties to criminals, his being born to a communist mother and father and raised by communist grandparents and mentored by the American hating communist Frank Marshall Davis.

They just help democrats overwhelm the already overwhelmed 48% of Americans who pay taxes in the democrats Cloward-Piven scheme.
Plus I am worried that all the ISIS members Owebama imported will murder the "Indigenous North American People" in the name of their Pervert Prophet and evil religion.

Just like the Kuwaiti "refugee" who murdered 4 Marines and a Sailor in Chattanooga. Like son of "Palestinean refugees" who murdered 13 REAL Americans and wounded 33 at Fort Hood.

Not just a recent thing either. Sirhan Sirhan was another "Palestinian Refugee" who murdered Bobby Kennedy in 1968 because RFK was a supporter of Israel.

The risk to America is NOT worth you liberals getting to pat yourselves on the back. This nation and the world will long be paying for that pat you gave yourselves for electing a Black President in spite of his lack of any qualification, his ties to criminals, his being born to a communist mother and father and raised by communist grandparents and mentored by the American hating communist Frank Marshall Davis.

So all Republicans pay taxes and nobody else does ? You're so full of crap.
I'd bet the farm the vast majority of these refugees will be very hard workers, they have already achieved a lot to get here.

They just help democrats overwhelm the already overwhelmed 48% of Americans who pay taxes in the democrats Cloward-Piven scheme.
Plus I am worried that all the ISIS members Owebama imported will murder the "Indigenous North American People" in the name of their Pervert Prophet and evil religion.

Just like the Kuwaiti "refugee" who murdered 4 Marines and a Sailor in Chattanooga. Like son of "Palestinean refugees" who murdered 13 REAL Americans and wounded 33 at Fort Hood.

Not just a recent thing either. Sirhan Sirhan was another "Palestinian Refugee" who murdered Bobby Kennedy in 1968 because RFK was a supporter of Israel.

The risk to America is NOT worth you liberals getting to pat yourselves on the back. This nation and the world will long be paying for that pat you gave yourselves for electing a Black President in spite of his lack of any qualification, his ties to criminals, his being born to a communist mother and father and raised by communist grandparents and mentored by the American hating communist Frank Marshall Davis.
The left will blame any murders by the refugees on our gun laws and not the refugee. They will say the refugee was corrupted AFTER arriving in the states.
So all Republicans pay taxes and nobody else does ? You're so full of crap.
I'd bet the farm the vast majority of these refugees will be very hard workers, they have already achieved a lot to get here.

you are probably right about the majority; but remember it only takes one or two to slaughter hundreds . are you willingly to take that chance ?
So all Republicans pay taxes and nobody else does ? You're so full of crap.
I'd bet the farm the vast majority of these refugees will be very hard workers, they have already achieved a lot to get here.

They would work very hard to get government subsidies and kill Americans, so in that respect your are correct. They have achieved their hatred for the great satan (US -The United States, in their eyes) and will work to KILL,ENSLAVE or CONVERT us to that perverted cult of islam
So all Republicans pay taxes and nobody else does ? You're so full of crap.
I'd bet the farm the vast majority of these refugees will be very hard workers, they have already achieved a lot to get here.
u mean like illegal passports and such, u like them and care for them so much why don't u take them in..
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you are probably right about the majority; but remember it only takes one or two to slaughter hundreds . are you willingly to take that chance ?

The vetting process is by far the most rigorous for immigration ever. They're looking at 14 to 18 months and then apparently The FBI will have to review each case. I am comfortable enough to take my better angels' advice and support it.
The vetting process is by far the most rigorous for immigration ever. They're looking at 14 to 18 months and then apparently The FBI will have to review each case. I am comfortable enough to take my better angels' advice and support it.
If you believe that entire acre of Male Bovine Fecal matter, then you believe that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Plus, EVERYBODY's medical insurance will decrease in cost by $2,500. per year.

Oh, and there's not a smidgen of corruption in the Owebama government.

God what a bunch of dolts you Hopium addicts are. How the hell can the FBI `investigate people from a nation where they cannot get ANY official documents? How can they tell which of the Mohammed Peckerwoods is a simple goat hum, er, herder and which one is the ISIS member?
I work hard for every dollar that comes my way, and I'll be damned if I don't spend it how I want on who I want. The government steals enough of my money as it is with their illegal taxation on personal income - why the F would I ever voluntarily give up more???
you don't need
The only guilt I feel is for the Brave men that fought and died for our country, only to watch as we give it away. We have eroded the foundations of Freedom and LIberty under this regime more than any in history, and the hits keep om coming.
We all owe these past, present and future soldiers our debt of gratitude for their service to our country and all US citizens.
The only guilt I feel is for the Brave men that fought and died for our country, only to watch as we give it away. We have eroded the foundations of Freedom and LIberty under this regime more than any in history, and the hits keep om coming.
We all owe these past, present and future soldiers our debt of gratitude for their service to our country and all US citizens.
yes...I feel loyalty to them as well....not that this Syrian immigration has anything to do with our armed forces though
Welcome to The Twin Cities..karma can be a bitch.
what Karma???? guess u are ok with being the world's policeman and tired of Americans dying for people who would just as soon cut our throats and blow our country up even when we try to help them, I don't see what karma has to do with it, time of other countries to take care of their own problems and Americans dying for no reason, but I assume you see nothing wrong with it as long as u don't have to be a part of it, just a liberal mouth piece, typical...........