You Catholics need to get your Pope in check......

Been saying this for a while now. Dude has diarrhea of the mouth.*

I always thought the Pope ruled the Catholics, not the other way around.

The chit one learns on the chat.
Catholic church is all about power and control, Pope will do whatever...

he thinks will help grow the church regardless of whether it is in keeping with actual Christianity or not. This pope is a very activist pope, wants the Catholic church to be involved in every aspect of everyone's life and dictate policy to govts.
Not being one, never knew. When do they mail out the ballots for the parish

voters to decide the issues. Does God know they do this IYO?
What a destructive, awfully written diatribe

The author should be shame.....moonbat,com
It's unfortunate but true, the current Pope wants to be a political and...

social activist, not a spiritual leader. There is no justification for any Christian, much less a Pope, to go into a mosque and pray to the God of Islam. What will he do next, go to Shinto temples in Japan and pray to their God? This Pope is a third world Pope and thinks like a third world person thinks. He is a fairly devout Marxist and is a firm believer in redistribution of wealth and collectivism.
Funny back in time people were catholic

in the era of Thomas Moore and many others like him . Then we started having other faiths .
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Choosing the Pope is the responsibility of the marketing department...

at the Vatican. In the latest decision, they saw they had pretty well totally penetrated the European and US markets, so they went with the third world, poverty background Pope. There are quite a few billion potential customers in the third world that the church wants to recruit.

I'd look for an Asian Pope next time around.
So the Cardinals no longer hold sway?

They'll probably start using the DH next. You'll see an American Pope before an Asian one, and you'll never see an American rule the Holy See.
Just another third world marxist making common cause ..

with an ally.
What do you reckon happens to a Catholic who disobeys the Pope these days?

Pretty much, nothing.

They used to be kilt or at least excommunicated.
These days...not so much.

Not much "ruling" going on these days by the Pope, but this new Commie Pope seems like he's the type to bring it back.
He was buddies with the death squads back home, after all. And let's not forget, he's a Jesuit. They don't mind cracking a few eggs.

And yes...Cardinals have been going around the Pope for centuries. Pope has lost control of the recruits.
Cardinals are the "board of directors", they make the actual choice...

although devout Catholics will tell you God chooses the Pope and inspires the cardinals to select him. Don't kid yourself, there is a lot of marketing talk in those conclaves where they decide which cardinal will bring the most new customers to the church. I think the next one will be Asian, 2 billion Asians are too enticing of a customer base for the church to let them get away.
I like the article mentioning this event having taken place in Turkey...

... and how Turkey was not a Muslim country before Muslims took it by violent force and removed all of its crosses and Christian icons.

Pope Francis is either lost, or has gone astray.

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