You Dems just got your asses whooped!!...

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Fuggin Kamala's narrative after tonight's Biden's disaster is " Trump lied" every time spoke tonight 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is hilarious.

CNN is even closing the casket on Biden!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Conversation on cnn tonight.

“Why have they been hiding Kamala from the public. She could really be a star and help Biden bring this home. The party loves her and he of all people should know how hard it is the be vp. Yet he still hides her away.”

Guy on the other side of the panel. “You know she was put in charge of the border and ran from it. They had no choice but to hide her from there after 20 different word salads as well. You want to put someone who was supposed to be in charge of the border front and center now.”

They are at each other’s throats.
CNN is counting Trumps claim that immigrants are murdering and raping our women as false. Trump should have said our children, as there is one incident per week now. They are scum.
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