You gonna starve a family because their parents have a disease?
Awesome, let's continue to train an entire class of people that there are no repercussions for their actions. It's all cotton candy and rainbows. Act irresponsibly and have another child you can't afford? It's cool, we will give you more money. Can't get a job because you can't put down the meth? It's cool, we've got your habit covered. Can't afford a cell phone because you are an unemployed drug addict with no education and 6 children? We'll take care of that too. It's high time we raise the barriers to being approved for government assistance. Forcing drug testing for benefits is a good start, but you've got to force education - and not free education. You make them work for it through apprrenticeships. Hell, I'd be in favor of forcing semi-permanent contraception as well. You know why all that won't ever happen? Because it's too easy to keep your voting base when you enable dependence though public welfare. The government needs them as much as they need the government.