First off he was "ELECTED" by 442,664 voters out of an electorate of over 520,000 voters with a turnout of 76%. LOL! That is a far cry from 100 mp's. He was voted in as the leader (never said prime minister although he is prime positioned for that to happen) of the Brit opposition. He now forms a shadow cabinet and his voice resonates.
Second I downplay his politics. He is for destroying GB's means to deter Russia in fact he wants to reject the USA, Germany, France as he wants to leave NATO and get close ties with RUSSIA! Anyway you slice it he is advocating becoming our enemy by rejecting our relationship and drawing close to Russia. Communist cousins. Would be like your wife saying she wants to drop out of your relationship and get close to a relationship with someone who hates your guts and wants you wiped off the earth. And some friend saying "well helen you are exaggerating your wife's actions and intent, she's just going through a phase. It's nothing new and it will change nothing.
And the Chinese "Cultural Revolution" was in fact very recent, ended in 1976. That's not some ancient history. Russia is at an all time dangerous period. Dedicated KGB man as leader who is desperate to return them to a world dominant power, nuclear weapons, more than any country which Stalin did not possess. And it cannot be doubted that the bear is on the march. Overflying American territory, invading the middle east after we cut and ran and created a vacuum, invading eastern Europe in a showdown with NATO, blackmailng with unveiled threats toward Sweden. Telling them they will face serious military consequences if they join NATO. Laying claim to The North Pole and rushing their naval forces there to back it up. If he could pry GB away from NATO that would be a world changer and likely under mind NATO forever.
The truth is ugly. And that is meaningful discussion rather than laughable, childish attempts at insults. Not you but check your co-maker whitepug above for real "meaningful" discussion...LOL! Corbin, btw, is a committed Marxist with a special fandom of Karl Marx who is for better or worse the man who laid the ground work for maybe as many as 50 million dead. And close to the last of as many as 70 million died under Mao who died in 1976 as I stated. And another civil war is brewing China as we speak. And one may already be underway in Corbin's other hero's country, Venezuela. Why, indeed, would a sane person be for that kind of lunacy? Why?