You socialists best be careful taking shots at Putin. Brit Bernie Sanders is joining Russian orbit


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
if he is elected. Or at least favors it since far left socialism is the way forward according to Britian's Bernie. He also favors dropping NATO, scrapping all nuclear weapons and going into a Russian "Protectorate"...Warming up to Putin and the Russians. Labour party nominee just got 70% of the Labour vote and feels a unique kinship with Sanders. His (Corbyn's) plans are to do the above plus apologize for the invasion of Iraq, open British borders to immigration upon demand from oppressed middle east victims of the US and GB. He also plans to permanently end austerity, double the tax rates on the middle and upper earners and nationalize Brit Railways and utilities and maybe the oil companies. Plus stop the airstrikes against ISIS and apologize for loss of life there. Pundit in the local paper today says the extreme left movement is a wildly popular and sweeping change is coming to the west with this article. And more recently.
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A pundit in ''a local paper'' , It's hard to argue with some guy somewhere putting something in some paper. That kind of vetting is what makes these here interwebs so informative.
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A pundit in ''a local paper'' , It's hard to argue with some guy somewhere putting something in some paper. That kind of vetting is what makes these here interwebs so informative.
Still doesn't change the fact that BS is a whack job.
It's gameday and you friggin' idiots are talking about politics. No wonder this board has gone to hell and back.
A pundit in ''a local paper'' , It's hard to argue with some guy somewhere putting something in some paper. That kind of vetting is what makes these here interwebs so informative.
Reuters international carried the! I just initially saw it in the local paper. Blind and ignorant is no way to go through life.
Still doesn't change the fact that BS is a whack job.
Story is for real, regrettably. The world is a screwed up mess, not just the USA. Never dreamed I'd see the day a guy could carry 70% of the vote in Great Britan by running as a marxist, dropping the UK out of NATO, getting rid of their nuke deterrent joining up with Russia and joining up with them, nationalizing private industry, utilities and businesses and form a Chavez/Marxist type government in GB. It is madness but there are is the 2015 left for you. Pitiful part is you have naive little socialists on here who are in denial.
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Story is for real, regrettably. The world is a screwed up mess, not just the USA. Never dreamed I'd see the day a guy could carry 70% of the vote in Great Britan by running as a marxist, dropping the UK out of NATO, getting rid of their nuke deterrent joining up with Russia and joining up with them, nationalizing private industry, utilities and businesses and form a Chavez/Marxist type government in GB. It is madness but there are is the 2015 left for you. Pitiful part is you have naive little socialists on here who are in denial.

Thanks to America's deteriorating educational system, non-stop 24-hour a day propaganda from right-wing media spreading lies and disinformation, and a supine "mainstream media" incapable or unwilling to challenge lies and misstatements, America is dominated by wanton ignorance. Just read this incredibly ignorant hogwash above. Most of you Fever Swampers must be old cranks. That's why I constantly see "never dreamed I'd see the day", "used to be", "when I was young", "America used to be great, now look at it!" Y'all are like the old coots who hang around in the barber shop or out in front of the general store, complaining about what the world is coming to.

You Fever Swampers are afraid, and fear makes people stupid. Unfortunately, you can't cure stupid.
Thanks to America's deteriorating educational system, non-stop 24-hour a day propaganda from right-wing media spreading lies and disinformation, and a supine "mainstream media" incapable or unwilling to challenge lies and misstatements, America is dominated by wanton ignorance. Just read this incredibly ignorant hogwash above. Most of you Fever Swampers must be old cranks. That's why I constantly see "never dreamed I'd see the day", "used to be", "when I was young", "America used to be great, now look at it!" Y'all are like the old coots who hang around in the barber shop or out in front of the general store, complaining about what the world is coming to.

You Fever Swampers are afraid, and fear makes people stupid. Unfortunately, you can't cure stupid.
So you are "all in" with electing a communists government modeled after Venezuela, where by the way a mother can't even purchase a diaper. Where travel in or out of the country is impossible since other countries won't accept their currency and civil war is bubbling. And where inflation due to their running the printing presses 24/7 printing near worthless paper money has made their currency more useful for bird cage liners than anything. Or Russia where the Marxists have slaughtered close to 30 million of their own citizens in implementing a tiny, elite ruling class or Red China where over 50 million died during the attempt to collectivize agriculture, and install the same tiny ruling class. Interesting. And as an aside I don't think the Labour party Brits who voted for a communist form of leadership get Fox news or pay much attention to the lies put out by the "vast right wing conspiracy" Hillary and you paranoid lefties look under your beds and in your closets for daily. I'm not even sure our education system harms the minds of their (the British) young much, at least not to the extent of making them love Mother Russia and Putin, Karl Marx and C Chavez. LOL! Indeed fear does do strange things to a paranoid mind.

Yes, it concerns me that people with enough intelligence to manage to communicate on a chat board could at the same time be that naive or ignorant. Simply I would like to believe that you too are in disbelief that the above has happened in the U.K. However since the election and its results have been widely reported the only logical conclusion is you, as leftists do, change your tune to personal attack when the facts can no longer be argued. LOL! I happen to agree that what is taking place in the ruling party of Tony Blair and so many other British statesmen is, as you say "hogwash"....What is more appalling is either you are so out of touch that you don't don't yet know about it since MSNBC and Al Sharpton have not reported on it (Even they may be shocked but I doubt it). Or more likely you are at least radicalized to the point that you are in support of dropping an alliance with the USA, France, Germany, Poland, Canada and so on in favor of developing a close relationship with Valerie Putin lead Russia. Along with unilaterally disarming, nationalizing private businesses and the rail systems. doubling tax rates on middle and upper classes, printing vast sums of paper money to widely distribute it among the lower classes. That movie we have witnessed before. Among other less civilized socieities and to the ultimate ruination of same.

One question although I doubt seriously if you will answer since it cuts to the chase and obviously since the facts are not with you: do you agree with the proposed policies of the Marxist, Chavez following winner of the Labour party election in GB? Namely one Mr Jeremy Corbyn. Further and if so then do you favor the USA adopting the same policies of dropping out of NATO? Would you be comfortable with our unilaterally scrapping our nuclear deterrent and leaving the balance of power in the world to the good will of V Putin and Russia and the Red Chinese along with nuclear armed North Korea and soon to be Iran. Leaving us to be a colony of (choose one) Russia or China. Now that is some fundamental change for ya.
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It's gameday and you friggin' idiots are talking about politics. No wonder this board has gone to hell and back.

I've only started football threads, they usually get no response. I do like a SANE political debate though. In the past that was impossible to get on this board.
So you are "all in" with electing a communists government modeled after Venezuela, where by the way a mother can't even purchase a diaper. Where travel in or out of the country is impossible since other countries won't accept their currency and civil war is bubbling. And where inflation due to their running the printing presses 24/7 printing near worthless paper money has made their currency more useful for bird cage liners than anything. Or Russia where the Marxists have slaughtered close to 30 million of their own citizens in implementing a tiny, elite ruling class or Red China where over 50 million died during the attempt to collectivize agriculture, and install the same tiny ruling class. Interesting. And as an aside I don't think the Labour party Brits who voted for a communist form of leadership get Fox news or pay much attention to the lies put out by the "vast right wing conspiracy" Hillary and you paranoid lefties look under your beds and in your closets for daily. I'm not even sure our education system harms the minds of their (the British) young much, at least not to the extent of making them love Mother Russia and Putin, Karl Marx and C Chavez. LOL! Indeed fear does do strange things to a paranoid mind.

Yes, it concerns me that people with enough intelligence to manage to communicate on a chat board could at the same time be that naive or ignorant. Simply I would like to believe that you too are in disbelief that the above has happened in the U.K. However since the election and its results have been widely reported the only logical conclusion is you, as leftists do, change your tune to personal attack when the facts can no longer be argued. LOL! I happen to agree that what is taking place in the ruling party of Tony Blair and so many other British statesmen is, as you say "hogwash"....What is more appalling is either you are so out of touch that you don't don't yet know about it since MSNBC and Al Sharpton have not reported on it (Even they may be shocked but I doubt it). Or more likely you are at least radicalized to the point that you are in support of dropping an alliance with the USA, France, Germany, Poland, Canada and so on in favor of developing a close relationship with Valerie Putin lead Russia. Along with unilaterally disarming, nationalizing private businesses and the rail systems. doubling tax rates on middle and upper classes, printing vast sums of paper money to widely distribute it among the lower classes. That movie we have witnessed before. Among other less civilized socieities and to the ultimate ruination of same.

One question although I doubt seriously if you will answer since it cuts to the chase and obviously since the facts are not with you: do you agree with the proposed policies of the Marxist, Chavez following winner of the Labour party election in GB? Namely one Mr Jeremy Corbyn. Further and if so then do you favor the USA adopting the same policies of dropping out of NATO? Would you be comfortable with our unilaterally scrapping our nuclear deterrent and leaving the balance of power in the world to the good will of V Putin and Russia and the Red Chinese along with nuclear armed North Korea and soon to be Iran. Leaving us to be a colony of (choose one) Russia or China. Now that is some fundamental change for ya.

So much to cover. First off, Corbyn was ''elected'' leader of the minority party in Parliament, it's not like he was elected Prime Minister, a hundred or so MPs voted for him.
Second. You exaggerate his politics, though he is for unilateral nuclear disarmament, I would be too if it was doable.
Third. Britain always has these far left or far right wings, it is nothing new, and it will change nothing.
Fourth. The things you bring up about China and The USSR were under Chairman Mao and Stalin. Things are radically different in China and Russia now. I'm not saying they are perfect or to be trusted, but your misleading presentation makes it hard to have a meaningful discussion.
So much to cover. First off, Corbyn was ''elected'' leader of the minority party in Parliament, it's not like he was elected Prime Minister, a hundred or so MPs voted for him.
Second. You exaggerate his politics, though he is for unilateral nuclear disarmament, I would be too if it was doable.
Third. Britain always has these far left or far right wings, it is nothing new, and it will change nothing.
Fourth. The things you bring up about China and The USSR were under Chairman Mao and Stalin. Things are radically different in China and Russia now. I'm not saying they are perfect or to be trusted, but your misleading presentation makes it hard to have a meaningful discussion.
First off he was "ELECTED" by 442,664 voters out of an electorate of over 520,000 voters with a turnout of 76%. LOL! That is a far cry from 100 mp's. He was voted in as the leader (never said prime minister although he is prime positioned for that to happen) of the Brit opposition. He now forms a shadow cabinet and his voice resonates.

Second I downplay his politics. He is for destroying GB's means to deter Russia in fact he wants to reject the USA, Germany, France as he wants to leave NATO and get close ties with RUSSIA! Anyway you slice it he is advocating becoming our enemy by rejecting our relationship and drawing close to Russia. Communist cousins. Would be like your wife saying she wants to drop out of your relationship and get close to a relationship with someone who hates your guts and wants you wiped off the earth. And some friend saying "well helen you are exaggerating your wife's actions and intent, she's just going through a phase. It's nothing new and it will change nothing.

And the Chinese "Cultural Revolution" was in fact very recent, ended in 1976. That's not some ancient history. Russia is at an all time dangerous period. Dedicated KGB man as leader who is desperate to return them to a world dominant power, nuclear weapons, more than any country which Stalin did not possess. And it cannot be doubted that the bear is on the march. Overflying American territory, invading the middle east after we cut and ran and created a vacuum, invading eastern Europe in a showdown with NATO, blackmailng with unveiled threats toward Sweden. Telling them they will face serious military consequences if they join NATO. Laying claim to The North Pole and rushing their naval forces there to back it up. If he could pry GB away from NATO that would be a world changer and likely under mind NATO forever.

The truth is ugly. And that is meaningful discussion rather than laughable, childish attempts at insults. Not you but check your co-maker whitepug above for real "meaningful" discussion...LOL! Corbin, btw, is a committed Marxist with a special fandom of Karl Marx who is for better or worse the man who laid the ground work for maybe as many as 50 million dead. And close to the last of as many as 70 million died under Mao who died in 1976 as I stated. And another civil war is brewing China as we speak. And one may already be underway in Corbin's other hero's country, Venezuela. Why, indeed, would a sane person be for that kind of lunacy? Why?
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First off he was "ELECTED" by 442,664 voters out of an electorate of over 520,000 voters with a turnout of 76%. LOL! That is a far cry from 100 mp's. He was voted in as the leader (never said prime minister although he is prime positioned for that to happen) of the Brit opposition. He now forms a shadow cabinet and his voice resonates.

Second I downplay his politics. He is for destroying GB's means to deter Russia in fact he wants to reject the USA, Germany, France as he wants to leave NATO and get close ties with RUSSIA! Anyway you slice it he is advocating becoming our enemy by rejecting our relationship and drawing close to Russia. Communist cousins. Would be like your wife saying she wants to drop out of your relationship and get close to a relationship with someone who hates your guts and wants you wiped off the earth. And some friend saying "well helen you are exaggerating your wife's actions and intent, she's just going through a phase. It's nothing new and it will change nothing.

And the Chinese "Cultural Revolution" was in fact very recent, ended in 1976. That's not some ancient history. Russia is at an all time dangerous period. Dedicated KGB man as leader who is desperate to return them to a world dominant power, nuclear weapons, more than any country which Stalin did not possess. And it cannot be doubted that the bear is on the march. Overflying American territory, invading the middle east after we cut and ran and created a vacuum, invading eastern Europe in a showdown with NATO, blackmailng with unveiled threats toward Sweden. Telling them they will face serious military consequences if they join NATO. Laying claim to The North Pole and rushing their naval forces there to back it up. If he could pry GB away from NATO that would be a world changer and likely under mind NATO forever.

The truth is ugly. And that is meaningful discussion rather than laughable, childish attempts at insults. Not you but check your co-maker whitepug above for real "meaningful" discussion...LOL! Corbin, btw, is a committed Marxist with a special fandom of Karl Marx who is for better or worse the man who laid the ground work for maybe as many as 50 million dead. And close to the last of as many as 70 million died under Mao who died in 1976 as I stated. And another civil war is brewing China as we speak. And one may already be underway in Corbin's other hero's country, Venezuela. Why, indeed, would a sane person be for that kind of lunacy? Why?

You are somewhat correct on how Corbyn won Labour Party leadership, it changes from time to time and each party is free to elect leadership as they choose.
Still, The Labour party is a fraction of The British electorate, he got 250.000 votes on first ballot, less than most second tier cities vote.
He has forced no changes in British policy, though the opposition is always trying to move things either left or right of the ruling party's positions.
As for Russia and China, your propaganda is so far out there it's more effort than I care to expend to counter all of it. I'll let my last response speak to the facts. Just one thing, China will never go back to Maoist ways. They are FAR TOO much embedded in capitalism to go back. They are rivals and potential adversaries though. This battle will be won and lost on economics though.
There is a path where both sides win, only time will tell how this story plays out.
You are somewhat correct on how Corbyn won Labour Party leadership, it changes from time to time and each party is free to elect leadership as they choose.
Still, The Labour party is a fraction of The British electorate, he got 250.000 votes on first ballot, less than most second tier cities vote.
He has forced no changes in British policy, though the opposition is always trying to move things either left or right of the ruling party's positions.
As for Russia and China, your propaganda is so far out there it's more effort than I care to expend to counter all of it. I'll let my last response speak to the facts. Just one thing, China will never go back to Maoist ways. They are FAR TOO much embedded in capitalism to go back. They are rivals and potential adversaries though. This battle will be won and lost on economics though.
There is a path where both sides win, only time will tell how this story plays out.
Best wait out the next civil war in China to see where the dust settles. And there is one brewing as we speak. Always has been and always will be. But there is one coming and in particular when their attempt to hop scotch over America economically resonates across that vast land with all the hardships the lying and faux economic creation the government has done. Someone is going to pay in blood. As Clint wisely put it one time: "man's gotta know his limitations"
So you are "all in" with electing a communists government modeled after Venezuela, where by the way a mother can't even purchase a diaper. Where travel in or out of the country is impossible since other countries won't accept their currency and civil war is bubbling. And where inflation due to their running the printing presses 24/7 printing near worthless paper money has made their currency more useful for bird cage liners than anything. Or Russia where the Marxists have slaughtered close to 30 million of their own citizens in implementing a tiny, elite ruling class or Red China where over 50 million died during the attempt to collectivize agriculture, and install the same tiny ruling class. Interesting. And as an aside I don't think the Labour party Brits who voted for a communist form of leadership get Fox news or pay much attention to the lies put out by the "vast right wing conspiracy" Hillary and you paranoid lefties look under your beds and in your closets for daily. I'm not even sure our education system harms the minds of their (the British) young much, at least not to the extent of making them love Mother Russia and Putin, Karl Marx and C Chavez. LOL! Indeed fear does do strange things to a paranoid mind.

Yes, it concerns me that people with enough intelligence to manage to communicate on a chat board could at the same time be that naive or ignorant. Simply I would like to believe that you too are in disbelief that the above has happened in the U.K. However since the election and its results have been widely reported the only logical conclusion is you, as leftists do, change your tune to personal attack when the facts can no longer be argued. LOL! I happen to agree that what is taking place in the ruling party of Tony Blair and so many other British statesmen is, as you say "hogwash"....What is more appalling is either you are so out of touch that you don't don't yet know about it since MSNBC and Al Sharpton have not reported on it (Even they may be shocked but I doubt it). Or more likely you are at least radicalized to the point that you are in support of dropping an alliance with the USA, France, Germany, Poland, Canada and so on in favor of developing a close relationship with Valerie Putin lead Russia. Along with unilaterally disarming, nationalizing private businesses and the rail systems. doubling tax rates on middle and upper classes, printing vast sums of paper money to widely distribute it among the lower classes. That movie we have witnessed before. Among other less civilized socieities and to the ultimate ruination of same.

One question although I doubt seriously if you will answer since it cuts to the chase and obviously since the facts are not with you: do you agree with the proposed policies of the Marxist, Chavez following winner of the Labour party election in GB? Namely one Mr Jeremy Corbyn. Further and if so then do you favor the USA adopting the same policies of dropping out of NATO? Would you be comfortable with our unilaterally scrapping our nuclear deterrent and leaving the balance of power in the world to the good will of V Putin and Russia and the Red Chinese along with nuclear armed North Korea and soon to be Iran. Leaving us to be a colony of (choose one) Russia or China. Now that is some fundamental change for ya.

I am a confident, intelligent guy who will succeed in any political/economic system. I was an officer in the US Army for more than 20 years and served under conservative Republican commanders-in-chief as well as a progressive Democrat commander-in-chief. Their political affiliation or their policies didn't worry me one bit because I focused then, as I do now, on things that I can control, such as my career and education. I don't care whether Great Britain elects a Labour or a Tory prime minister---their nation has been led by both parties over the past 70 years and what Great Britain does or doesn't do is only mildly interesting to me from a historical standpoint.

If you truly believe the United States is going to withdraw from NATO, unilaterally disarm, nationalize businesses, double tax rates and intentionally inflate the money supply, then you are a very afraid, stupid little man. As I said before, exposure to lunatic right-wing propaganda creates fear. Fear makes people stupid.
I am a confident, intelligent guy who will succeed in any political/economic system. I was an officer in the US Army for more than 20 years and served under conservative Republican commanders-in-chief as well as a progressive Democrat commander-in-chief. Their political affiliation or their policies didn't worry me one bit because I focused then, as I do now, on things that I can control, such as my career and education. I don't care whether Great Britain elects a Labour or a Tory prime minister---their nation has been led by both parties over the past 70 years and what Great Britain does or doesn't do is only mildly interesting to me from a historical standpoint.

If you truly believe the United States is going to withdraw from NATO, unilaterally disarm, nationalize businesses, double tax rates and intentionally inflate the money supply, then you are a very afraid, stupid little man. As I said before, exposure to lunatic right-wing propaganda creates fear. Fear makes people stupid.
Good that you finally got to the bottom line of what you wanted to say after wasting bandwidth verbalizing your boring background (not really, just wanted to answer your course comments with a shot or two of my own). But you still lacked the courage to answer the question as I had already surmised you might. Instead, of course, you display a lack of class by reverting to more childish cat calls: "stupid, stupid stupid". It is not difficult to imagine that your concentration on your education was a tad bit wasted in light of your somewhat simple discourse and tacky manner. But hey it is good you only focus on things you can control, like vast right wing conspiracy laced broadcasts with their lies and propaganda, the mainstream media that refuses to take on such broadcasts, America's deteriorating educational system, wanton ?fever swampers?, old cranks, old coots and the barber shops and general stores where they congregate and use for staging grounds to launch their attacks. Boy does it make me feel safer to know you spent 20 some mind numbing years in the US ARMY developing the kind of character that would allow you to get after these old cranks and hopefully quiet them on a chat board. Now that's some things you can control, other peoples views on the internet. I'm not sure what sort of education prepared you for that work, bwwwaaahaaaaha. But good luck on your quest.

BTW, I only spent just under 4 years in the service, where I quickly realized that I not only wanted to be more than a robotic order taker but hey I want to spread my wings and fly and yes, make money. enough to enjoy all life has to offer and care for my family. And speaking of self confidence I recognized I didn't need the feeling of security that some who choose that path may lack. But congratulations on your retirement check. Gives you plenty of time to straighten out old coots like me. I'm retired and have plenty of time to critique (mess with) those whose fears have made them stupid. Hold up a second while I guffaw again. Did you really say fear makes people stupid. Now that's some deep philosophical grist right there. Did you learn that in the Army or during your life long educational pursuits?

BTW I posted the news of Mr Corbin because it is interesting to me and maybe just a bit to you too since you have responded with a diatribe laced with school yard name calling rather than substance, and shallow generalities rather than knowledge. You, in my opinion, are cursed with too little to do and have fallen into a trap of reactionary discourse. Being old and with only gardening, a consultancy business and chasing around after my grown children and family I too have fallen into the occasional habit. It's easy for prematurely retired people to fall into that lifestyle and take on a persona that is less than attractive for a younger person. Which I assume you are. One you would call a Barbershop cootdom lifestyle for us elderly folks. That sort of fellow just looks more natural and becoming at 70 rather than say, 50. When I was your age (actually under 67) I was busy, very busy, very gainfully busy and I recommend it. Keeps you young at heart and head instead of defensive and full of anger. And I suggest you revert back to your self described days of dealing with people with varied views and beliefs with an open mind rather than a knee jerk, foaming at the mouth style toward any of us who choose a more reality based set of beliefs.

Good Luck
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