You truly hate to see it


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Jul 25, 2002

In all seriousness, if this was posted somewhere a year ago I would have thought it was an April fools joke. Or some kind of troll. You really can’t make this up. It won’t be long till this guy is tied up twenty feet in the air somewhere, while the people he is insanely protecting, are throwing ish at him. You have to give him credit for sticking to the party line. Till the end. He is standing up to the most powerful person in the world (the president) for the citizens of his city. (In his own batshit crazy mind) In the meantime, the same people he is trying to protect want to hurt him. I would call this the dumbest bullshit I have ever seen, but something more ridiculous will probably happen tomorrow at this point.
In all seriousness, if this was posted somewhere a year ago I would have thought it was an April fools joke. Or some kind of troll. You really can’t make this up. It won’t be long till this guy is tied up twenty feet in the air somewhere, while the people he is insanely protecting, are throwing ish at him. You have to give him credit for sticking to the party line. Till the end. He is standing up to the most powerful person in the world (the president) for the citizens of his city. (In his own batshit crazy mind) In the meantime, the same people he is trying to protect want to hurt him. I would call this the dumbest bullshit I have ever seen, but something more ridiculous will probably happen tomorrow at this point.

And why would the protesters be demanding the resignation of the guy that is allowing them to operate? Plus, if he resigns, he can no longer defund the police. Surely, there are enough sane people in Portland to get this fool recalled and restore order to their city.
And why would the protesters be demanding the resignation of the guy that is allowing them to operate? Plus, if he resigns, he can no longer defund the police. Surely, there are enough sane people in Portland to get this fool recalled and restore order to their city.

He’s not leftist enough for the rioters. He joined them one night a few weeks ago in an assault on the federal courthouse. The anarchists booed him, shoved him around, & then federal agents blasted him with pepper spray. He made it out of there due to having private security.

These people are morons. Communists.

Nothing more-nothing less
In all seriousness, if this was posted somewhere a year ago I would have thought it was an April fools joke. Or some kind of troll. You really can’t make this up. It won’t be long till this guy is tied up twenty feet in the air somewhere, while the people he is insanely protecting, are throwing ish at him. You have to give him credit for sticking to the party line. Till the end. He is standing up to the most powerful person in the world (the president) for the citizens of his city. (In his own batshit crazy mind) In the meantime, the same people he is trying to protect want to hurt him. I would call this the dumbest bullshit I have ever seen, but something more ridiculous will probably happen tomorrow at this point.
They will eat their own (that much is obvious). You saw this in NYC, Minneapolis, and Chicago. Never give unruliness a stage!
And why would the protesters be demanding the resignation of the guy that is allowing them to operate? Plus, if he resigns, he can no longer defund the police. Surely, there are enough sane people in Portland to get this fool recalled and restore order to their city.

Hairy, do you honestly think those rioters have more than poop for brains?
Maybe they will string him up in the town square.
Its amazing to see how Mayor Ted and other DEMs try to tie COVID to Trump. LOL. Project much?? Like clockwork.

They predicted 2 million deaths. Trump took swift action and kept deaths to less than 10% of of their own number. Not a single person in the USA went without a needed hospital bed or ventilator because of Trump...even an ICU bed. Not a single medical worker went without need Personal Protection Equipment because of Trump. The US has done twice as many COVID tests as the next nearest country (India). The US has done more COVID testing than all the countries in the Western Hemisphere, combined. Market at all time highs because it saw right thru the fake panic.

Trump the hero. And the real number of deaths after audit will likely end up being 40,000 (instead of their 180,000), and almost all of them will have been in nursing homes in the Northeast who were forced to admit infected hospital patients by their DEM Governors. Cuomo, the sex pervert, murdered the elderly, and he may actually be held accountable. Look at NY deaths per million. Many times higher than any country on planet Earth.

Its almost as if DEMs cant do math, and they are running out of fake deaths to manufacture. 10% have died of the amount predicted. Period. Math.

The only thing left to try is for the Governors to end college football and close college campuses and send infected students home to try and spread the virus for one last round. That Big 10 commissioner followed marching orders, and did an about face in 6 days. Trouble with their desperation plan is...the virus has mutated, and lost virulence. Its just not deadly. All mutations WEAKEN a virus...not strengthen them. Almost panic time for the socialists and The Swamp.

Just wait until Trump's October surprise of a vaccine announcement.
This will make DEM heads explode in rage. That last bit of their Fear Porn will evaporate before their eyes.

Trump wins in a bigger landslide than last time.
Hairy, do you honestly think those rioters have more than poop for brains?

Mobs generally do but not the folks calling the shots and they know what they are doing. My guess is the leaders of the movement will be getting the word out that a weak pussie in the mayors office that is sympathetic to their position is very good for them. I'm not so sure the citizens in Portland would be quite as progressive if a special election was held.
Mobs generally do but not the folks calling the shots and they know what they are doing. My guess is the leaders of the movement will be getting the word out that a weak pussie in the mayors office that is sympathetic to their position is very good for them. I'm not so sure the citizens in Portland would be quite as progressive if a special election was held.
I'd be shocked if those citizens vote much different than they always do.
I'd be shocked if those citizens vote much different than they always do.

Pretty sure they'll go lib no doubt but I would expect they would want someone that promised to get control of the streets. It's one thing to SEE hoodlums acting a fool and burning businesses and public buildings downtown and having the sobs showing up in your neighborhood.
So the Mayor needs help from the police(that he wants to defund) to protect him from the peaceful SJW he supports and the cops aren't showing up. LMAO...break down his door and drag his dumb ass outside. He'll be crying for Trump to rescue him......Trump to Mayor I read your letter.
I view this like the LBQRSTUVWXYZ crowd that was picketing Chicfila, they were almost overcome by heat exhaustion but the employees of Chicfila offered them free beverages and meals while they protested outside of the restaurant. Trump should show them grace whether they deserve it or not. We all sin and Jesus still forgives even though we are not worthy of his grace/love.
Pretty sure they'll go lib no doubt but I would expect they would want someone that promised to get control of the streets. It's one thing to SEE hoodlums acting a fool and burning businesses and public buildings downtown and having the sobs showing up in your neighborhood.
True but when do the dims live up to their promises. It's kinda of like the cheating spouse who promises to never do it again and keeps doing it, rinse and repeat.
Mobs generally do but not the folks calling the shots and they know what they are doing. My guess is the leaders of the movement will be getting the word out that a weak pussie in the mayors office that is sympathetic to their position is very good for them. I'm not so sure the citizens in Portland would be quite as progressive if a special election was held.
Agree, they changed Bend Oregon to Bent.
I view this like the LBQRSTUVWXYZ crowd that was picketing Chicfila, they were almost overcome by heat exhaustion but the employees of Chicfila offered them free beverages and meals while they protested outside of the restaurant. Trump should show them grace whether they deserve it or not. We all sin and Jesus still forgives even though we are not worthy of his grace/love. make too much sense.:)
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Now the talking points all my lib fb acquaintances are using is that all the violence out there as well as covid is all Trump's fault. When just this week the RNC laid out how this was all dim run cities that Trump offered federal help to. Seriously, memes saying stuff like "You hate 2020 and all you see? And people want 4 more years of it under Trump?" But because Americans are so dumb (at best 30th in the world in education for the past 40+ years...), they are all saying it. Geez.
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Now the talking points all my lib fb acquaintances are using is that all the violence out there as well as covid is all Trump's fault. When just this week the RNC laid out how this was all dim run cities that Trump offered federal help to. Seriously, memes saying stuff like "You hate 2020 and all you see? And people want 4 more years of it under Trump?" But because Americans are so dumb (at best 30th in the world in education for the past 40+ years...), they are all saying it. Geez.
Its just like when they blamed the collapse in the last few months of W on W instead of on the 100% DEM Congress and the prospects of a Communist infiltrator as POTUS. 7.5 years of prosperity, but once they took over and pro-growth policies were ending, it was all W's fault.
Somebody will say it again.
Now the talking points all my lib fb acquaintances are using is that all the violence out there as well as covid is all Trump's fault. When just this week the RNC laid out how this was all dim run cities that Trump offered federal help to. Seriously, memes saying stuff like "You hate 2020 and all you see? And people want 4 more years of it under Trump?" But because Americans are so dumb (at best 30th in the world in education for the past 40+ years...), they are all saying it. Geez.
Is the glass half empty or half full?
In all seriousness, if this was posted somewhere a year ago I would have thought it was an April fools joke. Or some kind of troll. You really can’t make this up. It won’t be long till this guy is tied up twenty feet in the air somewhere, while the people he is insanely protecting, are throwing ish at him. You have to give him credit for sticking to the party line. Till the end. He is standing up to the most powerful person in the world (the president) for the citizens of his city. (In his own batshit crazy mind) In the meantime, the same people he is trying to protect want to hurt him. I would call this the dumbest bullshit I have ever seen, but something more ridiculous will probably happen tomorrow at this point.
The mayors of these liberal cities would be the first politicians to make a deal with our enemies if we were invaded. No doubt in my mind.
He’s not leftist enough for the rioters. He joined them one night a few weeks ago in an assault on the federal courthouse. The anarchists booed him, shoved him around, & then federal agents blasted him with pepper spray. He made it out of there due to having private security.

These people are morons. Communists.

Nothing more-nothing less
The "mostly peaceful protesters also through water bottles and other debris at him, yelled at him to resign, chased him and his security detail to a safe house, where they pummelled the outside of the building until they got him out of there. He caught some pepper spray when the "mostly peaceful protestors" brought in the grinders and cutting tools to work on the fence in front of the federal courthouse.
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They will eat their own (that much is obvious). You saw this in NYC, Minneapolis, and Chicago. Never give unruliness a stage!
They did it in Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, East Germany, Romania, etc, etc, etc. As soon as they get their way, they turn on each over to see who the real leaders are, then after millions are sent to work camps, death camps, executed, jailed.....some liberal professors are telling students how great Socialism(Communism) really is, it’s just that those people did it wrong.