Your biggest vice??? *

Chewing tobacco??..... Never had it, but have had Red Man....

The last time I had that was back in HS. We had a guy on our HS team that liked to keep a wad in his mouth when he practiced and played. Until one day, he swallowed it at practice. He turned as white as a sheet....then threw up. I thought the dumb SOB done got died. That was the day I quit, would probably break out in a cold sweat now if I tried now...but it looked cool back then.
Re: Unfortunately all 3 of these .... Beer, Liquor, Red Meat!!! ***

All that BS about red meat hurting you has been reversed. So has too much salt in your diet. You would think pork would be the worse culprit anyway because of the fat content but they were slick. The other white meat.
Re: Chewing tobacco??..... Never had it, but have had Red Man....

Yep. Don't start. I did when I quit smoking.
Can understand, U know when you have had enough when you start....

To use acronyms in your conversations.
Re: been fortunate, only chewed for about a month. Never smoked or dipped*

Never used any hard drugs like cocaine but I'll swear nicotine is the toughest one to quit.

She has her place!

Re: Chewing tobacco??..... Never had it, but have had Red Man....

I did the same think with Skoal and had a terrible time quitting, really about as bad as quitting cigarettes, which took me years.

Then developed a cigar habit, which I quit last year and had a hell of a time with that,too. Don't ever want to see any effin tobacco again.
Dipped tobacco everyday for 28 years. Tried several times to

quit. Most I made it was 2 days. Finally said fock it last October because my insurance was going to go up if I didn't quit. went cold turkey. Believe it or not, I started drinking organic apple cider vinegar 3 times a day and that nicotine was flushed out of my system in a month and my blood work came back clean. Haven't even had the slightest urge since then.
Should google it. Apparently the organic stuff has a lot of

natural medicinal purposes. I've actually even lost a little weight. Be forewarned though.....taste like shat. I usually mix a shot half and half with apple juice to try to knock down the vinegar flavor.
If you had any idea how long it took...

my pansy ass, you'd be laughing too hard to offer congratulations. I started trying in 1990. Boro Reds, Boro Lights, Boro Ultra Lights, patches, pills, tranquilizers, hypnotism, acupuncture, more alcohol, less alcohol, everything short of slitting my own throat. Took me 24 miserable years.
its not that hard to give up tobacco

I should know, I've done it about 40 times now.

Congratulations on kicking it - I've been smokeless-free for a decade now myself. Its has only been a couple of years since I realized I hadn't had the urge to buy a can in a long time. Those first couple of years, I was in my car on the way to the store to buy one at least 6 times and managed to talk myself out of it on the way.
Helps my heartburn which makes no sense to me since it seems like you

are trying to negate an acid with an acid. But it prolly works cause it tastes so bad the stomach acid just says fock it! I'm out.
Re: been fortunate, only chewed for about a month. Never smoked or dipped*

I guarantee it is the hardest for many people like me. If you really want off, try weaning yourself down from Red Man to Skoal and eventually to Snus. If you can survive on Snus for six months, you can probably quit.

The bad thing is how much i miss it. I enjoyed cigarettes, I enjoyed chew, and I enjoyed snuff. I really enjoyed cigars with a buddy and some good booze.

At least the chew is far easier on the body than the cigarettes, imo.
One man's vice is another man's pleasure ...

What some call pleasure, others call pain.

It's all relative, dude.
since the zero means zero calories, I doubt weight was the problem ...

I would imagine the problem was bouncing off the walls.
That's why I went to it. Doc told me the worse you can do is suck

smoke down your lungs.
Re: Thanks. My wife puts it in some concoction she drinks***

I chewed Levi Garrett, Red Man Golden Blend and Lancaster. Quit about 18 years ago. Certain foods, fishing, long road trips, reading a good book... All triggers for me. Calmed down a lot now. Good luck.
Re: Thanks. My wife puts it in some concoction she drinks***

Not quitting until I retire. May work until I die so I don't have to. Almost worse than cigarettes for me. First and last thing in the day.
my ADD allowed me to miss the "zero" part...nonetheless, my 1st thought...

was the sugar in the drink. After googling it, unbeknownst to me, it has no sugar. I probably have not had the equivalent of a 12 pk of coke (soda) since my adult life.....have just stayed away from it. I wish I could say the same about beer.
15 regular cokes a day would probably take me from 220 ..

to 260 in a couple of months. I love a coca cola, but it is truly poison.