Your impartial media folks

Please take in Kamala’s most recent ad. Take it all in. She explains how a home can create wealth. Help you retire. When working clsss people can buy homes again that is a good thing. America thrives when this happens. She is a savior and a savant. God help us.
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Please take in Kamala’s most recent ad. Take it all in. She explains how a home can create wealth. Help you retire. When working clsss people can buy homes again that is a good thing. America thrives when this happens. She is a savior and a savant. God help us.
Its hilarious how the DEI border czar queen is trying to separate herself from the last 3.5 yrs and all the reckless and damaging Dem polices that has this country and world in such a mess..if things were so damn good, shouldn’t she be lauding those policies….Open borders, Inflation, DEI, Foreign Policy, Economy, Drug Overdoses, Crime…stand behind what your policies have caused!!!
Evidently, all is not brotherly love in Chicago:
"Democrats are attempting to prevent an embarrassing internal party clash inside next week's National Convention, even as they are expecting demonstrators on the streets of Chicago against the U.S. role in the Israel-Hamas war, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

About 30 uncommitted delegates representing the Democratic primary voters who opposed President Joe Biden — mainly over what they consider his favoring Israel — will have unfettered access to make their voices heard inside Chicago's United Center, where the convention will be held.

Efforts that have been going on for months to defuse these tensions, as well as efforts to soothe hurt feelings over Vice President Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the Democratic nominee, have led to some progress, according to the Time"
The coordination between the state and the media is the biggest threat out there bar none. Control public opinion, control the public…it’s step 1A. And too many folks are OK with it because they hate DT (which I won’t even argue about that has its merits).
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