Been away for a few days. Would someone please catch me up with........

Chat will be moving to a topic view only format on Monday and

most on here think the world is going to end when it does. Some of the folks need some perspective.
It's not that difficult to navigate and it seems to work just fine on

other boards like the rivals main board.
It doesn't work very well on the Rivals main board. In fact, it sucks

Chat will whither away and have less participation than ever.
It will be as dead as all the other Rivals boards.
Just doesn't work as well for Chat, switch to topic view and look at Chat..

if you want an example.
Exactly, and right away in thread I see everyone who has replied. The

ones who get the style start in the subject line. Right away I see the posts I want to read. I can ignore the rest w/o a tab to click.
Looked over there and wondered why that board even exists.

Now I know why I never had the interest to go there. Do you know if it's ever worthwhile in any format?
exactly...or when they just give you a response as if you're a complete

and total dumbass, because you don't speak SQL programming or web infrastructure.
its too tedious to read the posts over there, so I don't know. However...

What i did read was very graphic and racist and crude. Brutal pornographic language.
I'm no prude AT ALL, but wow, it was a sewer. I can't imagine most of us liking that.

It's too hard to have much of a conversation in topic view FOR ME, because of the constant scrolling, and trying to understand the various offshoots of threads that make this place so fun. Things said over there seem buried in pages of text and graphics. There's got to be a trick to it.

I said last night that I'm simply not smart enough to figure out why the topic people love it so much. Move tried it many times a quickly give up,

I need an instructional video where someone goes thru a real whole thread and shows how you're supposed to understand how it flows.
If somebody makes that video I will watch and try to learn all the tricks to it. I'm a really fast learner on everything else...except for this.