Biden and the dems


Letterman and National Champion
Sep 27, 2020
Have really done their constituency a disservice and I can’t believe any of these people think that they are winning. A lot of RINOs in this mix too.

With Avdiivka falling to Russia, it really drives home the point you can’t trust anything from the media or WH admin, as this “war” will be over soon. Remember when they were all saying Russia was faltering at every turn, being wupped, soldiers losing hope, running out of munitions, populace in open rebellion, economy driven to dust from our sanctions. It was an hourly report from the media and the group thinkers bought it hook, line and sinker. Anyone that still has any faith in the WH, media and Biden deserves everything they get by following these fools into a national suicide.

Biden and his UKR supporters only succeeded in getting almost 500k ukrainians killed. For what? The only people better off from this are a few commie oligarchs, and defense contractors. If ever seen through the eyes of an unbiased perspective, it will go down as one of the most flawed operations in our history, aside from Afghanistan that is.

Spare me the CNN drivel about how the Russian economy and military are in ruins. It’s pure propaganda.

Look at fani in Atlanta and how she has damaged the image of what the dems claim to uphold and protect. All the progressives and dems gloating about a win over Trump. I don’t see that when I look at this. I see a system and woman exposed. I see a product of DEI, not a competent AG. She exposed DEI beneficiaries as low IQ, unethical, hypocritical laughing stock which will be applied by many to all people of her race and sex in the future. Just like that embarrassing Supreme Court appointee that can’t define what a woman is.

The progressives can laugh it up, but the jokes on them.

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