Colin Cowherd latest victim of PC disease.

Boost Assendahm

Always Ready, Never Prepared
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Colin Cowherd, like most news spreaders, is paid to create controversy if none is obvious at the moment. If controversy already exists on a particular subject, his and his counterparts' jobs are to pour on the fuel, to stir the pot, to incite most of us to take one side or the other and start raising hell.

I get the outrage over Hulk Hogan's recently reported "sex tape" ramblings in which he used the "N-bomb" freely. The Hulk, in character and out, has been in trouble for what he's said and done more than a few times. Maybe he can be Trump's vice consultant.

I struggle with who's allowed to disrespect whom, and which type of disrespect is funny or deserved or not. Some forms of disrespect are considered the worst possible insult and is career ending for many. But for some of us, disrespecting others, regardless of profession or station in our culture, is our chosen way of life, our only source of personal pride. For still others, disrespecting just about everybody yields a successful career in show business. We pretty much suck at consistently doing what we claim is right.
Colin Cowherd, like most news spreaders, is paid to create controversy if none is obvious at the moment. If controversy already exists on a particular subject, his and his counterparts' jobs are to pour on the fuel, to stir the pot, to incite most of us to take one side or the other and start raising hell.

I get the outrage over Hulk Hogan's recently reported "sex tape" ramblings in which he used the "N-bomb" freely. The Hulk, in character and out, has been in trouble for what he's said and done more than a few times. Maybe he can be Trump's vice consultant.

I struggle with who's allowed to disrespect whom, and which type of disrespect is funny or deserved or not. Some forms of disrespect are considered the worst possible insult and is career ending for many. But for some of us, disrespecting others, regardless of profession or station in our culture, is our chosen way of life, our only source of personal pride. For still others, disrespecting just about everybody yields a successful career in show business. We pretty much suck at consistently doing what we claim is right.
No struggle....if you're a white man, you're not allowed to crap on minorities. If you're a white female, you're probably not allowed either but democrats get a bit of a pass
I find it ironic (actually pathetic is probably a better word) that Obama and others say that we need to have an open and honest discussion about race and if a white person, as part of the discussion, states an opinion critical of a minority, is immediately branded a racist and suffers innumerable consequences including loss of employment.

How can a white person be honest in that environment?